Is it better than WoW?

Is it better than WoW?

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Yes, but that's not saying much.

I think so

no and it never will

it's not but I still sub 6 months at a time.

Yes. It's significantly better.

HW is the most fun ive had of any mmo

t. longterm WoW player

It is, but only if you have really low standards and want to pretend totally the opposite.
Its worse than Old WoW, its better than modern WoW, but doesn't remove the fact its incredibly awful, only eyecandy if anything.

Not an authentic RPG experience, cinematic if anything, but the same could be said of any modern MMO. (this doesn't mean anything good)
If you play videogames for achievements and e-penis (read: just want to be there for the action) the it can be a good game for you.
If you want a game where you can feel part of the game and history itself, and feel deeply immersed(something like inside a D&D or some table top RPG match), then you are out of luck, no MMOs do this anymore, and those that did, Sup Forums bashed them to death for either reason.

It is.

It is not as large as WoW, but it still has some nice sights and gameplay.

And unlike WoW, it does not suffer of artificial dififculty and does not need mods to be played.

In terms of soundtrack it definitely is.

Shit taste alert

It has some of the worst dungeon designs I have ever experienced in an MMORPG. They look pretty, but are all the same boring shit. And they are probably more than half of the game's content, so it becomes a huge drag. I'd rather deal with XI and it's bullshit than dump anymore time into XIV.

I played legion and i swapped to heavens

Less rng in it and has more of a classic mmo feeling. That and the story isnt that bad

I agree that the dungeons themselves can be pretty bland in design, but I love the bossfights so much.
It's just nice to see dungeon bosses with actual mechanics and ones that don't die within 30 seconds of being pulled which is a breath of fresh air in comparison to WoW.

Yes, objectively.

>PF pugs haven't reached A11S weekly clears level yet

Cross server PF when? game has the best OST for boss fights

it would be better if the job system were deeper

Hyped for tomorrow's live letter?

Never played wow but I hear wow had better PvP
Other than that people say ffxiv is better

I'm excited.
egi-glamour fucking when

dat Azys Lla


I hate this meme but it's true

I gave it a go but the crazy amount of shitty story quests I had to do in order to reach end game really put me off.
I don't understand why the fuck they gated the content behind hundreds of quests, WoW might be shitty but at least you can skip a lot of it if you just want to try out the new stuff with friends.

2.X was really bad with the fetch quests. I remember hearing they're trying to move away from that.

3.X so far feels like it's doing a better job of it. Less quests, more story progression and cutscenes.

Seems like bots are back at group invites. I just got one on Cerberus.

Yeah, the questathon gating the HW content is pretty stupid.
I just finished it myself last night, so glad it's finally over.


Sadly no.

>Bought FFXIV on steam
>HW sale literally never

Have you played much? You're honestly probably better off just re-buying the game on an S-E account instead of shitty steam

Tfw can't decide between astro / white mage

only better if you have no interest in pvp

AST is for cucks

It's better in looks and music.

It's worth in replayability value, endgame diversity, gear itemization and overall combat.

It's arguably better or worse raiding wise, depending in personal opinions. Everything else is fact.

AST is objectively a better choice for the rest of Heavensward.

Whm is for erpers, sch is for tryhards, ast is for bandwagoners.

Finished all the pre HW quests. Can't transfer your account to SE, either


Same here. People always said the stuff between Ifrit and Titan in 2.0 is the worst part of the game but I heavily disagree. The worst part is 2.X.
It took me two months to reach 3.0 because 2.X was so fucking boring that I kept fucking off to level random classes instead of progressing the story.
Finally seeing the big fat HEAVENSWARD show up on screen was the most elating feeling I've experienced in this game.

WHM is for healsluts.

SCH is DPS disguised as a healer

AST can dps, heal, and provide godly support via buffs.

Oh yeah fuck that then.

