Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

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It's shit

Also if a game survives solely of nostalgic elitism then it's double shit. By the way Fallout 1 and 2 are shit.

The only elitist here is you, retard. Now fuck off and die with your shitty opinions.

>mfw CRPG are literally my video game redemption since discovering the genre
That said, it's a more mature genre that gotta-go-fast-kiddies like you don't like to invest into. Just like 4x games. Grow up man child.

bad graphisc


Next to none unique death animations and gore.
If I crit some faggot with an overpowered sniper rifle I expect to paint the entire room with his brain.

Can't wield Balor's hammer normally.
Can't reach the same psi pool as tchortists.

I've seen some people complain about that but it never bugged me personally until someone mention it. If it's the only flaw this game have then it's an amazing game and it is.

>combat focused crpg
>you control a single character

also a general lack of respect for the player's time what with the slow movement speed and other tedious features

The Gauntlet.
There, I said it. It sucks. Fuck it.

What elitism?

>number crunching and fog of war clearing
>mature genre

Exactly my point with the elitism.
> gotta-go-fast-kiddies
It being boring shit isn't the point, it remains a terrible genre.

Doesn't follow my reversed mouse button scheme.

too difficult

It has a name that is dangerously close to Undertale.


found one

No companions.

>it being boring shit
>terrible genre

Nice elitism there kid. Nobody cares that you don't like cRPGs. Go back to your Undertale general.

1 man party CRPGs are garbage
graphics are shit even for indie standards

It won't have two sequels with two expansions each.

it taste so good

Story is only decent if you manage to correctly finish one single side quest.

Bait or not, I'll bite. Underrail is my first cRPG and I have clocked 180+ hours on it so far. I tried getting into Fallout games before discovering Underrail and couldn't, but now that I got used to the cRPG mechanics in Underrail, I played and started enjoying the fuck out of classic Fallouts. There's no nostalgia involved for me.

literally forcing you to be playing at one hundred percent of your gaming ability giving you no chance to breathe

motherfucker who made this never heard of pacing

>oh I'm facing the most basic enemy one fuck up and I die

Might as well ask here I guess.

I cleared out the raider camp under the GMS compound and killed a named raider among them. This happened on my first visit to the compound
Was that part of a later quest that I fucked up? Should I load an earlier save?

> sounds like "underfail"
> wait, that's a feature, not a flaw

>hurr durr gotta give all my intellectual juice to make the best out of certain situations

might as well say out loud you are a casual
there's a reason why there's 3 difficulties, 2 type of exp system and save/quick save/autosave on top of it.

git gud

Strong rethoric without any backup.

Yeah it sucks dick.
Timed missions in a game which lets you create a lot of different builds which may play extremely slow is bullshit.

>using the saving system as a gameplay mechanic to excuse the complete disregard when it comes to pacing in this game


lousy joke.

>Was that part of a later quest that I fucked up?
Nah, you haven't done anything wrong. If someone is hostile by default, you are free to kill them. Well, no, scratch that. That's not completely true. But in this case it is. If you see a named bandit/raider/lunatic/etc. it's usually a sign that you should loot the guy because he carries a unique item or oddity.

not my fault that you are too much of an idiot to realize that you can make your own pace instead of getting handhold like most modern game. Jesus christ you are a disgrace and should stop posting.

>better ignore 3/4ths of the post since I cant come up with an argument
>Maybe noone will notice

No shotguns.

>shit shit shit shit

Alright, thanks for the reply.

fuck off undertards

>impyling RTwP clusterfuck where you pause every split second and can't see shit is better

Took too much time to get the appreciation it deserve for a game made by 1 guy. Luckily the sudden surge of threads about on Sup Forums and the upcoming expansion will boost the notoriety of it. I'm happy for Styg. Great guy.

>all enemies are equally tough
>create your own pace

w e w

>literally forcing you to be playing at one hundred percent of your gaming ability giving you no chance to breathe
You can finsh the whole game without a single combat skill.

You are just shit.

He's not a great guy. He's a bald Serb who hates Croats because they're better than him.

No problem. Just in case, what I said is wrong in one specific case. There will be NPCs who warn you about it, but it's still an easy trap to fall into.

>He's not a great guy

>proving me right

wew lad

>hates croats
why is it every time someone posts something about Styg I like him even more

Kill yourself, Jan.

>can finish the game with unoptimized builds
>somehow proving the game gives no chance to breathe
Are you retarded?

