Final Fantasy XIV

Reap the rewards bois. Top notch loli squad coming through.

Other urls found in this thread:

>been trying to build an awesome au ra k-pop squad for two months
>the fourth girl just doesn't want to join and I get gay roegadyn instead

I-it's just not fair

I haven't played since 2.1.

How do I rank up in my GC if I was max rank since then?

Will I rank up if I even have access to this Squadron thing?

>loli squad
>it's just potatoes
put them in the oven where they belong

You need to lead your squadron to level 50. It's essentially the same shit as retainer ventures.

>I get gay roegadyn instead

Lucky. I've been trying to get him since 3.4 release. I even went as far as to do chocobo races.

>tank for the very first time
>It's the second guildhest with the armor guy
>figure I'll focus the boss since that's all I ever see people do
>will flash if skeletons run by me
>figure I shouldn't try to move the boss so the DPS can do their thing
>skeletons spawn next to healer and immediately start hitting them
>DPS breaks off of boss to kill adds
>get chastised for not grabbing adds
I feel dumb. I thought people always just focused the boss.

They do.

The DPS were stupid.

I see. Now that I think about it, the DPS were probably too low level to have any positionals. Was trying to keep the boss in place in case they did. I could have run around to flash adds but the boss has that AoE cleave too.

Still, if an unhappy guildhest group makes me feel bad then I have a long road ahead of me when it comes to tanking.

>get chastised for not grabbing adds
Did you say it was your first time? I actually took Sup Forums's advice and it really helps. At the start I explain how I've never done the instance before and I don't know the gimmick of the hour. People are a lot less quick to get upset.

>mfw DPS tells me how to do my job
>can barely do their own

Really you shouldn't grab the adds in that hest since the boss is so squishy.

I didn't. I might start doing that when I get to dungeons though.

I still have yet to get a single fucking female au ra recruit to show up. In fact, I almost always get males. It's fucked.

since fate parties are pretty much dead, what's the best/fastest way to farm company seals?

How long does a squad venture take?

1 hour? 18 hour? 24 hours?

Also, personal opinion, Glad sucks. Switched to Marauder and only looked back for cross class skills.

>try to farm something from CT
>30+ queue
>probably won't even use it that much since I dislike red
Dyeable fuma when

Gladiator is a special kind of suffering, but pld is actually fun to me.
>pull the entire dungeon
Not enough pld in df do this.

My squad is almost at 50. Do I just send them on random missions until they get a materia-based chemistry?

Is there any faster way?

That works really well if you have a good AoE comp.

You're extra defensive abilities tend to go to waste if your DPS and Healer aren't the best though.

You just keep sending the ones who you want to have new chemistry. Gather/crafting scripts are top notch followed by DoL and DoH. Then crystal clusters.

18 hrs

>tfw will own all the books soon
I need to do the same for gatherers, 20 books that cost 99 tokens is dumb as fuck.

Are there more missions? What are those crystals?

>loli squad
>with a male potato and au ra girl
Nigger what

I can't access the quest Squadron and Commander (maelstrom). Where the fuck is it?
I'm already level 60 second lieutenant

>Finally complete my waifu squad with 2 hyurs, 2 cats, 2 au ra, 1 roe and 1 elezen.
>The elezen keeps getting chemistries that need another elezen.

God damn it Joaline I'm not getting another giraffe.

Maelstrom HQ
Unless you're dumb and never unlocked the challenge log then do that.

>reap the rewards

Two clusters and four grave IV crafting materia.

Not that big of a deal or worth the effort grinding the team up for it.

Give her to me then, I need more elves to replace the roe cats and lizards I have

Anyone have that one full guide to squadron recruitment? I wanna build a full elf crew.

In this particular guildhest, rushing the boss is the most effective option. The skeletons are harmless.

>skeletons are harmless
And you'll still see a healer with a sophic weapon and alexander gear start running away from them in a circle like a chicken with their heads cut off
This also happens with people doing unsynched ex primals for the journal trying to dodge aoes and do mechanics that don't cause a wipe if ignored instead of just letting stats carry them through
It's amazing how many people are both completely incompetent and scared of everything

I really want to get into this game, but it feels really slow. Or is that just the beginning?


Got you Allagannafam

It's the beginning.

Pretty much, everyone get off global cool down skills to use and some classes have speed buffs
Only tanking stays slow

Is there any way to level up to max yet? Couldn't stand doing the same shit over and over with just the map changing on Heavensward. The late game stuff was fun before that, but I can't get myself to do mindless leveling to get to that point again.

>I dont want to so the same stuff over and over, I want to raid
>where I play the same 4 fights over and over

I had fun playing with other people while raiding. Now everyone is already at the level cap because I was late to get the expansion when it released and I gotta play boring ass quests to get there. It's not the same thing.

PotD 51+ let's you play with all level 60 stuff.

