ITT: """villains""" who did nothing wrong

ITT: """villains""" who did nothing wrong.

Dis gon b gud


muh safe merchants
muh slavery is not that bad
muh women are inferior
muh let's destroy cultural identities
muh I couldn't possibly hold the NCR with this group of fucking savages
muh neo-roman

Two words: Independent Vegas



Kindly fuck off before he gets angry


I don't listen to nazi niggers



Independent Vegas is a go-nowhere anarchy that will never fully exploit being the only place in post-War America with a huge amount of clean water and renewable electricity

Unless you're one of those faggots who thinks "Independent" means "muh mary sue courier solves all problems forever", in which case you can fuck off

i love the doll
i want to dress like the doll



ITT: people getting THIS triggered


Griffith did nothing wrong



>i want to dress like the doll

Feel ya
Independent Vegas is not a perfect solution of course, but it's better than NCR and House, and far better than the Legion

>thinks savages can be tamed by being savage to the right people
>stretches his army across the entire nation so his supply lines are fucked



>Choosing the literally fedora tier Vegas

Mr.House is the only true option.

Pic related nigger




>Talking about fedoras
>Picking House



>have a tumor
>don't get it treated ASAP
>"did nothing wrong"


He obviously fucked his wife wrong otherwise he wouldn't have been cucked by his own son.


kill yourself you degenerate

What was that?

not so sure about that, user.

What I liked about NV over 3 and especially 4 was that you could pump out some gimmicky character out in a few hours without investing 20 hours watching the story. Easily the most replayability in a game of its type, I must have 8 toons and I'm a normie


>the only place
>implying hoover dam is the only dam that didn't get nuked

But Richter did nothing wrong
He killed people completely against his will

begone, demon

Not counting dressing like a huge faggot.

Nah, I'm too busy saving humanity

And I'm an Alliancefag, just saying

more like a huge /fa/ggot. cunt had style.


nah senpai he was an imbecile. he did some things right and some things ridiculously wrong.

Everyone else is a bigger asshole, there should be actual gameplay if you wait around for him at the beginning.

Get back to casing, lad.


I don't know if I can consider "Having a brain tumor" the right thing.


It's amazing how there's always something new to learn about New Vegas whenever I come back to it. I was watching a bit of an LP of NV in Japanese, and in the official translation the translator apparently got confused so instead of saying "Vale" (as in the Latin for farewell) Vulpes Inculta says ベイル/vale (as in a valley) to say goodbye, sounding like an absolute retard in the process. I guess even professional translators fuck up.


Pic related.

>and far better than the Legion
yeah, who the fuck wants stability, progress, and economic prosperity when you can have....


He trusted an elf.

>Muh ends justify the means

Caesar was an autist. I don't even mean that in a channy-dictionary insult kind of way, I literally think he was autistic. His complete lack of empathy, above average intelligence, and total unawares when it came to any kind of social structure spoke that to me.

Dude literally enslaved tens of thousands, I don't see how anyone could justify him as a good guy. He was a complex and interesting bad guy with sympathetic motivations, but still a bad guy.

>better than House
>arguably the smartest guy in the fucking world
>knows all his tech
>can keep his city safe and improve things by getting rid of outside NCR and Legioncuck influence
>omg but he's so mean :(

>women are inferior

but that's correct


>wanting your government to feel empathy

Slavery is good you liberal cuck


Preaching pretty high for somebody who would be among the first to be trucked off to the labor camps.

>b-but I have an engineering degree!

Ahahaha sure you do

>stability, progress, economic prosperity
pick one

>implying how one dude feels is relevant in comparison to the wellbeing of the state as a whole

I wouldn't like being a slave, but what I like or don't like shouldn't be important to a good leader

well he did have a brain tumor

>let greater good fallacy

Never before have I ever said "check your privilege" unironically.

Until now.

so you're saying you would gladly accept being a slave? am I talking to a literal cuckold?

Hitler was just an all around bad dude. The Fuhrer on the other hand was a cool cat who knew what he was talking about.

If you think millions of people can be effectively governed by an entity that stops doing something as soon as the smallest group protests, especially in a nuclear wasteland, you're sadly mistaken

The Ur-Quan saved thousands of species from the threat of Kohr-Ah devastation or self-destruction
The Legion just enslave for shits n giggles

You joke,but some people genuinely believe Griffith did nothing wrong.

You forgot muh hegelian dialectics.

He was just an asshole, straight up, even by SMT standards.

the greater good is *literally* the job of the government

No i'd fucking hate it you retard, I'm saying what one nobody slave hates or doesn't hate should be fucking relevant to a leader

What did he do wrong?

thanks doc

House > Legion > NCR >>> Anarchy

Pic related


Sacrifice everyone that gave a shit about him for otherworldly power, and then needlessly raped the girlfriend of the person that was the closest thing he ever had to a friend right in front of him, just because he's a petty piece of shit.

He could have redeemed himself somewhat if he used his abilities for good, but instead he turned the entire world to hell except for his one little city. Retards think that's a good thing to do, of course


>Dude even though my entire army only survives on sacking tribes, religious dogma, and brutality. This army of people who only known war will magically not collapse after taking Vegas due to infighting.

looks like youve got some growing up to do, kid

Fucking this
Only retards pick Legion

thanks friendo


>implying the Courier won't take control and kill Lanius after Caesar dies
>implying the Courier isn't caesar's Octavius

>he turned the entire world to hell except for his one little city

The world wasn't exactly paradise before Femto

Legionfags will actually defend their failed leadership and faction that will splinter the second one minor faction inside of it gains any power.

>muh slaves
>muh women will always be tools

>this pool reeks of piss
>better shit in it!

Jagi did nothing wrong, eh?

>The Courier will magically turn a army that only knows war and is fueled by conquest into a standing force during peace that won't collapse in infighting
>Comparing Rome's logistics to the scavenging Caesar legion who fuel themselves only by conquest

You know that the Legion has farmers and shit too, right?

>just wanted to wipe out the jians and let the culters seize power
>instead he got dragged into a multidimensional timeloop because of a magical wolf

An important point here is that the Legion *does* have logistics, it's just that the main army is neither willing nor equipped to do anything but ransack everything until the Legion-approved settlers and merchants roll in.

He only wanted to remove weebs.

It wasn't paradise, but it wasn't completely inhospitable, and cities were lead by fellow humans who wanted humans to survive. It was better than the entire world, aside from whatever areas Griffith couldn't get, being complete hell outside of this city. And the stuff with Rickert just shows that there's no freedom in Falconia, if you don't like the way Griffith runs things, then the show's over for you unless you can based Silat and your makeshift RPG to bail your ass out of there.

You realize the Legion has a ton of stable, conquered territories all over Arizona, right? All you see in NV is the frontlines conquering force.