What are some games in which I can let off some steam? I'm too mad right now.
What are some games in which I can let off some steam? I'm too mad right now
Shitpost on 4chins nigga.
No awooing.
Dumb awoo poster
i'd help you let off if you know what i mean
League of Legends
it's get off not let off you fucking moron
i was just pretending to be retarded
Calm down nigger if you have headache get some fucking rest or something.
PaladinsĀ“s Buck shit is so good i can go really agro on the enemie players and feel like a god of war
more like a god od slapingshit
you can ride this dick
Fuck off with your shitposting you autistic virgin.
Doom 1, 2, or 2016
pls op
If you need to let off some steam, some action game like MGR
If you just need to relax, then Animal Crossing
Why are you so Mad OP?
didn't get enough cock
Postal 2 is a fun way to let it all out user.
i think you need a hug...
i love you user
i can give you all my 5 inches famalamas
Just stop being a pussy
Weebs need to kill themselves.
Why are you mad user? I will listen and not judge you.
If the Crusades were so good how come Jerusalem doesn't belong to the Christians now? Checkmate
Metal Gear Rising
Hotline Miami
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Nuclear Throne
>If she was so good how come she doe,-,sn't like you anymore