Speccy Thread: Winter-Cool Edition

How your PCs are doing anons?
What have you been playing lately?

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Emulating PS2 games. About infinitely better than any modern game to be honest.

>tfw Florida
>still 78 degrees

Why is your RAM at 799 mhz

It's a dual-channel DDR, so it's actually 1600 MHz.


I got Wolfenstein The Old Blood yesterday, so I'll probably play that a bit.

How can you even survive if it's almost 80 degrees during the winter?

I'll be alright, will be up in Indiana for the holidays until New Years Day, fuck this shit

What do i upgrade? Should I wait?

GPU and maybe an SSD and another stick of RAM. Buying a new CPU when both Intel and AMD are sort of close to releasing something new would be a bad move.

>Taking a picture of a computer screen
>What do i upgrade?
Your brain.

Thanks but why would i get ddr3 ram when new cpus that require ddr4 are close to releasing ?

Because RAM is fairly cheap and DDR3 will stick around long enough that you can still sell it on ebay.

>taking a fucking picture of your computer screen instead of a screenshot

You are legit retarded.

Everyone's calling you a retard for not just screencapping but I'm calling you retarded for having AMD as a CPU.


I wish i had gotten an i5 back in 2013

I bet I've got the best one out of the thread


Can't wait.

I'm calling Optimus.

Just built this a few weeks ago Sup Forums.
How'd I do?

Not worried about the recent EVGA issues, since my GPU runs rather cool. On Monday, it was running at fucking 14 degrees Celsius air cooled.

>How your PCs are doing anons?
>What have you been playing lately?
Tomb Raider '13
Witcher 3 GOTY

Having only a HDD is fucking killing me. The sound it makes is terrible and the performance is worse.

>Windows 10
>32gb of ram
>all that money spend on that shit instead of a 1080

You did terribly.

send help

Ancient beast from Valhalla coming through.

It's so bad I said spend instead of spent.

>32gb ram
>no SSD
>a fucking 1070 for 1080p 60hz

I want 12y/o to stay on Reddit.

>14 degrees Celsius

Where the fuck do you live?

I forgot about the no SSD

fucking hell it's such a stupid build

Scotland, it's been pretty fucking cold recently. Although we randomly had mild weather a little while ago, for whatever weird reason.

>installing Windows 10 on a HDD
You deserved it!

This came up in the Deathwing thread
>123 C

it's gonna get pretty toasty

>123 degrees Celsius.

Fuck, RIP house.

H100i makes weird noises when i forst boot my pc but it goes away soon after, other than that its great.

Playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided at the moment.

>2048MB GTX 1060 6GB

Are tomorrow and Monday going to have better deals than chirstmas ones for a new gpu?

Should I get another 8 GB of RAM? It'd be more of the same, just doubled.

I want to get GTA V and SFV. Will they run at high 60fps now or would the RAM be worth getting?

Yeah, I don't understand why Speccy is reading 2048MB either mate.

Guts pic. I'm sure you can see why things are so warm.

why? I'm sure when you built the thing you knew that cramming all that shit in there would lead to heat buildup

Do you have a fetish for choking GPUs?

Are those open-air GPU fans?

You did horribly. You should actually feel bad.


What good games can i play?

That's water cooled?

Glad I didn't fall for that meme. My Hyper 212 Evo works just fine thanks.

He's also complaining about BSOD and crashes so I kind actually believe his gpu might have melted a bit.


GTA V and SFV are not really demanding games, so as long as you have more than 4 gigs of ram, you should be fine.


Thanks user. I got the Doom demo last E3 and it ran pretty well outside a few specific areas so that's the only modern game I have to compare to.

CryoRig H7 shits all over the Hyper 212 senpai

Jeez, I'm jelly of those storage temps, OP.

Is this better you fags? now answer my question

Looking to get a new PSU to power my r9 390, do you think 750w would be enough?


Not listed is my liquid cooling system.

Even still?

>all these toaster without a SSD.
Wow, PC mustards are really that stupid.

>liquid cooling system


>No proper punctuation in your post


Hello HP desktop. I remember having one for early 2010 before I scrapped everything and built my own.

Hello compadres, just got off from time and a half at my already decent paying job.

What do you mean by liquid cooling system? As in you're going to be cooling both the GPU and CPU?
Find out how much watts each radiator fan takes, along with the power of the water pump. Once you find those out, add them towards how much watts your system currently takes.

You should also take into consideration how much power is used when overclocking a component.

>32gb RAM
>1070 instead of 1080 at this budget

Please answer my question. What computer components should I upgrade? Should I wait for next-gen chips and gpu's?

Upgrade your CPU famaloon.

Thanks. Any suggestions? Or should I wait until January for the new CPU's?

>Or should I wait until January for the new CPU's?
Yeah. Otherwise you'll regret it.

Thanks. Is my GPU still any good?

Depends a bit one which card in the 7800 series, and what you play.
Download a FPS counter and HWmonitor and check if you max out the GPU when you start to frame dip.

But either way, a new GPU wouldn't hurt. The 7800 series is not very good any more.

This is my GPU

>4690k at 3.50 ghz
>my 6600k runs at 3.50 ghz
>970 is 4095mb
>my 1060 is 2048mb
what am I missing here?

My 390 goes up to 80° while pushing it, I'm a little worried


If you OC'd your CPU, it won't be shown on Speccy. Speccy is just showing the title for the CPU, and not the actual clock speed currently running.

As for the 2048MB GPU, I have absolutely no idea why only Speccy is reading that.

IIRC the PS4 and Xbone have a GPU that's very similar to the 7870, so you can compare your build to a console.

>That's water cooled?

>If you OC'd your CPU, it won't be shown on Speccy. Speccy is just showing the title for the CPU, and not the actual clock speed currently running.
so basically what you're saying is that somehow the 4690 just runs at the same speed as the 6600?

I don't see myself needing to upgrade for a long time.

Speccy is a pretty shitty program that has few uses besides speccy threads.

It often shows things incorrectly, including temps, clock speeds, VRAM, you name it.

Well, the base clock for a 4690k is 3.5GHz, which is also the base clock for a 6600k.

Where are you going with this?

I guess I was basically just wondering why they're at the same speed if they're different products

Crappy pc by most standards. It's actually a pre built office machine that I got for free. I plunked in the 750 and the sdd, and it actually runs more stuff than you might expect. Although obviously I'm not pushing the boundaries of graphical excellence in any games.

I can't afford better at the moment, but it's honestly not a bad position to be in. I have a backlog of games this thing is more than adequate for, that I now must attend to, and not being able to run some newer games precludes me from being caught up in false hype schemes and the inevitable buyer's remorse that follows.

One day, when budget allows, I'll put together something nice.

Try to find a i5 / i7 anything off of craigslist

then you can experience the joy of PS2 and Wii emulation

Going need to ask Intel for that one. The 6600k is still a slight improvement, as it supports DDR4 memory and some other crap like that.
I'm currently stuck with the 4670k.

Different architectures that have a number of differences.
Like different temps and power requirements, but still outputs similar amount of performance (new should be better)
And if the CPU runs colder and need less power you can clock it higher (in theory)

Also other more specific things, like how Kaby Lake can output 10bit video, but Skylake can't.



I love this setup, just all that I need to play my favourite vidya

Nice setup.

shit, forgot the image!

nothing OCd atm
liquid cooling

What is the difference between sealed loop and custom looping? Is one better than the other or does it come down to personal preference?

this is me
i have 3 sealed loops in my pc
functionally they are the same
If you have the capability to go with a custom loop, i say do it

get on my level scrublords

>worried about AMD temps
you bought a space heater, what the fuck do you except?