Games that deserve a follow-up that we'll never see

Sleeping Dogs 2 is never going to happen.
Makes me sad.

itt: sequels you want that will never be

Binary Domain

Omega Boost
Resonance of Fate
Army Men Air Attack 2
Jeanne D'arc
Astro Boy Omega Factor
Jak X

Just be glad they shitcanned Triad Wars like the mistake it was

Dragon's Dogma.

Freelancer 2 is scrapped for good. Star Citizen please deliver.

>Design docs for Sleeping Dogs 2 were released
>Was going to take place in China's Pearl River districts
>Co-op campaign with a new co-protagonist, Henry Fang, who was to be a crooked cop
>Could play through missions as both characters and experience a new perspective
>Crime rates in districts would be synchronized with a global server


Submarine titans

Star Wars Battlefront deserved a true sequel.

You mean Star Wars Battlefront 2?

Republic Commando

blah blah blue planet or w/e, it was good. would love a proper freespace 3 though. the fuck are they doing 100 years from the events? what happened in the long term after the supernova? what did they learn from all the technology? where did the shivans go?

its ripe for a 3rd game where humans eventually run into now-shutdown shivan technology as they expand more into the galaxy. they could write it in any direction and make it a great game if they stayed faithful to how the originals played (unlikely today).

>Astro Boy Omega Factor
This can still happen, in 2D even

Elder Scrolls 6
Not in my lifetime it seems

Freedom Fighters

Half-Life 3.
Even if it's cool to say that Half-Life sucks on Sup Forums.

I hear there's a movement to get it on Disney's radar. Watched a semi convincing video on youtube not long ago. Don't have direct source though.

Pic related needs a revisit fucking soon. I don't mind that we're getting a new armored core in the near future, but this shit had charm.

Titanfall 3.

Great game. Not even on steam. What a shame.

Knights of the Old Republic 2.
A REAL battlefront.
Bad Company 2.

Came here to post this and Metal Arms. Two amazing games that won't ever get the sequels they deserve.


RIP In Peace Free Radical, even you ultimately couldn't escape the fate of Rare

Pokemon XY and ORAS and probably Pearl Diamond and Platinum

>Mark of the Ninja
I'd like it but it'd probably just be the same thing again


Lightning Returns

Kotor 2

New Vegas

Republic Commando

No the shitty pay to win MMO doesn't count.

What have they even been doing for the last few years?

OR any arcade racer like this really.

Overlord 3 Last year's game doesn't count
Deus ex:Mankind Divided
Metroid Fusion
Claw (or Captain Claw)

Member when we had a variety of games concepts instead of the run-of-the-mill Hollywood Blockbuster shit?


Crash 4 (this one could happen if the remasters sell well)
Half Life 3


Never even gave a shit about the movies this tie in game was just fun as fuck.

New doesn't sell as consistently as old, even if new is good.

Every SEGA IP that isn't Sonic

Golden Sun.
Im not saying that the 3rd game was amazing, but i definitely enjoyed it and it looked amazing for a DS game. No series, especially Golden Sun deserves to be left at such a fucking hell of a cliffhanger like that last game did.

This little shit. Never finished tho, back in time the second disc wasnt working so I couldnt finish it, I downloaded in the early 2000's and emulated it, but again, when I reach the disc 2 I simply stoped playing and never touched it again

Invisible Inc.
Mark of the Ninja
Child of Light
The Ship
The Last Remnant

Would we settle for at least an HD remake?

I would love a Totar War game that has the scale/timeline as Europa Universalis.


Try Rise of Kasai


Mass Effect deserved a true sequel.

EA turn everything they touch to shit.

PC port when?

>follow ups
No games deserve follow ups

Sequels are a cancer.

Making space hulk - deathwing

Agreed, shame the series was killed

the combat in this game is perfect

Still have Freelancer installed.
I should replay it one day.

The first Fable in a spiritual successor, was an amazing idea but appealingly was a giant fluke by the devs as they couldn't get it right again with the 2nd game and after people bitch still fuck it up with the 3rd. A perfect case of a game getting lucky and the devs went and screw it all up.

Ditto with Prototype 2, the 2nd game only serve to ruin the first. They should do what Postal 2 did with Postal 3, pretend it never happened and treat it as a joke while hopefully learning from their mistakes.

