'Look at who just walked out of their mancave!'

>'Look at who just walked out of their mancave!'
>'Are you FINALLY ready to have an engaging, fun, family-oriented Thanksgiving dinner with us instead of playing video games all day, user?'

Other urls found in this thread:


It would be better if the size of the table was this big. But there' always 10+ relative there that your parents want to make le epic comment at your expense to.


Nah, I just came out to empty my piss jars.

>turn 360
>walk away

>tfw look forward to thanksgiving to get touchy with my hot cousins
Footrubs all around

Yeah boy, I'm hungry as fuck.

It's thanksgiving?

>Cousins are huge NEETS
>only play vidya when they come over

I will never understand the normie way of life

Not sure if this is a blessing or a curse

Maybe both

Alabama pls go.




You'd be facing the same way if you turned 360 degrees, you idiot newfag


I made st-stuffing, user

>Coming out for national eat bland germanic "food" day because retarded anglo-germanic peasants couldn't make anything better like a fucking lasagna or something 400 years ago so now we all have to suffer for it and be around relatives we have no real personal connection with.

No thanks

>his family can't cook
Lmaoing at your lack of tradition and family culture senpai

Every single fucking time. Why do holidays have to be suffering?

If you eat the traditional food, it is shit. There is no way to make germanic pesant trash palatable.

>This user cannot into German cuisine
Farewell my friend, I hope you don't die too bitter.
Sorry, no one you know can cook.

Commit suicide.

>family begs me to come to thanksgiving dinner my sister is having at her house
>she has five kids and the last time I seen them they gave me a major headache
>mom calls me like 2 minutes after I get off the phone with my sister
>asks me to come
>refuse and tell her to fuck off and hang up

>tfw my mom's making trukey and lasagna

They just want to be with you, user. Maybe you don't talk to your family a lot.

>tfw we're having a two-year old turkey that's been sitting in the freezer since we got it

at least my parents got prime rib too

>5 kids
Who did she fuck? A fucking mudslime lmao

disgusting, look at that fucking slop

Oh right, now I remember why I hate you all. Guess I'll just go back into my room and watch anime.

>2-year-old turkey
Can't you just buy a new one every thanksgiving?

i have to go to thanksgiving dinner for the first time in years. what are some good topics to talk about with cousins you grew up with but have kids(i dont have any)

how did i do?

>watching all your hot cousins eat until they're ready to pop and giving them belly rubs as they try to stifle burps.
>can't contain my erection

It's true that Germans make pretty great pastries.

They have a real knack for using ovens, those Germans.

You fucking faggot, son. We're the reason you're still here at 33. Btw, you have 6 months to move the fuck out our house.


>My grandparents are dead.
>My uncle is where we are going to and he just had surgery and probably won't be up a good chunk of the time.
>His kids are both brats and are going to act like shitheads throughout.
>His new GF might be there, which might be a bit awkward.
>Currently going through a divorce myself.
>Half the food is stuff we made, half is shit pre-made from the store in those package deals.

Thanksgiving was better when my grandparents are alive. I could care less now.

Probably thought it was a good idea to stock up on them while they were on sale one year. Their all going to mass suicide and look like a family cult or some shit. RIP user and user's Senpai.


Get out of my house.

TV shows, hollywood movies, and maybe video games.

Thanks mom and dad, i can finally kill myself now.

If a duck walked up to the table would they call it a eagle?

Probably not.

So if a loser walks up to the table you expect them to call him a success?

Maybe reality wouldn't be so hard if you spent more time in it.

Go ahead and start making excuses. It's the only thing you're good at anyway.

Sorry man. I know how you feel but take care man.

