40 bucks for this garbage

>40 bucks for this garbage

Other urls found in this thread:


It's not garbage

bought it for $3, played for like an hour and got bored

There have actually been studies claiming that selling a game at $40 is more profitable than selling that same game at $20.

Some people might not buy it because it's twice as expensive, but $40 is still cheaper than AAA price which is $50 or $60, and games that are sold at $20 are often seen as lower quality indie games so people underrate them. So the net loss in sales is relatively small and more than compensated for by getting more than twice as much profit per sale.

Cause it's some of the best garbage in the past 16 years.
Or do you not like phiosophical bullshit and puzzles?
If you don't, why would you judge it at all, considering it has no interest to you?

>i got bored so its garbage

or maybe you have adhd and shouldnt get games when you know theyre not the kind you like. moron.

I'm not an OP that's why i quoted him you imbecile newshit

>Or do you not like phiosophical bullshit and puzzles?
I like both, that's why I got the game; but the puzzles are basic as shit and the philosophical "humanity is precious" bullshit is "i cri evrtim :((((" tier

it's pretty great garbage, can't wait to replay it with the serious sam voiceover

Think how much money your parents spent on you.

This game unironically makes you think

I bought it for 5 shekels on Kinguin

Played it, finished it, enjoyed it.

>buying AAs on key resellers
Literally kys your self.

>Hands down best puzzle game in years
Stop buying these games.

It was the 2014 GOTY user.

I didn't get it either. Played for an hour, the puzzles weren't challenging, and the 'philosophical' aspect of it seemed kinda pretentious. Also didn't really like how the assets were obviously being reused from Serious Sam and didn't fit the game.

Great game, but just doesn't beat the Witness.

It's an average game at most.The Swapper does the whole philosophical angle better anyways.


>the puzzles weren't challenging
>Played for an hour

>dont worry it gets good after 3 hours

Don't worry I have AHDH

im sorry for you

Talos is better than that trash. Stop shilling your shit game.

delete this post immediately
you dont get to say that about GOTY 2014

Fuck, I wish I got paid to advertise video games on a Korean basketweaving forum.

Sorry Talos is absolute garbage that Redditors like to eat up to feel """smart""" and that your opinion is objectively trash, faggot.


I'm not sure there's a way to contain any philosophical issues in a game without it appearing or being pretentious, you can shoot over people's heads and it could be called pretentious or people can "get it" or be aware of the issues presented and call it pretentious

I didn't really think this game was pretentious because it didnt seem like it was forcing a message and more like just presenting questions

>reddit xDDD
Nice hot arguments you shit eating retard. Kill yourself.

sell me on the swapper
the last puzzle game I played was Darksiders 1

>I'm not sure there's a way to contain any philosophical issues in a game without it appearing or being pretentious
Portal 2 and the philosophy of how an AI's programming is the most important thing to it no matter what, similar to HAL

I need more 2deep4u games, they fuel me

>Great game, but just doesn't beat the game with computer generated puzzles that feel like a chore
I think you might be wrong

>pay 40 dollars
>play game for 45 min
>get motion sickness
>puke all over
>can't play anymore

not him, but this game actually has some reddit tier fedora tipping """""philosophy"""""

We warned you that it was Reddit trash. You didn't listen.

What is reddit tier fedora tipping """""philosophy"""""?
Do you only speak in memes?

anything that's deeper than a shitpost = reddit tier fedora tipping """"""philosophy"""""""

Who the fuck cares?
I just enjoyed the puzzles and the exploration
I'm bought this game because of the puzzle tag not the "really makes you think" one

>bought this game because of the puzzle tag not the "really makes you think" one
shouldn't those be one and the same?

You know what I meant, fag

Its a good puzzle game. If you don't like puzzle games why the fuck would you buy this

Shit taste detected, it's one of the bets games in this decade.

>puzzles are basic as shit
post playtime or you're a dumbass. the beginning puzzles are basic as shit because they're teaching the rules. Star puzzles and puzzles later on are at the very least headscratchers.

>Its a good puzzle game
it's a good game containing puzzles, but not necessarily a good puzzle game
some of the puzzles are good, moreso in the DLC, but most of them are average and forgettable
the best part of the game is the presentation and merging it all with a nice story, not in the puzzles themselves

it isn't as refined as more pure puzzle games like spacechem or snakebird; there's puzzles in spacechem i spent hours bashing my head against and probably will never forget

>being this much of a retard who can't think of going into game settings

the base game had overall pretty mediocre puzzles
a lot of star puzzles are pretty disappointing, and usually amount to sneak one object out of a puzzle so you can activate a really simple puzzle in the hub

the DLC had much better puzzles overall though, they used the experience they had from making the base game to make much more interesting puzzles regardless of difficulty

>Expecting a puzzle game to get hard within an hour
Not even the original Portal was like this, and it was short as fuck.

I can't figure out this puzzle

>links to steam store of game nobody asked for
>calls others shill
you don't even see the irony in it do you?

If you buy it, be sure to get the Gehenna DLC. Specially if you want really difficult puzzles.

Get tested for adhd, 13-year olds.

thats a good thing tho, that means you can replay the game and have slightly less fun than the first time you played it

>check store page
>it's in my library
>forgot I even bought it

play it now