Incredibly slow movement, ugly as sin, lacking variety, combat focused with garbage tier combat and very little strategy.

Very good game though.

Got it in a bundle. Should I play it?

What do you have to lose?

>lacking variety, combat focused with garbage tier combat and very little strategy

>fishing with no DEX
The absolute madman.;/scroll:#gamelist

that's a damn nice bundle

Psi too OP.

Especially when things like Gun Nut get nerfed even though they were not that good to begin with.

My only complaint toward Psi is that the game encourage you to go full in PSI and not hybrid. Hopefully the new school of supporting PSI in the expansion will fix that

That's true as well.

All the buffs from the new school look nice, especially the +15 AP/ +30 MP and -1 turn cooldown. It also looks like most of the buffs don't benefit from WILL or skill level so you could take them even on 3 WILL builds, but I'm not sure if it's worth the -25% health penalty.

>conclusion without foundation
>meaningless statement
Thanks for participating, donĀ“t bother again.

The entire endgame

To be fair a pure psi at best can only have 140 psi points. You can run out of it in no time. And a pure psi with no reserves is a dead man.

It's still more than enough to fuck up everything in the game. They just have so many options with so much power it's crazy.

Don't kid yourself, high CON psi builds are literally untouchable.

I only play 3 CON psis so I wouldn't know. Battlemage builds never interested me. But if someone enjoys it, I see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to do it. The primary appeal of wizard builds has always been the generally wider range of options available to them, and that's not a bad thing. It keeps builds different. That being said I'm not a fan of the gun nerf. That was pointless, and doesn't make those builds more interesting to play.

But everyone make mistakes.

it's fun in a RP perspective a fucking x-man wrecking all the underrail but it sucks for character building.

We have some nice threads but them someone on Sup Forums always needs to start posting bait. Nu-Sup Forums why are we like this? All I ever see is the similarly formatted bait posts when I scroll through the pages.
Everything is "Find a flaw", "BIGGEST BLUNDER", e-celeb shit posts, "name one....", Console x Pc shit.
Sup Forums but them some gameplay threads show up I get all nostalgic about this board, ya its always been shit but shit in different ways. Now people post just to collect 'you's and anyone posting about enjoying games get called shills.

Fuck op I don't know if it was your intent but the way you started this thread has really disappointed me. I was so impressed we had a weeks worth or underrail threads without the usual shitposting but here we are again.

Nu-Sup Forums has come to collect the (you)'s

>control one character
>turn based

100% agree with you. This is literally the first official underrail thread saying ''underrail has enter the meme sphere''

and it manage to be good. can we enjoy that for a moment ?

>turn based

>talking about unrelated shit

oh cool how epic kid

> That was pointless, and doesn't make those builds more interesting to play.
I feel like it would still be a good feat if it increased lower damage rather than upper.

Upper damage range increase is nothing but DPS increase. Not all gun builds are interested in pure DPS and it's been proven that it's inferior to getting more PER instead.

But lower damage range would both increase the DPS and make the weapon more reliable and its damage more consistent.

For example the upper damage could as well not exist when I'm playing a sniper build, I want it to kill everything in one shot reliably so lower damage is all I care about.

Bad threads happen. They happened before, and they will happen in the future. Don't read too much into it. Try to salvage them, or just let them die.

That's very much related since all RtwP cRPGs are party based.

No, that's actually wrong. One well know exception is Divine Divinity.

I wasn't being literal. The vast, vast majority of them is party based while you control only a single character in many other turn based cRPGs.


>anime poster asking pople if they have brain problems
The irony is too much.

At least you are not a tripfag.

>>all enemies are equally tough
>I haven't really played the game

You know shit about what you are talking, you must know at least that much, right?

>I'm a fucking retard


Are you implying there wasever a RTwP cRPG that wasn't a clusterfuck pause fest when it comes to combat?

That said it can still be fun, but it's a clusterfuck nevertheless.

Damn thats some horrible taste

I always thought the clusterfuck was part of the appeal. At least it is for me. For gameplay reasons I prefer turn based. But I do appreciate the chaos of rtwp when the creators do it right.

Says the retard who think all enemies are equally tough.

>I always thought the clusterfuck was part of the appeal.
It is, but it's as I said it's a clusterfuck nevertheless.

The other user was arguing that single character combat is somehow worse though.

LITERALLY MS Paint graphics

And I really mean LITERALLY

Guy drew all textures in MS Paint.


you can't tell Six to fuck off without him killing you

>hates croats

based, he's probably redpilled too

gonna buy his game right now

>tfw first poster is a troll and can't derail the underrail.

