Lord IGA still wants to make Tradit. Metroid great again, would be honored if he got the opputunity


thoughts lads?

also, Metroid/Metroidvania thread.

As long as he's never allowed to bring any disgusting sex fanservice into it, I wouldn't mind. I'm so sick of seeing people jerk off to Zero Suit Samus and call games bad because they don't constantly portray her as a slut.

>hurr durr Metroid Prime is SJW shit because it doesn't feature her in a bikini

Really pisses me off.

>hurr durr Metroid Prime is SJW shit because it doesn't feature her in a bikini'
what pretendo actually told you that?

pic related, from Metroid Prime 3

as long as he can actually adapt the level design instead of making hallways filled with nothing I would play it
SotN had some great pixel butts

I wouldn't mind a Metroid: Order of Ecclesia type game. Samus going around exploring and fighting through different small areas could be pretty good. Exploring the galaxy from your ship as the map screen and maybe having a central hub you can go back to inbetween missions. Give different mission objectives for each area. Like a metroid hunt em all down a thon or take down x etc.

Offer Zero Suit Samus as an optional hard mode.

Waifufags killed Metroid and Nintendo knows it. ZSS was a mistake.

i really feel starfox fanatic autism is leaking into Metroid threads nowadays.

>"The Prime sub-series and Zero Suit killed Metroid" says increasingly autistic Superfag in Sup Forums for the millionth time in a row.
can't have a good Metroid thread with you fucks coming in each thread


Yeah, Sakamoto being chief among them

Excuse me for stepping on your toes. I'll let you go back to character assassinating Samus with even more ZSS circlejerking with no actual discussion about the games, because none of you fucks even play Metroid.

it is really

point me to /x/ all you want, it's like it some sort of nintendo shill diversion to show if the fans were in the wrong and paint the creator like he's actually in the right

>yfw next game is Fusion x Aria of Sorrow gameplay

>mfw love Metroid Prime and Zero Suit and give ZERO fucks
you metroidbabbies and your petty swabbles

pssshh no words no only butthurt now, don't upset people with selfmade victim complexes they would probably implode

how about you come out of this shit boards sometimes and stop proving Moviebob right about Other M haters

don't make me post the video

>stop proving Moviebob right about Other M haters
what was he "right" about?

>people ITT are actually defending pic related

Ain't that just dandy.

i think it's the japanophobia stuff

Until the guy delivers on his new game I'm not supporting anything else he does

fuck off ACfag

You first, Cody.

never call me that again you nigger

>proving people (or any fuck who never touch Other M) wrong about their exaggeration over ZSS mean their defending Other M
i can tell it's you again with the shitty Image MD5+filename, ACfag

try not making it obvious again with your autistic shitposting in each thread, hunnybun

>proving people (or any fuck who never touch Other M) wrong about their exaggeration over ZSS
You proved them wrong, huh? Then where's our public apology from Nintendo over Metroid: Other M? I don't see it. I also don't see any new Metroid games that completely retcon the game from existence. I also don't see any vids of Sakamoto being fired.

You're not fooling anyone Cody.

>ACfag now has shitty (and balding) boogeyman to grip on in these Sup Forums threads
i haven't visited Sup Forums for a long while, but this is too fucking cute



>can't even do a comeback without messing it up

If you mess up any more, Nitnendo might hire you to make the next Metroid.

>Then where's our public apology from Nintendo over Metroid: Other M?
not everything needs to be publicized for dem proofs. ACfag

>inb4 b-but the producer of DB Evolution came out apologizing to DBZ fans!
because that movie wasn't so totally shit, Toriyama had to privately threaten to sue the nigger's ass for tainting his long-running franchise.

>Then where's our public apology from Nintendo over Metroid: Other M? I don't see it. I also don't see any new Metroid games that completely retcon the game from existence. I also don't see any vids of Sakamoto being fired.
>dat atheism mentality
we're done here, ACfag.

they can bring back Metroid to it's former and proper glory for both 2D and Prime, yet you'll still cry about muh apology and muh fire sakamoto.

you're pointless to deal with, even moreso than Cody Linman

>Lord IGA still wants to make Tradit. Metroid great again
Then he shouldn't have made a bunch of shitty games when he had control of Castlevania.

>not everything needs to be publicized for dem proofs. ACfag
In an industry where companies expect me to shell out hundreds of dollars for their hardware, they should be thankful I'm not demanding more.

>inb4 b-but the producer of DB Evolution came out apologizing to DBZ fans!
How about an ACTUAL example that would fit closer, like FFXIV being such a disgusting mess at launch that the devs had to completely rework it from the ground up? I guess that's too much work for Nintendo?

