Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the thematically deepest Metal Gear...

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the thematically deepest Metal Gear, and one of the most complex stories a video game has ever had.

It's so layered that most people will only take away the surface level meaning of it; in fact it assumes you will, and pretty much mocks you for doing so.

but muh cutscenes

Even assuming any of the shit you posted was true, which it is not, that still wouldn't change that it's a terrible MGS game

You layed on the purple prose for its deep, mature themes too thick

Could've been a good shitpost though, keep at it

>Venom punches the mirror upon receiving his final orders from Boss in which he has to die like a good soldier in MG1


>Has to die
user he was trying to kill solid snake. Unless you think solid snake is some unbeatable force of nature then yeah i guess he had to die.

>It's a good game, but it's not a good ________ game

It's a fantastic game though...?

>one of the most complex stories a video game has ever had
Full of plotholes, cringe-inducing dialogue, shit characters and the worst pacing I have ever witnessed.
>b-but muh meanings and twists, it's smart

more like merely ok game


>I could go for a 12 year old right now

nope. Best game last year and one of the most mechanically complete games to have ever been released.

Shit's great

>implying Rising story isnt better

It's both pretty tragic and funny how people think being Big Boss is supposed to be an honor, and how Venom Snake himself seems to think so.

Venom Snake gets duped by Big Boss's charisma, just like most players. Nothing great about doing the dirty work for a merc with an inflated sense of self-importance.


MGR is a fun parody of MGS, which is in itself supposed to be a deconstruction of the typical military action story.

It's enjoyable but not particularly deep, most of the themes it explores have already been explored in other Metal Gears, they're just blown up for comedic value.

its shit fuck off kojima

My name chegg

Still, being in charge of a decoy, while the real Big Boss builds the true country for soldiers somewhere in Zanzibar is pretty miserable.

>Created to be the dirty work doppelganger.
>Ends up being superior because he's the legend and not the man.

I love how Kojima took tropes he himself established and turned them on their heads.

It's my favourite video game.

If Venom Snake is not your husbando, then your husbando is shit

>Ends up being superior
In what way?

I'd say morally. the doppelganger believes the stories and legends told about the Bi Boss so he is the one to take moral high ground on certain isses like the fact that killing Huey would not have solved anything, revenge left Diamond Dogs empty, Venom realized this, the real Big Boss? No.

He's also better in combat and has that cool arm

MGSV is literally the "it was just a dream all along" of video games.

> Venom Snake got defeated by Solid Snake when Snake had all his arsenal, ahd to be blown up by a rocket

> Big Boss was defeated by Snake with a fucking Lacquer spray

But he still followed the orders of a true Big Boss. His high morals didn't matter, because he still went and built Outer Heaven, oppressing and killing a lot of people. He's even more of an idiot if he knew that Outer Heaven is going to be a cover-up for the Zanzibar Land.

This old bait huh.

>defeated by the Solid Snake in the end
They both suck.

Solid Snake is the man who makes impossible possible. I would not hold it that hard againts them.

Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

>In what way?

In all the ways.

He's a fucking superhero, he's created to be the nasty dark alter ego that takes revenge on Skullface, but he's more like the opposite. He saves children, brings home puppies, saves Huey from getting lynched. Because he's not Big Boss, he's the Legend of Big Boss. He does the best of really shitty situations. Compare him to Miller and Kaz comes off as a grade A asshole.

Venom Snake is a walking hypocrisy, because he tries to act like a hero, because the legend of Big Boss is a hero in his mind. But reality isn't so nice, there is nothing heroic about Big Boss in reality. Which is why Venom Snake always seems kind of sad and ridden with guilt; Venom Snake does bad things, because let's face it, Big Boss does bad things.

We've been through this

You can survive a shot to the head, but a broken heart always kills.


Venom had the personality of a turnip. He didn't seem to care about very much at all from what I could tell.

V is a kick in the nuts

>He didn't seem to care about very much at all

>V is a kick in the nuts

The best Metal Gears are.

>brings home puppies
And makes them battle hounds
>He saves children
And makes them mercenaries
He's no superhero, he is just as evil as the Big Boss was. They're both warlords who thrive on human misery.

you could almost say ... a phantom pain

Thats not what happened.
I hate how people shit on the story when most of the fanbase doesn't even understand it.

I know it's a bait but... come on, BB is far more edgy than Solid.

is this about mgs V? i played the first 30min of this game last night high as fuck i had to crawl in hospital in front of me was another man crawling and u could see his butthole then theres this man in flames who the butthole man sprayed water on and then there were these guys who couldnt see shit but only hear then i skipped some cutscenes and fireman i skip another one and before i knew it i was on horse while butthole man was driving and i had to shoot the fireman then i skipped some cutscene and i was in afghanistan

Big Boss approved.

>Full of plotholes, cringe-inducing dialogue, shit characters and the worst pacing I have ever witnessed.

Like every other Metal Gear game.

No he cared about his men, just not Quiet.

but was it true love?

>roses are red
>violets are blue
>I am Big Boss
>but so are u

Yes. Love that wasn't bought, also Venom wasn't sorry and he didn't care for Quiet either.

Nah man that's Mario 2

Guys, I'm crying right now.

Just looking at him makes me feel something strange inside. I guess you could call it "love". I'm in love with Big Boss. I've lost interest in all guys, besides him. Guys who are considered "hot" by the general female population don't cut it for me anymore.

Big Boss really is all I think about all day, every day. I really do cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with him. If only he knew I existed in this life, if only he knew my deep profound love for him. I know that will never happen though. That is the thought that makes me so sad when I look at him. I'll never be with him, but I'll continue to love him until the day I die.

Think about it this way, Venom knew all of this and didn't care.

