How do you like the usual Japanese interpretation of elves?

How do you like the usual Japanese interpretation of elves?

With no clothes

>big tits
>skimpy outfit
>colored hair
These are the must haves

Bonus points for dark skin

I like the usual Japanese interpretation of almost any sort of female since it's either a sexy woman with big titties or an adorably cute loli girl. Much better than the abominations that are western video game women that look like bridge trolls or transexuals.

They tend to be have "looking good" in mind, when being deigned.

The worst depictions of elves, guaranteed just humans with pointy ears, don't even look better than humans, no variety in cultures, they are just guys living in the woods and shooting the bow.

Gotta be better than alternative.

What's Japan's intention with this?

a happy fap??

I like her armpits

we all know what's up

Jesus fuck

That japan needs to get nuked for hentai elves?

they found a good use for the trash that is elves, so they did pretty good I'd say

Delete this.

The hentai elves meme is pure retarded. Elves are pure.

Good elves exist, though, you just need to read something else than doujins.

But you probably started jerking off to japanese porn before you ever picked up a book, it has already soiled your mind.

when did we stop pretending to be retarded on Sup Forums

upset elves itt lmao

Rape and mind breaking is one of my fetishes, so raping big titted elves is always great.

Nice video games in this thread.

It's ok



Retarded nigger mods not deleting an off-topic thread like usual.

That's like directly copying the elf clothes from MM7 aside from the dress.

They're too fucking samey

I mean, I'm all for deviating from the Tolkien template of "super fucking pretty and effeminate" but Jesus Christ.