Is it worth $30?

Is it worth $30?

Other urls found in this thread:™_(2016)#Targets


My favorite Hitman game so far though they went forward most steps, theirs step backs in other areas.

>Can't dual wield guns
>No more target kills from Absolution to wipe everyone in the room out
>Lacking variety in weapons

Some other nitpicks but nothing big.

No. I'm trying to refund it right now and hope that they let me.

It's linear with enclosed environments and only has a few staged kills that you can do. The targets just walk in circles on a predetermined path. I was lied to, Sup Forums tried to tell me that is was some grand open world with thousands of ways to kill your target. This game is just as shitty as previous Hitman games.

I played through the boat mission, the army base mission, and killing a chef in Paris. Three hours of play total. it's trash.

I fully intend to spam this pic in every goddamn single Hitman thread I see on Sup Forums from now on. The shilling has gotten out of hand.

>no map

No. Don't fall for the shills. It's worse than absolution.

Do you plan to replay missions? The game has a lot of hours in it if you're creative or a completitionist. The less handholdy stuff you leave on the better. It's a very good game only really held back by the excessive DRM. If you liked Blood Money, it's worth it. If you didn't play Blood Money, get that instead.

>It's linear with enclosed environments and only has a few staged kills that you can do.
>This game is just as shitty as previous Hitman games.
This handily wins the most wrong opinion of the day award.

you are pathetic

If you want story driven gameplay, not really.
If you want murder sandbox, yes.

When are you two going to get a real job? Your marketing is obvious.


Had a hard time around the bigger levels with no map but nothing game breaking.

Boy you sure told me!

You're going to have to do a little better than that, buddy.

OP here

does it matter that i've never played a hitman game? not really interested in story cause i didn't even know there was one, just wanted a fun game for $30 that's not GTA V

>>No more target kills from Absolution to wipe everyone in the room out
W E W, are you retarded?

It has no story. You can even play the maps out of order and it won't matter.

I have the platinum for all 3 games in the HD trilogy and Absolution but haven't bought this game because of how much I fucking hate the way they sold the game. It looks good from the streams I've watched but would rather replay the older ones then deal with the always online and dlc shit that is modern gaming

have you tried pressing F1 and selectig the "map" tab?

I've played a little of the Hitman games and the story is very barebones. You're just a professional hitman who is either forced back into doing it or amnesia.

>more choice is bad

neck yourself

Why are You upset?

I would've if they didn't make the fucking selection menus like a fucking tablet

>Press X to kill everyone is a good design
Nobody's stopping your from starting with an automatic rifle and shooting up places.

I bought it

thanks guys

>more choice is bad

That's the point. It's a choice.

>yet includes cherrypicking.

>press X to kill everyone is a bad choice

>Press X to get walked through how to win the level is good choice

Pls. Kill urself Senpai

HiTMan has the potential to be better than Blood Money but they really have to fix the somewhat shit balancing and unlock system. There's no reason why I need to unlock 5 different variants of the same explosive/gun, and then 1 explosive/gun that's obviously better than the rest.

>that cherry picked clip

>S-stop it!
>M-maybe if I call it cherrypicking, someone will believe me over them!

K I N O-tier trailer

In terms of level design it's the best fuckin one.i don't like how opportunities make the game a connect the dots, but you can turn them off. Also escalations which most people seem to hate are fucking great and I love the replayability.
Instinct mode or whatever is fuckin gay and so are elusive targets
>Sorry you went on vacation for a week or didn't feel like playing but you missed out on getting this outfit

You're one of reasons why Sup Forums is so shit. Always portraying old games in perfect, second coming of Christ way, while new game in the worst possible.

That's why you won't say that in Blood Money you have to kill a band of people cosplaying as crows or a retarded fat ass in Contracts and won't say that targets in TM are scientists creating a DNA weapon or leaders of spying organizations.

>Scientists creating a DNA weapons

It's a fucking glorified flu already contained and is of no threat to anyone except the dumb chick that should know exactly how dangerous it is.

>leaders of spying organizations

You mean leader. Novikov is a reformed gangster looking to go straight with his fashion shows. Dalia keeps him in the dark about everything and is only pumping him for cash. She's tired of his shit.

The point is that there's a difference in feeling between the games targets. TM's bad guys just feel less threatening than in previous games.

Holy fuck, the shilling this game is getting is obnoxious.
There's two threads right now, none of them are too active.

Very happy it has sold so poorly, at least on PC.

>fat as fuck shills praising a 2 year old trailer
Mods should simply ban Hitman and Titanfall 2 discussion if the ''no advertisments'' rule is still in play.

And overwatch plus dishonored threads.

These games are all clearly part of a viral marketing campaign.

Do you really give that much of a fuck about the backstories of the people you're killing?