>Guy drew all textures in MS Paint
Years ago, yes.

He hired an actual artist that rewroked pretty much everything.

You can run away.

He's just jealous he's not a pure-blooded Aryan Croat. It's the Turko-Serb blood in him that makes him rage.


Nah, you will miss out some good lore if you fuck it up but it's just a small part of it.

>No map + small areas, which results in quickly getting lost when just exploring around
>Uglyass graphics - first Fallout looked MUCH better. In 1997.
>Too much relies on bad or good day of RNG, resulting in fights getting repeated over and over again, just to avoid that "lucky" 150+ dmg crit from enemy
>Trading is just annoying - my lockers in SGS are full of TONS of guns and armors, which I cant sell, because weapon sellers in Junkyard and SGS have low amount of money and nobody else wants to buy those
>No running

Game is good and despite some frustrating moments, pretty fun so far, but saying that it dont have flaws is just silly.

Also, is there upper limit of "maxed" skill? I mean, Im level 12 or something and was maxing three psi disciplines so far, pumped like 50 points into stealth, 30 into melee, something into trading and persuation, rest into hacking, lockpicking and pickpocketing. No points left to put anything into crafting skills and I would like to know, if each level up will basically look the same, because game forces me to max hacking/lockpicking every level to be able to open up containers and doors.

there is only 1 fight that relies en RNG on the game, you are just bad and too used to savescumming

the trading system could use some improvements, but you are just picking up all the worthless shit and trying to sell it stop doing that and you wont have a locker full of shit you can't sell

>No map + small areas, which results in quickly getting lost when just exploring around
This is a design decison, Styg simply does not see map to be vital enough to spend additional work on it.

I never got lost anywhere except for the caves and labyrinth but that's feature, not a flaw. If you are getting lost so much maybe you should simply put more attention to your surroundings. Draw a map yourself, even.

>Uglyass graphics - first Fallout looked MUCH better. In 1997.
Yeah, Fallout also had $3 million budget and way more people behind it. It's indie and a cRPG, I never found it to be an issue. The art is pretty if you ask me.

>Too much relies on bad or good day of RNG, resulting in fights getting repeated over and over again, just to avoid that "lucky" 150+ dmg crit from enemy
RNG doesn't fuck you up, if anything it allows you to win fights you shouldn't win in the first place.

I finished a perma death run of Underrail and each of my failures was my own mistake.

If you are having so much trouble with enemy crits maybe you should take some feats or equip some items that decrease the chance ot be critically hit, invest more points into CON, take some defensive feats, or wear something like pic related.

>Trading is just annoying - my lockers in SGS are full of TONS of guns and armors, which I cant sell, because weapon sellers in Junkyard and SGS have low amount of money and nobody else wants to buy those
The system is supposed to encourage smart looting, as in taking things with a good value/weight ratio or things with worse ratio that are easy to sell

If merchants are out of money, buy their shit. Buy ammo from gun merchants and resell it to general store merchants. Buy blueprints since they are so light and valueable they can work as a second currency. Buy components to use in crafting.

And if you really don't see anything you can buy, what's the issue then? What do you need that extra money for? You are not doing anything with it anyways.


All the fights relies on rng, stop lying. 20-30 dmg from single shot vs 80-100 from crit do makes a difference, when you face a group. Especially early on, when "lucky" strike from Psi Beetle fries character brain prematurely.

>Also, is there upper limit of "maxed" skill?
There is no hardcap, but some skills don't need to be as high as the others.

> I mean, Im level 12 or something and was maxing three psi disciplines so far, pumped like 50 points into stealth, 30 into melee, something into trading and persuation, rest into hacking, lockpicking and pickpocketing. No points left to put anything into crafting skills
Well you can't make a cookie-cutter build that does everything in this game. You took a total of 4 offensive skills, almost all subterfuge and talking skills so it's only logical you odn't have any left for crafting.

>I would like to know, if each level up will basically look the same, because game forces me to max hacking/lockpicking every level to be able to open up containers and doors
The highest hacking check is 135, lockpicking is 130.

If you need to max both hacking and lockpicking just to keep up then your base abilites associated with them (DEX for lockpicking, INT for hacking) must be low.

Or better yet, I go and play Fallout and Fallout 1.5 instead of this literal lolsoretro indie pixelshit cancer garabge meme game.