>Ewwww furfags!
Fuck you these games were fun. They should release around Zootopia-type movie release and at the same time make the gamedark and bloody, that kids are actually used to in their games. The squeakers would just eat this shit right up and bring a new generation into fighting games.

What's with the wait, Sony? Don't you long flaunting your exclusive IPs around?

>it would probably be a shitty open world game if they ever did bring it back

The game is pretty good, I like the idea of having two health bars (or at least that was the system for 4) and if you "die" you were auto switch to the other form to fight. Force you to learn basically two fighting styles per character. I can't say the characters (as in story/background) were all that interesting though and even on the 4th game there was only like ~8 characters plus 5 unlockables. For being the 4th game in the series you would think there would been more. Doesn't help when two of them were tigers and two of them were moles making it so you were more or less playing the same character, just a clone of it.

Blase of Darkness 2
Diablo 3

Ewwww furfags!

Metal Fatigue 2. I've been waiting more than 15 years. I'm ready.

The Darkness 2 ended on a fucking huge cliffhanger

Demon's Souls

Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines

Half-Life 2 sucks, not Half-Life 1.

Half-Life 2 had bad gameplay on purpose to encourage you to play with physics and do puzzles and shit in a now antique physics engine. Half-Life 1 still plays nice.


Alundra 3

Man TWEWY was great.
Never fully beat it as pins needed to evolve through Alien shit or whatever.
Never knew what to do.

Other than that, great game. Loved it.

beside what said
>advent rising

>A follow up to THPS5
Activision lost the rights right after that came out. If I guess, Tony himself has them now.

>yfw Tony reassembles the old Neversoft crew and gives us a true follow up to THUG
I want to believe.

This beauty of a game :'(



Fuck sleeping dogs 2. They wanted to make some faggot assymetric mafia wars bullshit. They deserve every fucking thing they got

Golden sun with old artstyle.

Reminds me to replay the old one, I bought dlc for it I never played.

Goldeneye for the N64.

It always baffled me that such a revolutionary new IP never got any real sequels from the real development team. Sure we got shitty spin offs like Perfect Dark, but all I ever wanted was to see these classic characters expanded on.

How does Xenia know who James is? Did Natalya and James get married after Janus was defeated? Who are James's superiors? All questions that remain unanswered because we never got a real sequel.

Even weird shit like the Golden Gun in the multiplayer and the extra missions intrigue me. The dev team had so many great, creative ideas and simply weren't allowed to expand on them again.

This IP could have been a huge deal and grown into a real Halo killer, but Nintendo just HAD to drop the ball and let Rare get acquired by Microsoft, taking all of their IPs with them.

>someone else remembers metal fatigue
mah nigga

>tfw freelancer 2 never

medievil 3

>Did Natalya and James get married after Janus was defeated? Who are James's superiors? All questions that remain unanswered because we never got a real sequel.

Have you ever watched a Bond movie in your life? Bond only got married once and she dies in the same movie so fuck no.

From Russia With Love was a good fucking Bond game that actually had Sean Connery.

Movie? What are you talking about?

And Bond looks nothing like Connery...

It did get a follow up, It's just called Time Splitters.

That sounds pretty cool actually why don't they make that game

I'm not falling for it this time.

>Cus it would be a challenge, this take more time, thus costing more.

Why not just release the same game again and slap a number two on it. That would be faster and cheaper.

Half-Life 1 will never get a proper sequel

knowing the state of modern AAA gaming though it would probably be awful, so maybe it's better this way

Does this man look anything like Sean Connery?


Of course not. Because this game and the actor have nothing to do with each other.

You're purposely being retarded. I'll admit that most people don't know there is a From Russia With Love vidya game so this is the last (You) I give.

Freedom Fighters. Holy shit that game was fun.

why is asia chan crying such pure tears

Dragons dogma is my #1 with a bullet. Countless hours of enjoyment with it, and a troubled development cycle that flat out revealed we didn't get the original games vision.

Sleeping dogs was better than it had any right to be, I'd have loved a sequel.

>GOAT ski map with working chair lifts
>sniping from one lodge to the other
>firing sentinel rockets across the map
>driving mini tanks or drone copters armed with missiles
>game actually had more than 4 slots for bots

guess the game

Nightfire? Agent Under Fire? Everything or Nothing?

Don't post Xenia if you aren't talking Bond please.

Warhawk got a sequel mayne, it's called Starhawk

Def Jam FFNY, Icon doesn't count faggots.

The same time Vanquish will be ported ;_;