>100 filler quests that everyone is required to do to reach the expansion
Yoshi is fucking retarded. They need to just make the first 80 or so optional and just require you to do the shiva bits near the end

Use back-up and log-in with your account data into the non-Steam version. You'll be forced to download a shitload of patches and personal data, but should be able to migrate like this to non-Steam versions.

At what level does FFXIV get fun fellas, when can I unleash kuraahzee limit breakers that annhilate my foes in a rain of light and fire?

Just beat A11S in Raid Finder and got a Gobdip, holy shit.

Qyestion is now, DRK i270 sword, Skill Speed Vx2 or Det Vx2

You fucked up.

Boss fights are also shit, you avoid circular aoe's, maybe have some random inconsistent icons that change their mechanics every instance until the boss goes to 50% and then some rock music with Koji Fox rap might play.

crit > det > sks/sps for pretty much every class

there is some talk about "level jump potions" in stormblood, but i dunno if they'll skip over the billion terrible quests. they're at least aware of the problem tho.

How do I transition from WHM to SCH without being a shitter? What should I be using aetherflow on?

>why is there story in a final fantasy game

Bane and Energy Drain.

Never, ranged limit breaks are ridiculously weak by design

How did user fuck up? Unless you're implying that the Shire Greatsword is anything other than best-in-slot for DRK, that is.

DET V x2. DET has a higher stat weight for DRK than SkS does.

Is everything peachy?
Is something nasty about to happen?
>sacred soil
Did someone fuck up?
Did everyone fuck up?
Did you fuck up?

Reminder that Gaius was right.

It is but as a long-time WoW player I can't be certain if it's because of FFXIV's own merits or because WoW has become pretty weak outside of raid fights. I've tried thinking about how it would compare to Burning Crusade or Wrath of the Lich King.

What xiv does better than wow is presentation. The boss fights feel impactful, the music is intense and diverse, and everything just feels really good. Wow just comes across as cheap in comparison

But xiv's mechanics aren't particularly interesting, even if they feel more exciting. Mechanics are rescued constantly, 99% of the game is 4 man face roll content, and that actual progression and character building is laughably shallow/non existent. Also there pvp is laughable

So it totally depends on what you're interested in

He chose to play the worst designed job in the game.

Only one person per group can release limit breaks, and the ranged never ever use it cuz they're AoE, and you dont AoE ever on bosses, have fun

As someone that raids as DRK/PLD/WAR I feel inclined to disagree with you.

>play paladin 1-60 and through heavensward
>be bored of tanking
>level up NIN and WHM after
>NIN is ok but took forever to learn how to do correctly
>WHM 1-60 is ezpz
>take WHM into ex primals
>want to kill myself and start smoking from how stressful it is when the dps keep dying and oom
>level up AST and WAR
>WAR is new main from how goddamn fun it is
>AST is new healer for lmao i can't run out of MP nyow
>Quit for months
>Can't DPS on NIN again because of how much garbage I have to juggle
>Level up BLM
>do some EX trials
>get laughed at for playing BLM and fucking up enochian when there's DPS downtimes, can't even do well on NIN anymore
>do more DPS on Warrior than either of my DPS classes
I don't understand

>this meme again

please do not

also if we're being real about it pld is probably the most badly designed for a few reasons, wanderer's minuet is also up there

PLD's design isn't great, the problem with DRK's design is that it's just a copy of PLD's but with more damage. DRK made tank balance even worse than WHM/SCH/AST in 3.0 because it was designed to compete with PLD instead of doing something unique that worked with either PLD or WAR.

It can't be coincidence that virtually every time there's a male cat NPC, they are an unbearable faggot.

>Crystal Tower catboy: Haha I am so witty and smug
>Beast Tribe finale catboy: Pssssh nothin personnel kid deviantart OC
>Arcanist questline catboy: Le epic gentlesir so quirky and random but secretly powerful. Also catgirl nerd lusting after my dick.
>Monk 50-60 catboy: I unlocked all the chakras even the other 7 chakras no one even knew existed i'm the most powerful
>BLM 50-60 catboy: Just a big tool who gets in the way

The only one who was actually cool and a bro is U'odh Nunh.