>they can bring back Metroid to it's former and proper glory for both 2D and Prime, yet you'll still cry about muh apology and muh fire sakamoto.
You know, the only way to find out if this is true is if they actually stop fumbling like idiots and make a good Metroid. 10 years we've been waiting. IT's almost as bad as the F-Zero fan's wait.

you can post interviews of Sakamoto defending, how Hunters sold better than Other M in japan, and praising Metroid Prime and him acknowledging japs still preferring Super Metroid over Other M

he won't stop at all.
>WAAAAH *holds pitchfork like an autist* WHERE'S MUH APOLOGY NINTENDIES! WHERE??? REEEEE *smacks lips*

>that pic
i need some water

I really need to start filtering metroid threads

Wayforward, makers of Shantae could legitimately make a better Metroid games than Nintendo. Nintendo is so far up its own ass, they are completely unwilling to make any 2D metroid successor.

Fuck man, even the makers of Shovel Knight could make a better metroid game than Nintendo. Anything in the vein of matroidvania have been really good entries recently. It isn't difficult to make a moderate metroidvania game if all these indie devs are doing it with relative ease.

Nintendo is just fucking bad and stupid. No other explanation will satisfy my skepticism.

How about posting a new Metroid game? One that isn't just Call of Duty with chibis?


Give me a break.

>Wayforward, makers of Shantae could legitimately make a better Metroid games than Nintendo.
Shantae is fine. But you seriously need to be delusional if you think any Shantae game has been as good as any Metroid game (the only obvious exception being Other M). They're also not the same genre. Shantae is not a 'Metrovania'. Its a 2D Action/Platformer closer to Zelda 2.

>Nintendo: *releases Prime 4 and Metroid 5*
this is you in the future

He cant make level design, he is not good enough
you too, wayforward cant make level design either

these two cant make anything but linear corridors

>AC Fag

All these fucking years and I still dont know what the fuck it means.

>You need this power up before you can proceed - Shantae
>You need this power up before you can proceed - Metriod
>You need this power up before you can proceed - Castlevania

It's nearly identical senpai. Where do you draw the line between a matroidvania style game and a 2D open world adventure game? Maybe you just have autism that prevents you from calling it what it is?

are you fucking insane? these vague descriptions are laughable at best
the same can be said of all games like Banjo, a fucking platformer

>the same can be said of all games like Banjo, a fucking platformer

That one is 3D, we're speaking about 2D here. Please keep up with the analogies, I'm not your teacher forced into no child left behind. Special needs kids will get ignored.

>releases Prime 4 and Metroid 5

Really? When did they do that?

fine, but let me tell just because a 2d game has unlockable moves to go forward doesnt automatically make it a metroid game.

Even if they do make a metroid game they will fuck up the core design of the game

I have yet to see a GOOD copycat of the genre
Not one, I like shantae as a basic game but these games dont compare in the intricacies level design

I'm going to say it was the bad video game that ruined Metroid, not the suit that was barely in it.

"Armored Core faggot"

he was given that name due to his obsession of anything From/Miyazaki makes

also the fact he keeps shitting himself over anything that has dialogue or cutscenes. (pic related is one of his shitposting pics)

and the fact he's the biggest Superbabby to face with in Metroid thread anywhere in Sup Forums, even in Sup Forums.

ACfag will hate the Prime 4 and Metroid 5 regardless if it's a normal entry.

Fusion and Prime 3 is what Metroid games is going to be in the future. Linear shit and all.

What's wrong with that pic though? As someone who owns The Last of Us, it's terribly movie-like and is overall a disgrace to the genre. Every other game there is just painfully mediocre.

>babbies' first Metroidvania

>power ups make it a Metrovania
Are you an idiot? By your logic, Assassins Creed and Zelda are Metrovanias.

>painfully mediocre
oi, fuck off mate. we didnt ask for you opinion.
whether these games suck or not, some are hardly movies compared to the length of gameplay in it

You need power ups in tons of NES platformers to proceed. Doesn't make them Metrovania.

Movies can have hundreds of hours of gameplay, but it doesn't make them NOT movies. It just makes them terrible games, especially if the gameplay is the same grindy filler that AAA devs put in out of laziness.

Did Dragon Age: Cisquisition teach you nothing?

according to the autist in the thread, it's the fictional woman in a bodysuit that ruined the series, not the co-co-creator's (sakamoto) godawful writing.

watch him call me a Other M fanboy defending "le nutendo" or Cody the Cuck

ACfag will hate the Prime 4 and Metroid 5 regardless if it's a normal entry.
I've never praised a Metroid game in the past few ye-

My ex would be very, very happy about this, a shame xe's at work atm

>"Metroid Prime 3 is a movie game."

>according to the autist in the thread, it's the fictional woman in a bodysuit that ruined the series, not the co-co-creator's (sakamoto) godawful writing.
The writing that was a result of her being over-sexualized. Do you think they'd force Mario to be in a game like this? Or Link? Or Kirby? No, because they're men. And they get off scott free.

>I'm so sick of seeing people jerk off to Zero Suit Samus
That's not the only Samus I fap to, though.

Well, it IS the worst of the three Prime games, no contest.

Listen to what he's saying. CURRENT Nintendo is incapable to make a proper 2D metroid, and I'm inclined to agree.

