>girls are so unsecured about themselves that they need the whole subreddit to prove that they are gamers too
Girls are so unsecured about themselves that they need the whole subreddit to prove that they are gamers too
girls have cooties lol
Girlgamers is a cancerous subreddit, but don't try to pretend there are lot of retards who go apeshit if they hear a girl's voice in a game.
>feminists purport to seek equality
>gurlgamers set up a page for the express purpose of highlighting their special differences from shitty, regular gamers
The most ironic thing is games as a medium are the one place where everybody can go and interact as literal equals by virtue of the inherent rules of each game. Typical attention seeking behavior, for which females are infamous.
They're all cancer, retard. unless you have some sort of niche community hub, and even then cancer finds its way in.
I don't know how anyone can bother visiting, let alone posting on Reddit. I go every once in a while to review patch notes on games I play, and I'm quickly reminded of how shit the whole thing is.
Always assume everyone on the internet(more specifically video games) is male. And always assume everyone who uses anime avatars, types like a forumfag(kawaii, :3, ^.^, :*, ;_;, :/, omg, ...,) is a faggot or an underage kid who is about to become a faggot.
If they mention they are female without you asking, it's for attention 99% of the time.
Could you tip that fedora any harder?
why do the holidays bring in such a heavy fucking influx of redditors?
I'm still right you know, memes aside.
You're the saddest person on this whole board right now.
>Girl joins game
>Girls says hi
>Mouthbreathers either start white knighting or start the hate train
>Luckily a handful of guys just behave naturally.
>Girls are attention seekers lmao I'm totally right
I'm guessing you are the latter sort of mouthbreather.
You know, I work as a 911 dispatcher for my city. It's pretty stressful, but it is satisfying and in a small way I'm helping people.
I make about 50k a year doing this, which is alright. It's more than enough to satisfy my financial needs with some left over to save.
Then some fucking chick can make $10,000 a month because she has tits and plays video games. That's the only reason. She's not particularly good at the games she plays, she isn't funny, she doesn't offer any insight, she just plays games poorly and make lame jokes and says "HEY GUYS OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH
sluts make everything better to look at, deal with it nerd.
>girls being insecure
wew lad, discovery of the century
next you'll tell me they are moody,too
>girlgamers want to be taken seriously
>girlgamers have such bad taste they think BL is a good franchise
I suggest you don't look into how much money literal whores (high class escorts) or their less stripper relatives make then. These twitch whores are just the pg13 equivalent of strippers, the gateway-job until they realize they have no value besides being ogled by betas.
Not arguments
thread should've ended right here.
This. Shitty girl gamers would cease to exist if there weren't thirsty neckbeards with disposable incomes out there.
If all I had to do to get $$$ was to exist and play video games on cam i'd be doing the same shit and so would the majority of you.
I don't ever post on there but I do buy stuff off of there on a few different subreddits and those are great you can get some good ass deals.
They come from Sup Forums.
The only decent subreddits are ones dedicated to posting deals like r/gamedeals. It's an easy way to see what deals are going on without ever having to interact with people on Reddit.
I was not making an argument. No sane person would want to discuss about you. You're just an awfully sad person and I just wanted you to know.
>mfw most of those neckbeards are on welfare and are sending our tax dollars to these twitch sluts
Your sense of self-righteous indignation is my privilege.
It must be awful, you know, getting free respect, admiration and affection just for being female. Now that's what I call oppression! You know what I think will help with that? Why, drawing even more attention to female gamers by making an online girls club just for them, of course.
Not that any man in his right mind would want to join, except for sexual or romantic reasons - it's just ignorant, hypocritical and shortsighted on the feminine side, is all.
Huh. I didn't know Adam Savage was an SJW.
You're a real sad fuck and those quads are wasted on you.
kys reddit faggot
Define "cancerous".
Girls STINK!
You first, reddit faggot.
Why are women such losers?
Source on the white tights slut
>gamergays are so insecure they have to bring reddit drama here
>It must be awful, you know, getting free respect, admiration and affection just for being female
You forgot getting shit on all the same just for being female.
Female friend signed up to there for a joke. It's 90% Fedora-neckbeards who claim they're there to "support" Women.
They beta orbit a small population of Women who thrive on the attention, newcomer Women are quickly outcasted if they fail to fit into the narrow mold.
>She joins a game with their group
>20-odd people playing
>She was one of 3 women there
>One of the "Matriarchs" of the SubReddit had her banned because she disagreed with something
Are you sure it's not actually because they are bad? Because they suck at games? Because they are female?
>Have tits
>Get fired from your job
>People on the internet are now begging to pay you 60k a year just because of your tits
Wasn't this that shitty subreddit that got hijacked by cuck trannies
If you have time or will to give a fuck about something like this I feel sorry for you.
Do you have any biological proof that females are worse at video games?
>getting shit on all the same just for being female
Nice meme
I remember a screencap about this kind of thing.
Something about men pretending to be girls complaining about men.
Girl doesn't only say "Hi". They say, "Hi, I'M A GIRL!". They make it obvious to anyone for no aparent reason (but you know, to get attention), that they are female. This happens all the time, even here on Sup Forums of all places. Gamer grlllsxd are a cancer to any video game community or group, they poison it.
i picked it up on v. so kys faggot
>Are you sure it's not actually because they are bad? Because they suck at games?
If they are good at games they get even more shit.
go home plebbit
>themed around Borderlands
I couldn't put my finger on it, but that must be why Gearbox style of humor is awful.
That isn't even cosplaying just a slut looking for cash.
Although I'm fine with it I can see why it would piss some people off minus the tumblrites who just wish they had her body.
>unironically saying GamerGay
>being this autistic
>implying GG has been relevant at all past spring 2015 at the latest
It's like some kind of voluntary bachelor tax. Amazing how some guys can fuck things up for a sniff of smelly pussy.
>This happens all the time
Probably because the ones who don't do this don't even use a mic for obvious reasons.
>boygamers want to be taken seriously
>boygamers have such bad taste they think weebshit is good
Her misty set is the best thing to happen to cosplay
This cannot be posted enough.
The internet is the purest meritocracy platform ever created by humans. If you need to explicitly state that you're female to get your opinion heard, it's probably just because it was worthless anyways.
OP visits reddit. The end.
SO why is it we can't discuss the poison that is SJW's in the games industry?
It 100% pertains to "gaming culture" yet I get banned for shit like this.
I hope you think the same of this board because if not, I got news for you bud
You know, I'm perfectly fine with this. Hobbies are meant to be social and if being social to them means building their own little space for a vast minority, then good for you. Hope it turns out well.
But don't expect my standards of taste and skill to change because what's in your pants.