What went wrong ?
Watch Dogs 2
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pandering to SJWs, 13-16 year olds, nerds, and GAMER CULTURE BRUH
>muh strong female characters and weak males
>Modern Ubi
>underground young adults vs LE EVIL CORPORATIONS
>epic hackers cursing whoa intense
>fucking 6 year old memes
's video
>Watchdogs 1 wasn't good to begin with
This desu
don't see the issue here...
did they seriously cop-off of max headroom?
How will Sup Forumsirgins ever recover?
No fucking way
>paid off critics and underage b& reviews
really made me think...
What the fuck am I watching?
they tried very very hard to pander to sjws in this one. That's why I'm not buying it.
Why does her footage have all the crazy editing? What do the stuttering footage, spinning effects, and 8-bit Gumballs add to her speech? Even Max Headroom at least got to the point.
Sjw hacking with memes
>first game is far less pandery and tries to tell a story somewhat
>Ubi uses paid reviews + normies thought it was good
>second game panders to majority of video game players
Really sparked my neurons...
Did anybody ITT actually play the game? It's very decent
>Sup Forums
>Playing a game that made them BTFO
does the funny guy with the funny glasses die?
this is important.
Is this a parody?
I wouldn't pay more than $10 for this piece of shit SJW pandering garbage
Haven't played Watchdogs 2, but isn't this less SJW and just cringy with 30+ year olds trying to pretend to understand gaymer culture.
A fat ugly fat bitch is in an antagonist role. That's as un-SJW as it gets. SJWs would call it demonizing fat people.
No real ingame stuff
You'd think people who work in technology would better understand what people who work in technology look like.
On the other hand they are video game developers so they have no clue about real programming anyway.
Jesus Christ people, give it a few months.
New releases always get LOL 10/10 ratings by hype faggots anymore.
A few months from now the rating for WD2 will probably take a massive dump, just like the first one.
>paid critics
>still wont sell more than a million
>...when in reality, they're just script kiddies
>script kiddies
Who the fuck wrote this
>Seriously considered at least renting it because I was bored
>Came here, saw "Le Lenny" cinematic
Sure am glad I saw that first, I'm not going anywhere near this cringe inducing faggotry.
Also gettin' pretty sick of the nigger protagonist maymay.
Getting it bundled with my new 1080 lads, can't wait to have a fucking fun time
I don't know much about the game, and have little interest in getting it, but I'm faintly curious about this as well. Isn't this good with SJWs because this person is the leader of the bad guys? They seem like a tumblerina but they're leading a hacker group and so they're empowered or something? That'd be my guess. Anyway from appearance alone this looks like an SJW pandering character because they aren't gender normative (looking).
>NUDLE (Google) CEO Dusan Nemic is main antagonist of game
>WAAAAAAAHHHHH Trump is the bad guy
Pic related is the antagonist
i hurt myself today
This too
The nugger in this game always reminds me of Will I Am when he introduced his smart watch THAT AIN'T NO WATCH, CUZ IT GOTS A TOTES DIFFERENT PARADIGM
>You can see how the mocap actor slowed down the hand to not hurt the other guy
>get it on release for $60
>turns out its a better gta v
>lenni gets btfo
>the only other nigger in dedsec dies
>the mission right after is where you kill a bunch of tacos
>multiplayer shenanigans for ps4 players only (sorry boners kek)
>probably the best pro patch to date
what went okay?
What's wrong with this? I swear to fuck you Alt-Right cucks are worse than the SJWs that you loathe so much.
That's the least cringy part of it, as it is an actual term.
>Whats wrong with this?
Nigger, I consider myself fairly liberal and even I find this shit disgusting.
>How To Spot A Shill: The Post
Somebody has the video about the MC and another black guy bitching about racism and it ends with them going to delete some evidence of their crimes?
not a shill
its just ps4 has no games so we buy trash while we wait for other hyped up trash that hasnt come out yet
>n3rd hackers who are also badass gun guys killing people, YAASSS SLAYY
This alone makes this game retarded as hell, why couldn't they make it revolve around hacking shit but at least have the protag be some hired gun who doesn't know jack about tech, sent to do the dirty work those nerds can't do? That's why Lester is the best "hacker" in gaming, he's just some fatass working in the shadows and doesn't have to say words like "script" or "SYSTUM" and pseudo smart-sounding words pronounced super fast in every sentence to impress normies
And like, in the end, the hired gun would realize that putting justice in the hands of opinionated young tech cunts is wrong and he turns against them even though they know everything about him and he doesn't stand a chance.