>He's no superhero, he is just as evil as the Big Boss was. They're both warlords who thrive on human misery.


Again, Venom Snake is a hypocrisy. What Venom does and what he tries to do are different things. It's the classic The Man VS The Legend that is prevailent throughout MGS, Venom Snake tries to act like a person who doesn't exist. Identity Crisis yo.

Ziggy Stardust VS David Bowie

I only liked you for your tits. Fuck biches get money

>because he still went and built Outer Heaven, oppressing and killing a lot of people. He's even more of an idiot if he knew that Outer Heaven is going to be a cover-up for the Zanzibar Land.
The real BiBo built both Outer Heaven and Zanzibar Land tho.

Nah, characters used to be unique, and the pacing was good to great. mgs 5 just drags it's feet for hours through 2 huge empty maps, and then ends. I was sure that the initial ending was just a chapter conclusion and after that the real game begins. Then you only get the truth and that's fucking it. I have never been this dissapointed in my life, especially since in terms of mechanics, it's fucking excellent.


Ay yo hol up. So you be saying the real BB ant the phantom swiched places again at one point? Or were they acting together?

43 ended venom snakes arc, which was the whole thing. Kojima doesn't write metal gear stories, he writes stories with metal gear characters. He cut mission 51 because it ruined the narrative. Just like how mgs2 didn't have Snake hunting the patriots; the game was about Raiden and meme, not Kurt Russel and Bipedal Tanks.

You're a retarded character, even by kojima standards. Go away.

It makes zero difference. The story is horribly executed.

Calling to the Night is the best MGS song period.

they were acting together. Miller swore that he'd get revenge on BB but Venom had no clue as to Miller's change of motives

We simply don't know.

What about that time when he almost jumped into chlorine gas to get her out, and then carried her himself to the the infirmary ?

What was his problem?

She was a TOOL

He thought she was garbage.

he fell for a false 'The Boss' meme and thought he could bring about peace via a new world order, a government without borders

I have two personalities myself when it comes to V story theories. There I times where it's clear to me that the phantom exists and then sometimes I'm not so sure anymore if BiBo isn't just so extremely fucked in the head that he hallucinates shit. MGSV 's events took some time yes but not THAT long. There was enough time to build up Outer Heaven after that.
But the timeline events before the credits are not hallucinated I guess, so...
idk, nothing about Ishmael seems in-character for Big Boss. He's so weird. He can't even into CQC when his life literally depends on it.

You know I just realized Phantom Pain did pretty much the same Dark Souls did about the story.
Instead of giving you the story through custcenes it scattered the plot in dialogues and audio tapes.
But somehow only Dark Souls is praised for that. Go figure.

That's because Dark Souls used to be PS exclusive, buddy :^)

So deep and complex you couldn't even produce a single example?

Despite the bullshit about recessive genes, Snake was designed to be a perfect soldier. It's reasonable that he would have an advantage over natural humans who we're not designed specifically to be ubermensch soldiers.

That's not The Best Is Yet to Come

This is irrelevant. What relevant is -

Who understood what the Boss wanted?

I don't think there is a point in overthinking that specific part. Before the game came out, everyone was like "Lol what would be the point of V if this wasn't Big Boss", now you would have to ask yourself what the point would be if Venom was actually Big Boss. Nah, Kojima wanted Venom to be (You). The body double exists.

Dumb as shit. Most overrated character in vidya history. Letting the world be will just result in someone else taking control and doing shit you may dislike.

Where was Zero during all of this? IIRC, a tape said no one had seen him in several years

Well, look at what happened when Zero and Big Boss thought that
was a bad idea.

In some shitty hidden apartment.
I hoped he would be in space in some high tech space shuttle and listen to Space Oddity

Pretty sure he gets poisoned by Skullface early on.

oh my god you stupid fucking cunt

But it's the best thing everyone could do, really. If no one tries to take control, everything will be a-okay. Too bad that there is always an asshole who will ruin anyone's day.

>SF's grande master plan relied on Zero being retarded and cutting himself on that thing
Quality writing.

I imagine if he didn't cut himself then Skulllface could just continue to come up with silly plans until something by chance worked.

Where did he fucking come from? Same question for Hot Coldman.


Meme hell

It's not so much about letting the world be, as it is "don't try to fix what isn't that broken".

Both Big Boss and Zero got corrupted because they became self-righteous and prideful, they thought they carries "the will of the Boss". Allthough Big Boss came to reject her, he was still "I know best LMAO."

Solid Snake was a true hero because he wasn't such an enormous tryhard. He didn't try to "fix the world", he just stopped people from rocking the boat too much.

The series is mostly finely made critiques of the industry itself.
The game didn't get the content it should have.
It isn't there and it hurts.
Like Phantom Pain

>Allthough Big Boss came to reject her
best part of PEACEWALKER imo

>Hot Coldman
He's supposed to be the dude who got planned out the snake eater mission in the first place. He apparently hates the boss too.

Self-importance? The fuck you on about?

Big Boss hates the attention he gets for being ¨legendary¨.

Get off the thread, Huey.

Huh huh...not convinced by what you are saying. Doesn't matter though, Quiet story goes nowhere and the last mission ( though cool gameplay wise ) didn't make any sense.

>Big Boss hates the attention he gets for being ¨legendary¨.

Not by the end of Peace Walker.

>Big Boss hates the attention he gets for being ¨legendary¨
How many times exactly have you seen a real Big Boss? Do you remember what a huge asshole he was in MG2?

He just accepted the name of Big Boss after he found out the Boss dropped her gun in MGS3, that doesnt mean he he craves the attention people give him.

That MG2 Big Boss was actually Huey Emmerich.