I skipped every cutscene in blood money and still enjoyed killing the targets even if I didn't know why

enclosed environments
>enclosed environments
enclosed environments
>enclosed environments
enclosed environments
>enclosed environments
enclosed environments
>enclosed environments
enclosed environments

>I'll praise the backstories of the characters in the new game while dissing on the backstories in the old ones while claiming I care about neither!

I believe we're done here.

>Entirety of gameplay of a game consists on the tutorial

That wasn't me faggot. I don't give a shit about the stories as long as the levels and assassinations are fun

>everyone has the same two accents and speaks english

I really hope they don't do that for season 2.

me and my face

Why does this game make so many people bootyblasted

me, OOPPPSSSS meant

I'd say you dodged two bullets, but...

Only the shills get angry when people rightfully call it an average and forgettable game.

They won't get thier xmas bonus from SE if nobody buys it.

They can't pirate it.

Episodic and online single player is fucking cancer, but what are you going to do about it if you're a Hitman fan? Go and picket outside their offices? That'll show Sqeenix for sure!

Everything else you listed was biased and cherry-picked as fuck. "Dandy whose wife plans to kill him tomorrow" you failed to mention he's the ringleader of an international spy organization and the head of a fashion empire. Oops. Depressed virgin? More like a dangerous autist creating the most dangerous bio-weapon capable of wiping out anyone on the planet. Defenseless old man? Maybe because he's in the middle of having a fucking heart surgery you moron - he's an assassin legend and one of the founders of the ICA.

>ringleader of an international spy organization

He's just the moneyman. Dahlia is the leader and is purposely keeping him in the dark about the true extent of things.

>dangerous autist creating the most dangerous bio-weapon capable of wiping out anyone on the planet

I think you mean pathetic momma's boy always on the verge of a breakdown that fears travelling and women.

>an assassin legend and one of the founders of the ICA

He did one wimp ass mission you instantly outclass - IN THE FUCKING TUTORIAL - and then retired. He's a weakling that can't even stop a man's fucking employment when he's the one that signs the dotted line.

The targets are fucking pathetic in TM, not threatening at all.

>this is Viktor Novikov - head of Sanguine and ringleader of IAGO

In-game dialogue spoken by the targets contradicts Diana's briefing.


there's a copy of the DNA virus hidden inside a ship model on the 2nd floor of the mansion. Didn't find that in 100 hours



PC is the only place it's selling.

In a room near where Caruso has the therapy session, there's a Yacht model, if you break it, for example by shooting, you can find the DNA Virus as usable I was watching a speedrun and saw it.


And I thought the DNA samples were just to get the two targets into a conflict with each other

>liter of soda refills itself

Last night I dreamed that I owned this game and had fun playing it.



Do it. Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams

>>constant bugs
I can literally start the game and play a mission without a single bug happening, that means it's not constant. Refuted on the first two fucking words.

>works on my machine :^)

Sure, but if it does than it's not constant. It would only be constant if it didn't work on any machine.

>frequent crashes
Stop playing chinese sex-sims and use a normal locale you fucking weeb

You came to the wrong place to ask. You'll find just as many people praising it as GOTY as many are screaming it's garbage.
Not to mention that one insecure faggot in every single Hitman thread I've seen so far claiming everybody who isn't him is shilling.

Are there any female or black targets or is this game more politically correct trash?

There are. Though I think the only black target was an elusive target, so he's no longer in the game.

I bought it mainly because of the major shilling around here and currently I love it. Loads of content, tons of possibilities. I had no attachment to the series, last one I played was Hitman 2 a LONG ass time ago but this one's pretty damn good.

All in all, worth it for me.

do you think it's that underage brony?

>5 Females,
>Ex-Mossad interrogator
>Ponzi schemster Strandberg™_(2016)#Targets

No but there are some funny Drumpf references xD


>secluded room with only a target and a civi
>pull out a gun and quickly headshot them
>alarm instantly triggers
>can choke a person right behind another and nobody will hear a thing
>but if you punch him in the face everyone in 30 miles vicinity will know exactly what you did
shit pisses me off

>2nd vid
Who was in the wrong there?

I had the alarm start ringing as soon as I punched the army general target in morocco. Not sure how the fuck it happened. He was alone.



BM default,
in TM inventory on tab, drop on G, Use on F, interact on 3, stick to cover 1

>can choke a person right behind another and nobody will hear a thing
>but if you punch him in the face everyone in 30 miles vicinity will know exactly what you did
This is a surprise for you?

I wish I was creative enough for BM. I always end up doing the same shit.

What the fuck man, I was in that room during my first run on the level, and noticed that ship model, yet thought that there wasn't anything usable about it.

Apparently said prototype is loaded with De Santis' DNA too.

I hope you can assasinate Trump in on of the next hitman episodes. Would be great.

seems like NPC witnessing an attack instantly triggers the hunted mode, even if its been a millisecond. And NPCs can hear punches though walls
I dont know how the fuck such a basic thing couldve been overlooked. Same with being able to throw propane tanks without any suspicion. Still not fixed and likely will never be