>all the weeb classes
those are my favourite.

>This fag again
And your solution is to take away DRK's aoes and off-gcd's, right?

No, the root of the tank problem is that Warrior became THE de facto off-tank due to the existence of Deliverance. DRK and PLD each fit into their own niches well enough, and any competent tank will be willing and able to switch between the two to suit a fight. Lots of magic damage/busters? Go DRK. Lots of physical damage/busters? Go PLD.
The problem lies with Warrior and how it's been pidgeonholed into the OT role, not with the other two tanks. WAR also brings the absolute must-have Storm's Eye, which is only brought by one other class, and that comes at a DPS loss because it's not part of their normal rotation.

Of course, WAR apologists will spout their usual bullshit and try to shift blame/deny, but they need to eventually come to terms with the fact that SE designed WAR in a way that fucks up the tank balance horribly.
Remember when SE said they didn't want to specifically design a tank as a "main tank" or an "off-tank"? So much for that.

The problem with PLD is entirely with xiv's meta; defense doesn't matter. Healing doesn't matter. DPS is king. Same exact reason SCH is prevelant. Every progression party wants to cut as much fight as possible to increase DPS, because when a single party member makes a mistake and causes you to wipe, no amount of healing or damage mitigation cool downs are going to help you. Kill the boss faster so there's less chance for someone to fuck up

So when you look at tanks, you want to see who does the most DPS. Well, WAR does the most outside of tank stance, and DRK does the most in tank stance. So where does PLD come in? They don't. And that's the problem. Designing a tank to have the ultimate defense will never work in xiv unless they completely rework their encounter design

no. it's even slower

It's BiS weapon for DRK...

I got it on sale for $20 on Steam last January. You might not have to wait much longer.

I'm gonna ask a dumb question, my pc can't run shit but I head there is a PS4/PS3 version.

Is getting that a good alternative or should i just get a better computer.

They're all Tia cuckcats. They're rendered faggots by their incredible sexual frustration.

ps3 version is getting phased out shortly and sucked anyway

ps4 version is fine once you get used to the controller bars, apparently

Yeah bro, that's the big secret to tank balance, you figured it out. No one wants to bring PLD/DRK because they aren't unique enough. It has nothing to do with WAR not only having by far the biggest DPS of the three, but also practically mandatory debuffs which both reduce outgoing damage and increase raid DPS.

>tfw sold my gaming PC earlier this year
>just bought a shitty dell laptop (7559) so I could get my XIV fix because playing on PS4 is insufferable

I wish I could quit you

>its better than modern WoW
so yes?

>that can't be right, let me look this up
>parry and skillspeed on the raid drop

yoshi plz

XIV actually does pretty good with class balance doesn't it? Like even if PLD is behind, you can still does everything in the game without much problem with them

Is there an mmo that does any better than XIV?

Yep, it's the best choice. DRK doesn't need that many purely DPS skills.

You can't blame WAR for PLD's/DRK's complete lack of any useful OT utility.

WAR's DPS barely beats DRK's with slashing debuff, and DRK also has a stupid amount of raidwide mitigation because of the combination of Delirium and Reprisal. Meanwhile PLD just has a worse version of everything DRK has.

>Queue up for an 8 man as PLD or DRK
>Other tank is WAR
>Goes Defiance
>Me: "I can MT this if you wanna go Deliverance."
>WAR tank never says a thing
>My face when I try to pretend my Sword Oath/Blood Weapon will be the same as Fell Cleaves

At least they have the option.
>Both Shire and Alex weapon are utter shit for SCH
Relic 270 can't come soon enough...

To be fair, Goring Blade has more potency than Fell cleave.

