Will you buy switch version?

Will you buy switch version?

Of dragons dogma? GOt it on 360 and pc, that should be enough

No, unless they made major improvements to the optimization to allow it to run closer to how the PC version was.

>buying it a fourth time

Well, buying DA was totally worth it
All this nice shi

if it's on switch and not more expensive than the steam version, sure

No, I already bought the game twice.

Only if it included new content and ran as well as the PC version, which it probably wouldn't.

Is DD getting a Switch port or something?

give me DD2 instead

What if they rework the classes, making assassins a bit worse, gives warriors 6 abilites and fix a few things. Also, there will be 3 more large monsters for the main game, BBI will be untoched.

This. Sadly all we're going to get is the MMO.

Even if they made dd2, there won't be western release

>still no mod that allows you to use ALL of your abilities

Man, every time I see gameplay of DD I want to replay it. But all the pre bbi stuff is way too easy. And MK is too fun with perfect blocking.

Reminder that Jewtits is best girl.

Yes they will, capcom loves money, and they were happy with the amount of sales when they relased it on Steam

moon when?

You can already play with 6 abilities Warrior on PC version with cheat engine. You can also swap weapons with hotkeys

>capcom loves money
Console western version bombed terrible
>and they were happy with the amount of sales when they relased it on Steam
Yea, they surelly will make pc port specially for west:)
DD already was translated and port was cheap as fuck, there no way they will lose money again on the marketing and proper localization just in hopes that pirate master race will buy their game

With cheat engine you can create sets of skills/weapons and swap between them with hotkeys, without pausing or anything

the only issue i have with this game is that it doesn't have different save slots or a way to reset levels

>different save slots or a way to reset levels
Why would you want something like this?

Stats. If you played 100 lvls with wizard and then want to play warrior you're gonna get destroyed with that tiny health

I would delete my character and start new one

Does this game have fun archers?

Is there infinite ammo?

Yes and yes. There are special arrows that are limited though. And you can be a fucking wizard with a magic bow.

it has the best archery in the history of action rpgs

There is infinite ammo, but special arrows (poison, sleep, explosive etc) are limited

I'm only interested in nintendo exclusives, of which I hope are many.

>having to delete all progress just to change builds

>no PS4 port at a silky buttery smooth 30fps

I'm peeved