Rate, and post pokemon teams, Sup Forums
Rate, and post pokemon teams, Sup Forums
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0/10 too obvious a team
No, fuck you, go to your fucking containment board
/mlp/ is the only containment board, user. This is vidya gaymes
When will this containment board meme die?
>mfw still grinding for the salamance on route 3
mfw bagon has a 1% encounter
We have a whole dedicated board for this shit/10.
If you think that's bad, try Mareanie
>Requires you to fish up a Corsola encounter
>Corsola is a 1% encounter
>Corsola has call for help for it to show up
I am a lucky sonuvabitch to not only fish up a Corsola first try, but also get a Mareanie with relentless in that same attempt
Am I the only one who notices that the encounter requirements are starting to get stupid?
I spent four hours trying and didn't even see a single Bagon.
Honestly, I can't blame Serebii for not believing it
I think Game Freak secretly hired that kid
Rate and hate, nerds.
I was gonna use Jolteon but everyone said Raichu is better. I like both so the choice was hard.
Not done yet, but I have three of these on my team as well
>fucking hau copying my vaporeon
>having two poison types
>having two ghost types
>having two flying types
Vikavolt, might swap him out somewhere along the line
Lycanroc (Sun)
Mudsdale, might swap him too
>tfw only at the start
I wish they buffed Ledyba/Ledian, he'd make a great counterpart to Cutiefly/Ribombee
>Decidueye (the starter. Grass4lyfe)
>Ribombee (Got lucky and found and a Timid synchronize Abra. Fast, but rarely lasts more than one hit)
>A-Dugtrio(A Bro who has contributed to at least three Totem Battle victories thanks to his ability.)
>Toxapex (Got really lucky and managed to get one with relentless first try. Toxic/Venoshock Meme strat really fills in its crap offensives)
>Mimikyu (Got an Adamant one. Free Setups on any mon that status moves is insanely good, especially since it outspeeds a suprisingly large number of mons.)
>Bewear (Replacement for Drampa when I found out the latter was Moon only. To my surprise, it's practically a god physically and and feeds off of the tears of Guzma's Golisopod.)
>tfw killed my Pichu by accident
>hung around for like two more hours and never saw another
>having all your types be different
Good luck finding a decent team faggot, I'll sweep you online.
>having autism
Best nicknames for Golisopod and Araquanid?
>these random typings
I knew new pokemon were bad, but this bad?
>Toxapex and Mimikyuu
Are you literally me
I named my Goliso Goliath
I have two and named them Souliath and Isogod
What's random about it?
I just pick whatever looks the coolest, user. I'll be competitive when I have nothing left to do
I had no idea Bagon was so rare. I went to that lake area immediately after getting the required ride pokemon and he was my first spawn
Fire types ruin my day.
this is what I ended up with after going through the game
>tfw not trying to go max autism on playthroughs
>first pikipek I got had skill link, but awful nature, -speed
>every consecutive pikipek had keen eye
>after seemingly eons finally a pikipek has skill link
>-attack nature
I really wish I was just blissfully ignorant.
Just the team I ended up with playing around.
Not op, but those two are easily my favorites this gen.
Just remind yourself that there's no point since they all have awful IVs
This isn't a set team but I like a lot of the Pokemon this time around so I'm actually rotating around this set of 12. Just got to the third island and everyone is around level 30 so exp share helps a lot this time around.
>got through up to the trainer school with just Rowlet and Grubbin
>decided I'd catch a Pikapek
>Pikapek is strong as fuck and instant bro-tier
>on route 8 trying to catch a Stufful
>run into a shiny Trumbeak
>have to let go of my first one
His memory lives on.
Oops, that's also my planned team, I don't have a Vulpix or Jangmo-o yet, and my Dartrix, Charjabug, Jigglypuff, and Salandit aren't evolved yet.
I was lucky to get Mareani in a wonder trade
>Jolly Decidueye
>Rash Pelipper w/Drizzle
>Mild Arcanine
>Brave Bewear w/Fluffy
Having fun with the bro force. Didn't grind for natures, but got really lucky. Of course, before he evolved, my Wingull got fucked by Totem Salazzle b/c of a -SpD nature.