Please dad Im only 24 I can still turn it around, just give me another year or two of anime and vidya. Dont make me eat and socialize with your faggot family please


holy shit

>eating thanksgiving "dinner" with my sister's family + cousins
>literally 90% of the people there are taking pictures of their food and spending time on their phone
>try to strike up conversation with sister's wife
>just gives the bare minimum answers and doesn't say any more
>fuck this, finish my plate of food quickly and start walking away
>sister asks why I'm leaving so soon

>said the gender studies major

>Only 4 people at the table

Sounds nice.

Nah f a m im just getting a slice of pumpkin pie.
See you next year.


>>sister's wife

I pull out a gun and blow my brains out right there and then.
Happy thanksgiving.

Do you niggas really prefer vidya over family? I play all day, but if I got the chance to meet up with some family/friends, i'll jump on that shit.

Who the fuck are you people and what are you doing in my room?

I wish I had a loving family like that.

I don't know what that is nor do I care enough to bother.

vidya is superior to ppl

i say as a guy spending my thanksgiving with gf and senpai

Get super attached to their kids. Play all kinds of games with them and basicly be a giant kid right next to theirs.

They wont invite you next year and you'll have gamesgiving all to yourself forever

hello normie


>sister's wife

You are a good kouhai to spend your thanksgiving with him. Has he confessed to you yet?

>sisters wife

Jokes on you i'm from Europe so no thanksgiving shit here

why is the little boy in pig tails and why does the little girl have short hair?

sister (male)

Considering I just got up and it's 3PM, I'm going to say no.

Thanksgivings only with me nd my parents this year so theyre cool. I take a break from terrace house and #fe to come out every once in a while for alcohol and to say hi.
I am gonna go down for dinner with the 3 of us tho.

>sisters wife

>sister's wife

Friends? yes
Family? My mom but everyone else I seeat most once a year and are practically strangers

>Every year we meet up and mumble to each other about shit we don't have interest in.
>Whoever makes the turkey fucking completely botches it.
>Then sit around the living room for 6 hours doing jack shit. Not even holding conversations.

Wow what a great holiday.

Wow, fucking epic guys XD

Fuck off, Garfield.

Finally make enough for an apartment. I can't fucking wait to not celebrate Christmas next year.

>my grandma died so everyone split off into their little clusters of family
>my mom and I live states away from everyone else in my family
>everyone in my family is a heroin-addicted turbo redneck, think my summer car but they speak english instead
>everyone in my family is dying of cancer or heart disease or some awful shit so they're pissing away their lives into nothingness, fuck the next generation, they get trailers and inherited debt

Meanwhile, I'm sitting in my room shitposting and eating bagged Chinese food. Thankgiving!

fucking this.
>hot cousins lean out your shoulder after eating, borderline cuddling under covers while watching tv
>get to watch them walk in their tight jeans.
None are coming this year but thats always a highlight.

Wonder if we can point out the liberal.

Lesbians actually exist, you know?

Nice shotgun baba



ACTUALLY I prefer to spend my time monitoring the geopolitical situation across the globe and reading about video-games, not playing them.

I'm 26, haven't you guys learned yet? I'm going to eat this food and leave to go play Pokemon, thanks.

Garfield currently on suicidewatch holy shit

really, really bad genetics
poor kiddos

Is Thanksgiving really like that for anyone?
By the time it's dinner, my family is at the fistfighting stage of drunkenness.

Do you get to watch?

>tfw we had lasagna last year cause i told my family that turkey was for fags

>tfw we're having steak tonight because turkey is STILL fag food

Life is good.

OMG RLY???? What other tumblr protips do you have for us today landwhale shitstain?


That's pretty hot.


my family is celerbating thanksgiving in australia

and I am all alone in my room

crying and shitposting on Sup Forums

>Lesbians actually exist, you know?

Ouch. I'm sorry senpai. No one deserves a tuesday dinner on thanksgiving.

Barely. I have seen almost no lesbians over the 20s. I am convinced its just a phase.

Living the dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam.

Stayed home.
Mom is pissed at me but I don't care, I see this fucking family on a weekly basis, there's no point in forcing myself for this holiday.