Why do normies are so bland?

Why do normies are so bland?


>Nintendo needs to hire you people immediately! This movie must be made!

>That was freaking amazing! My god... words can't describe please make more


Yeah, right, the animation is gorgeous and all, but these fucktards are seeing this as the second coming of Christ, dear lord.

Other urls found in this thread:


I liked it quite a lot OP.
Also, you just said it was gorgeous. Stop being so negative.

Majora's Mask is overrated.


go cry about it in the comments

Why are you so contrarian?
Can't accept the fact people like things you don't?

Because its actually really fucking top notch and also it has the zelda factor behind it

Wow, you really are a negative person. It was a neat film. People are excited about seeing one of their favorite childhood games in such a cool, high-production-value sort of way.
You need to get off of Sup Forums for a while. It's clearly getting to you.

To be fair, the tone and tension throughout was fantastic.
Coming from someone who never played majoras mask

It's nice, but that is all. The fairies look like shit tho

It's a shame this person just decided to ape an existing intellectual property, instead of using their talent to create something unique.

whining about youtube comments on Sup Forums is literally more autistic than actually posting a youtube comment.

Think about that for a moment, OP.

So does that make us normies

It's really well done.

Can't wait to see people's reaction to the copyright take down.

Gamers are a special breed of guillible children.

That being said the animation was really well made. Gotta give credit where it's due.

Very true. Why the fuck did they render them as spheres? They're tiny people that exude light.


You fags need to go away and stop trying so hard to "fit in" in a fucking anonymous imageboard website.

Of course, to divulge his work and when the DMCA knock on his door, he will cry and he will get a huge following. The Nintendo boogeyman still lives.

literally this whole board, arguably the whole site

Fuck off, reddit

So how do I refer to them? Only retards?

Oh stop being such a fucking cynical dicksplash you teen faggot.

This was perfect and keeping anything about Link out of it was a huge fucking plus.



>People are enjoying things that are not even closely near to the source material
I mean, yeah just look at this youtube.com/watch?v=_siGRI5ricw
>I'm so happy that this is made, it's exactly like the original Link's Awakening just in 3D!

But that animation is pretty good in Youtube of horrible Gmod-videos and other bad animation

You are an absolute fucking nigger.
That thing was actually pretty good.
STFU with your le Sup Forums i le hate le all culture.

ikr. reminds me all those faggots that taped themselves shitting thermselves over the jew jew star wars announcement.

For any MM fans, or Zelda, check out the OST remake/remix they did for it.


It's pretty damn good.

>make OC
>this is somehow bad
>using the word "normie"
You can go fuck off back to your upboat site, faggot.


I bet you two are sucking this shit too, am I right?

>skull kid is a cutesy little disney creature
>old mask man is now a kawaii uguu anime shota
>the kid no longer attacks the salesman to steal the mask, rather the mask itself knocks him out and possesses the skull kid while he's perfectly innocent
It was animated well, but these people didn't have a fucking clue how to handle this game.

I bet they don't even played the game.

>skull kid is a cutesy little disney creature
i mean he's a wooden midget with a beak senpai, did you want them to add fangs or some dumb shit

>making a thread to complain about youtube comments

>how dare they enjoy something i don't!
get off your high horse and shut the fuck up you mongo

>Thread posts are literally YouTube comments.

What has this site become?

It was invaded by too many normalfags

Mask salesman looks weird.

>people are enjoying this the wrong way

Nigga calm down

How do we know the imp knocked out the salesman?

>Yea it is good but why is it popular?! that makes it shit!

That's sooo reddit.

the mask salesman tells you the first time you meet him.

I hate when people get excited over stupid shit. Be it football, esport or video games.

Its basically "oh, so I make models and apply some Unreal default material".
Neither of the fairies fit the default materials.

No he doesn't, he says the imp stole it from him

>why do normies are so bland?
See a doctor about that

Why do you care?

You sound very jaded, user. Learn to enjoy life.

>that guy who goes to other websites and pretends he's still on Sup Forums

Please don't be that guy.

This. It was implied, but not definite.

Here's the thing, though. If they actually tried to create something original, it probably would have gotten next to no recognition whatsoever, a phenomenon which happens way too much.

Eh, they just bother me, they get all loud and cringeworthy, like when you hear the super outgoing "I AM SUCH A GAMER" big nerds just throwing out their powerlevel everywhere.

The Animations of Key..

They added a Pixar/DreamWorks kiddie animation, with Majors mask.... The Tone is Majora, but the Animation is kung foo Panda/frozen.. Its a hit and miss..