I'd play the ever-loving shit out of that
Someone post the copypasta for this
hello Ubisoft
You do understand that the humor in the game is intentional, not ironic, right? It's meant to be cheesy. There's even a B-Movie hacker movie that takes place in-universe that's just as cheesy.
I'm sure it's hard to have an inferior opinion but I do hope you come to terms with it eventually.
WAIT, Youtube thumbnails now are animated? Cool.
You're a faggot. She's literally in it for like 2-3 missions and isn't even important. And legit was made to make fun of these types of people seeing as how unbearable this person actually is. Fuck this website is cancer.
So disappointed that this is the free game I'm going to get with a 1080
some people really don't like that shit. It's very annoying.
She becomes a friend later in the game faggot.
The main villain must always be a white male
GG Ubisoft for making a character that you are supposed to hate. And everyone here hates her.
Why the fuck does that dude wear a fucking mask
>It's very annoying.
That's the point
he's a big guy
>le smart nigger hacker
>whole game is about purple haired hipsters
>muh social issues
>the whole city looks like a hipster circus
I get what they went for but it doesn't appeal to my demographics at all
>inferior opinion
Does the game come with an anonymous mask too?
I don't give a flying fuck whether it's intentional or not.
I don't want cringy shit in my video games. Modern America is gay enough, I don't need it seeping into my vidya.
Neck yourself.
>What went wrong
they gone full MUH MEMZ and SJW
All they needed to do was just doing better watch dogs 1
Does she die at least?
No Aiden.
>the whole city looks like a hipster circus
It is San Francisco after all
Keeping guns for the retards instead of getting rid of guns and making the game a unique hacking/stealth game.
because the character is meant to be fucking annoying
>normies thought it was good
it's actually pretty fun and theres not really any sjw shit in it. it doesn't take itself seriously as all
I don´t see the problem, the character is annoying but that´s kinda the point.
Still, they censored vaginas so fuck Watch Dogs 2.
He was a faggot and him being white doesn't magically make him better.
why bother calling them alt right? they're neet white nationalists
you sound mad af maybe try leaving the basement and finding a gf
I think theyre trying to make it like Lester from gta v, but its shit
The first Watch Dogs wasn't anything terribly remarkable, but it at least had some interesting bits and a reasonable protagonist with motives that made sense, then as they might be.
This game when balls to the wall retarded with 'DUDE HACKTIVSM' shit and completely ruined any likability the protagonist had - and not just because he's black.
You need to go back to your safe space
they're trying to make an obnoxious side antagonist, which they succeeded at
thin as they might be
Christ I need a nap
>The first Watch Dogs wasn't anything terribly remarkable, but it at least had some interesting bits and a reasonable protagonist with motives that made sense,
Stop spouting bullshit.
the character in 2 are a lot better simply because it's goofy on purpose and doesn't take a silly premise and try to make an edgy serious story and characters out of it
It just seems to be two different sides of the spectrum, and it's kinda jarring for me.
Either way, Watch Dogs on it's own is fine, this is just a cash grab at it's finest.
That cup really doesn't seem like it fits his hand. Slightly bothering.
Still can't get over how they force you to play as Marcus the Black Hacker
idk how anyone thinks Aiden is worth shit he was a featureless grey blob to me
This new guy has some kind of personality at least
Marcus the black electronics genius is the most retarded cliche, it could only be more stupid if he suddenly got electricity related powers.
A cancer company appealing cancer audience? Perfect formula!
They talk about tearing down a wall in the commercial for this game..
Because he's out of character for a black person.
>What went wrong ?
San Francisco.
I haven't kept on the game since the reveal but is it true he is suppose to be a hobo? A poster from /fa/ says he is wearing $3000 worth of designer clothes.