>You can't blame WAR
You're right. I can blame SE for designing the tanks the way they have, though. Until SE majorly overhauls all 3 tanks, WAR will forever be the must-have OT and DRK/PLD will forever be the MTs. Unless Stormblood introduces another tank that can fill WAR's role, that is.
Which it won't. Because SE went on record saying they didn't want to pidgeonhole tanks into specific roles. Which they ended up doing, because Deliverance exists.

I hope you're not discounting Blood Weapon and Sword Oath. Both are pretty powerful, and Blood Weapon has an extremely high up-time due to its lengthy duration in comparison to its CD. Also, Sword Oath has always been a lot stronger than people give it credit for, and the recent buff only made it stronger. Plus, PLD has Fight or Flight, which is arguably better than berserk because it lasts longer and has absolutely no penalty for using.
Problem is that PLD/DRK OT loses a lot due to losing out on Shield Swipe/Low Blow/Reprisal procs and Blood Price. Low Blow/Reprisal/Blood Price actually makes for a large DPS loss for DRK; it's a lot more than most people would think.

>DRK also has a stupid amount of raidwide mitigation because of the combination of Delirium and Reprisal
Delirium, which only affects magic attacks, and Reprisal which is up at most 66% of the time and requires the DRK to be MT. Compared to Storm's Eye which has 100% uptime and works on everything.

If PLD or DRK could output WAR's numbers or increase raid DPS like WAR then you would see PLD/DRK combos, but they can't, so you don't. Can't you just fuck off already?

Fell cleave is a meme, a soul eater drk probably do more damage over time than a memewar.

>I hope you're not discounting Blood Weapon and Sword Oath
Those have nothing to do with OT and should be used when tanking.

Current WoW? Yes. Nost WoW? Not in a million years.

Gear doesn't mean shit in XIV. I don't understand people who agonize over it. Just get whatever the highest ilvl you can manage is and you're more than fine

I mean seriously


I'd say it's the best Themepark PVE MMO out there.

Everyone kept saying it couldn't happen but Square Enix has the absolute best MMO on the market right now.

Maybe I misinterpreted the post, then.

Don't believe those saying you won't use your LB pal.

Whats wrong with BLM?

>Delirium, which only affects magic attacks
Which is all raidwide damage and the strongest tankbuster in the current raid.

>Reprisal which is up at most 66% of the time and requires the DRK to be MT
Any group with a DRK will always have it as MT, Reprisal is available for the vast majority of relevant mechanics.

Yes, but pvp is very bad

I'm shit with it and can only deal 1700 dps on a dummy while standing still

Not only do you have to learn the mechanics for the fight, you have to also learn the best timings for Ley Lines and when Enochian should be falling off.

This is my first mmo and I'm quite addicted to it. I managed to complete ARR with a lvl 50 Ninja and lvl 50 Arcanist and am now working on leveling up Ast and Dark Knight.

I've had a ton of fun, but I have to ask

Is this really all a mmo can be? I look at the environments and I'm blown away not just by their sense of scale and their beautiful aesthetics, but by the complete pointlessness of their existence.

Side quests give such minimal exp they aren't worth doing. Fates are too slow because it's hard to find other people doing them. Monsters out in fields give hardly any experience.

So you spend all of the game's meaningful time rerunning dungeons. Is that really all that a game like this can accomplish? It frustrates me how limited it makes the experience feel when you're forced into this constant dungeon mindset.

I also really hated ARR's story. I hated how it is a self insert story yet I had no control over my character at all. I hated how my character was even more of a one man army than your usual jrpg protagonist, and how the entire world revolved around me. It cheapens the entire world.


Unlocking Dark Knight and then realizing I needed to levelup Gladiator first was ridiculous. Same with needing swiftcast from another class. I'd much rather have certain jobs and classes missing key things so that they are more unique on their strengths and weaknesses.

I also find the character creator really limited. It's cool that each of the races have unique facial structure, but you basically have no control over your body. I played PSO2 for maybe a few weeks and I remembered enjoying all the various sliders.

People say it's not here because of how hard it would be to model all the clothes, but the entirety of ARR is the same three costumes recolored