00:49-1:53, 3:33-3:41, 4:01-4:38 The Animations are spot on with the Majors Mask Tone/Title..

The rest of it is On spot with the Frozen/Kung Fu Panda Animation.. which makes the video feel alienated from the title. The skull kid scene is the only exception for the kiddie appeal, because that's unfortunately skull kid.

Life's pretty cruel man...

I liked it. Animation is a too dreamworks-lite though.

Isn't there a cutscene with the imp standing over a knocked out mask salesman as he looks at the mask?


Maybe people think Nintendo should do something like it because they haven't done anything actually interesting with their IPs in years.


I thought there was a scene, where the happy mask salesman was sleeping and got his mask stolen by Skull Kid in the meantime.

arguably, life

>readin yt comments
Do yourself a favor and just don't read those.

It's shit. Just as expected.

You do know this is Zelda we are talking about right?
It has ALWAYS been "kiddie".
even the darkest most "mature" Zelda TP is still not as rough on kids psyche as Disney movies.

what? nigger you're dumb as tits that short is all prerendered

all in all it's pretty gay but i can see why normies would like it

Found it. youtube.com/watch?v=1gPJ5In7t_Q

at about 26:04. Yeah, it could be either the mask sellsman was sleeping or he got knocked out. judging by what's shown.

Can we all least agree the music is god tier?


Theophany is breddy gud
His molgera theme is killer even if it is drawn out a tad.

was expecting autism but this is legit better than anything Nintendo has put out in years, have fun being a contrarian, OP

But it's great animation and from an independent team for free

Who wouldn't enjoy a full movie of it?

>That Woods of Mystery Climax
Couldn't help myself from dancing along

>Nintendo needs to hire you people immediately! This movie must be made!
They said the same thing about Overwatch. Even if every fucking game movie has sucked ass. Casuals are just really fucking dumb.

They fucked up the HMS's character hard

Those albums are pretty shitty. What's great about MM's music is how catchy and memorable they are. Adding ten minutes of fluff just kind of things them.

Wait till you hear Deku Palace

More like
Fedora's Mask

>Reading youtube comments
You are the only one to blame.

Reddit has invaded Sup Forums today

The thread

Never realized how good that Astronomer song actually is.


The remix in the first CD is great too.

>hating on normies
ah kill yourself faggot
let them say whatever they want

it was alright but wasnt that fucking good.

>Farys look like glowing meatballs with wings
>OST hardly recognizable
>Skullkid removing his beak
>No Link
Either way it should be hilarious when they get a C&D

Literally all of that is subjective though

Also it won't get C&Ds since they're not making money off of it like other people had with their projects

Theres just something about Zelda "fanprojects" that just rubs me the wrong way.

I don't get the love for Zelda honestly. It's alright, but it's nothing special. I guess it appeals to casuals.

I'm with the guy who said he should be making his own original content instead.

>wont get C&D since they aren't making money off of it
>implying this will stop them
No. Copyright is also about protecting your IP. It's why AM2R got C&D'd despite free distribution. Content like that is not representative of your company.

I love majora's mask because it is a tad bit more grim than most Zeldas. But this is also a reason why so many pretentious people come to this game because it has "deep meanings." Like nigga, no meanings were ever that deep at all. I guess this contradicts me disliking hipsters by being a hipster that dislikes hipsters.

Theres nothing fucking deep about MM at all.

You basically turn dead peoples spirits into masks and live their lives. That's not deep.

It's completely skin deep. You can take everything exactly at face value.

>he should be making his own original content instead.
I bet you $100 you didn't know who he was before this

Exactly my man

what's up with Sup Forums and hating fangames/tributes lately

This phenomenon has been going on for a couple of years, it wasn't always like this. What the fuck happened? I know Sup Forums isn't one person but it seems really prevalent, and that prevalence has only started kinda recently.

Doesn't matter.

People have this illusion that associating yourself with famous things/people will make you famous.

He gained 10k subs in 30 days. You can guess he probably only gained like 8k from posting that video, out of a million views.

That's fucking nothing. That's horrible turn around.

It's been here since the beginning.

fangames, fandubs, romhacks and all that shit have always bene garbage.

I don't think people hate the tributes, just the people associated with it. Although it's not too bad IMO. Just teenagers who think their opinions matter.

>AN2R was "free"
But it wasn't.
He made money, not directly from the game but the game had the means to give him a profit.

This animation has NO profit so no reason to C&D. Read the law again.

>reading jewtube comments ever


Contrarianism, as always

Fangames are popular now so Sup Forums has to hate it. Same reason why Sup Forums hates net neutrality and is pro surveillance now,

How he made money?