Sometimes some of the passive abilities don't get put on the hotbar, be warned.
My AST somehow didn't end up with Diurnal at first until I found it in abilities because the class starts at 30 and the first quest or two gives you it.

Fastest way to level is PotD 1->20 levels (get your arm and armor up to +40 for 51+) over and over. Skip the other levels and reset, otherwise those levels aren't as efficient for time spent vs EXP gain. Once you hit 30 start doing 51->70 over and over to reset.

Once you hit 54 (class level ) just gear up properly and hit dungeons for faster EXP.


>need to do Golden Saucer shit to unlock some of the cool looking uniques
>never stepped in past the unlocking quest a year ago.

Thanks mate.

Who the fuck would even do guildhests on a max level char? I don't get it.

Relearning mechanics.

I haven't played Paladin since 1.0.

I know that feel OP.

How come FF14 steals everything from WoW except having a skill tree, lower GCD, and aactual fun combat? Is the console version really holding the game back like it did with FFXI?

This is bait.

Ignore it.

>it's bait
>meanwhile, every criticism about the game deals with specifically these factors

Yeah I'd hate someone's post too if it kept throwing their game's flaws in their faces

Challenge logs, mentors farming comms, and some people just dont like to leave their comfort zone

What an ugly creature, wow elves sure are disgusting.

You're starting a shitshow.

It's bait. Go create another thread than derailing this, about your debate.

Aka bait. Just like console war shit.

wait, did they not only rip off wow in its entirety, but also garrison missions?

:>FF fags continuously whining about their shitty game

\Yes, good goy, defend your shitstain of a mmo

Thanks for proving my point.

Nice mistakes in your post, btw.

Never played WoW, what makes the combat more fun, in your opinion?

Which squadron members have the best Affinities? Or is it all random?

the fact that wow has interesting abilities, unlike FF14, where literally every class plays the same because they all have the same boring skills with different names and the fact they dont have a two and a half second CD between them

Heres my leet guide to all classes

>press 1>press 2(does more dmg if used after 1)>press 3 (does more dmg if used after 2)>press 4
Maintain your 2 dots and 2 self buffs
press your 50 boring cooldowns on cooldown

If you're a healer:
do whatever because healing in this game is utterly braindead and nothing you can do would stop a shitter from getting killed

>where literally every class plays the same because they all have the same boring skills with different names and the fact they dont have a two and a half second CD between them
So you have not played this game.

Ok. Nice shitpost. Nice bait.

>the fact that wow has interesting abilities, unlike FF14, where literally every class plays the same because they all have the same boring skills with different names and the fact they dont have a two and a half second CD between them
>the fact that wow has interesting abilities, unlike FF14
So what are they?

He's not wrong, faggot. This game is easy mode compared to WoW. Even the top mmo enthusiasts on the internet have said it's a game meant mostly for newcomers to the mmo formula.

As someone who "played" FF14, he 's not wrong.

if you played one melee, you played them all
If you played one caster, you played them all.

In wow, every class has its own playstyle. FF14, does not.

The only exception is mudras for ninjas

>It's a "WoW clone" episode
Then why are you here and why aren't you jacking off to your 2004 character models? This isn't a thread for comparison. In fact isn't there a comparison thread still up?

Maybe if you're playing the class at the absolute bottom of the barrel skill level.
The way BRD plays is completely different from MCH if you actually understand the classes.
You don't even need to know the quirks of the class to see the difference between BLM and SMN.

>get btfo
>b-b-b-b-but you're playing wrong


>In wow, every class has its own playstyle
Someone might actually fall for this bait.

>people are so starved for content they spend time and get excited for fucking retainer missions


Something has to change, soon.


There's only two skills levels to each class: those who follow the Simon Says pattern and those who have the intellect to hit a skill other than the basic rotation.

As opposed to wow 1 skill spam?

The fact WoW's combat is a lot more interesting than FF14's, shows that FF14's system is baby tier if it can't even beat the standard of casual mmo

According to whom? Retards like you? Age of conan is better than wow.

I will agree that FFXIV has utterly boring skills. That's why PvP is such shit.

Fuck off faggot. Literally samefagging and saying you BTFO when everyone is just going through the motion of (You)s.

Wish mods would do their jobs. I ew you were a bait shitposting faggot from the start.

I was 100% right.

>PLD plays anything like WAR
>SCH plays anything like WHM
>BLM plays anything like SMN


>one minute apart
>"he's not wrong"
Makes you think

>one minute apart
>actually 3 minutes apart
Really fires those neutrons.

>Wish mods would do their jobs
Apply to be a mod then and stop complaining.

>someone who is disagreeing with me must be samefagging

I fucking hate deluded and faggotry this board has become with newfags who believe they have to have sort of justifcation for everything that's not in their fucking heads. fuck off to reddit with that shit