I'm deciding who is better: Hustle Rattata or Technician Meowth. Need opinions
I ran into a shiny diglett and now I have a shiny Dugtrio that I named Destiny's Child cause they're a bunch of dark skinned niggas with blond hair
best team ITT
There need to be more sexy pokewaifus for me to bury myself into.
my absolute nigga
Team skull is a riot. They're my favorite part of the game by far.
Magnezone. Nigga of mine.
user I think there might be enough waifus in the game by now
They've already gone full furfag with this gen
I currently have;
And temporarily, most likely
>Alolan Raichu
Any suggestions for my last 2 spots?
>no hawaiian shirt
>in the region based on Hawaii
What the FUCK?
Why the fuck is the music so atrocious in this game?
The only worthwhile track so far is the trainer battle and even that's a fucking mess of random beats, instruments and melodies. Nothing has a theme to it, everything's just all over the place, none of which is memorable.
Music's like half the reason I play these games.
Kinda outdated. Zygarde has been replaced by Trevenant and all my Pkmn are lv 50 now.
>tfw Grass totem was hard because of this team
>The Fighting E4 member was also very difficult.
Regret Nothing.
Ok, I regret some. Should have gotten the beetle. I don't usually use legendaries too. I picked it because it felt too late at the time.
i've seen like five my dude
When the fuck will we get some more good RPGs on the 3DS?
What the fuck happened to the handheld RPG market?
There's like... One etrian odyssey that isn't a rehash.
and then pokemon.
and that's it.
what happened to the original titles and shit?
there was so much good stuff on the DS and the GBA
currently have:
>Alolan Diglet
I just got to akala,the town before route 5. where can I find a good water type?
You should be coming up on an area filled with them
>Rainbow colored
>GF stealing from sage again
I have all Ghost or Ghost/X types and I clean shop online.
Fuck you. My nigga Gengar rockin it.
hey you need to kys
Gible and Fletchinder are still like level 20 because they just hatched, but the rest are 50 plus.
fucking shit/10
fuck you
When do you get Zygarde?
playing rotational is way more fun, plus you always want a slot open for an HM slave
you have to beat your meat
My team thus far. Got a Honedge from the Island Scan.
I actually really hate Lycanroc but I have nothing to replace him with. I wanted to get Geodude but having to trade it to evolve it seems like a fucking hassle.
What's bad about it?
You can trade a haunter for a graveler at one point in the game.
can we stop with this pokemon shit please, video games should be a for a mature audiences, not this baby crap
why is every SuMo team the same? Why are there only like 70 new pokemon?
Is there a website you use to visualize teams or do you do it manually in paint?
Fairy best type
youre a girl
or gay
The Toucannon is my first shiny
This is loosely what my team is going to be but with a Muk as well.
Nope. I'm just not an edgemaster.
>tfw solo wasted three different totem Pokemon with Cottonee
Prankster+Leech Seed+Stun Spore 2 Stronk
I have this team.
By the time I realized how genwun it was I already had it for too long. I like to keeping my pokes until the end.
Is it possible to get weedle? I don't think we can till bank comes out.
I don't know who else I should use
>having any Pokemon on your main team that aren't from the same generation as the game
Not like sage is ever going to get finished. And besides Sup Forums and /vp/ hates sage cause NOT MUH REAL POKUMON OFFICIAL NINTENDO GAMEFREAK PLEASE CUM IN MY ANUS game.
Seriously all Pokemon games gets a fucking pass here just because it's official. Fuck it if it's stolen or retarded design, GAMEFREAK can do no wrong.
Surely, truly, watching the haven of freedom that is Sup Forums get run over by Nintendo spergs is just awful. Sonyggers aren't this cancerous!
find a flaw
Maybe if they hadn't made the new pokemon so scarce, maddeningly difficult to find and utterly shitty, they'd be used more widely.