The staff make it, no longer exists at Nintendo.

>The writing that was a result of her being over-sexualized.
please show the scene where Samus gets dicked by feds, not being freezed by the Gary Stu that is Adam Malkovich

Oh my god i forgot he existed

Fuck you

>please show the scene where Samus gets dicked by feds,
How about making her suit emotion-based, so it comes off if she so much as sneezes. A cancer which admittedly began in Zero Mission with that cancerous stealth segment.

run while you can, user.

i started to dwell in metroid threads in /m/ and /vr/ for a reason
>even /utg/ has decent ACfag-free Metroid discussion

>CURRENT Nintendo is incapable to make a proper 2D metroid
But that's false. The majority of the people who worked on the good Metroid games still work at Nintendo. Especially if they got the Zero Mission Team back together.

Nintendo has the capability. They're just not taking advantage of it.

>Zero Suit posters also browse /utg/

That doesn't surprise me in the slightest

>it IS the worst of the three Prime games
oh My GOD, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Zero Suit bros breathe air too, ACfag

got a problem with that?

Prime 2 > 1 > 3

>most linear
>voice acting where it wasn't necessary
>other hunters who were completely useless (and only Rhundas could be considered bro territory)
>anti-climax final fight against Phazon Dark Samus brain thing
>gimmicky Hypermode

I mean, there's some redeeming stuff about it, but come on. It added too much bloat.

There's a difference between breathing air and reveling in furry/skeleton porn.

Finish and release Bloodstained before worrying about Metroid. Please.

This is the correct opinion. You're a good person.

>>voice acting where it wasn't necessary
fuck you, i liked it

Samus talking with GF troops and Dane was kinda cool

>Samus talking with anyone
That's the issue. I want to feel lonely exploring a hostile environment as I backtrack through areas with new powerups. This is what Metroid is to me.

MP: Prime 2 > 1 > 3
Filler games: Hunters > Pinball > FF = Other M
Metroid Classic: Fusion > Super > ZM > M2

I rather have the staff that made CotM or just the staff behind the rest of the GBA/DS games without him.


>disgusting sex fanservice
you're a homo or something?

>Team that thought double tap to run was a good idea

Is this really an issue?

>you're a homo for wanting a good game over fap fuel


those aren't mutually exclusive

It doesn't make the game unplayable or anything, but it it's constant and just unbelievably stupid.

The modern industry says otherwise. I've found that, the less story and fanservice and focus on graphics that a game has, usually the better it will be since the gameplay gets more focus.

This has been true so far for the past 5-6 years minimum, since the best game of each year has only proved my point.

Never really had a problem with it. Maybe because of all those fighting games or kirby games.

>the industry says otherwise
>I find...
You are not the industry.

>The modern industry
>I've found..
>This has been true so far...
listen to the video game pundit go

t. Polygon writer

you really knocked it out the park with that one user

I invite you to do the comparison yourself. Would you rather play a """game""" like Uncharted, or would you rather enjoy a game like Castlevania? Would you enjoy an """experience""" like The Order 1886, or would you rather boot up Super Mario Galaxy for another playthrough? Would you rather play Super Metroid, or Metroid Other M? The evidence speaks for itself. Also,

>t. polygon writer
You DO realize polygon only wants cinematic artsy games, right? They don't care about gameplay.

what does fanservice has to do with "cinematic experiences"?
You're now just pulling shit out of your ass.

Yeah Bayonetta is fucking shit I would rather play DmC aswell, fuck fanservice
Xenoblade and X are shit for having swimsuits out the ass, I would rather play child of light or some shit I dunno I get where you're coming from but your shits all retarded anyways

>what does fanservice has to do with "cinematic experiences"?
Every time someone models a detailed pair of tits and asses and jiggle physics, you can bet the developers will dedicate several hours of cutscenes just to showing them off, sometimes making them unskippable in the process. They'll even forget about that little thing called gameplay and just spend the whole game with the camera glued to someone's ass to showcase their jiggle physics engine.

>now he's talking about jiggle physics and model detail
You're moving goalposts.

>I would rather play DmC
But DmC is just the same pandering, but with a slightly different flavor. It's still aimed at kids like Bayonetta is, but instead it has more swearing, abortions, and an edgy loner protagonist who wouldn't feel out of place in a Linkin Park video. This is something kids eat up, because they want to feel "mature". It's most often why you see kids in MLP hats buying the latest Call of Duty.

is that why ninja gaiden is such a shit barebones game

sounds like MGS to me

Read the rest of the post before you make that claim.

>is that why ninja gaiden is such a shit barebones game
Yes, it is. Considering I could play even the earliest installments without trouble before I even entered high school, you can tell it's casual shovelware made for the sex fanservice.

And yes, I refer to every installment of the series, from NES to Xbox an all the way to Ninja Gaiden Z. By graduation the games felt like Call of Duty in terms of difficulty.

People who like 2 more than 1 are wrong.