Stop buying Ubisoft games
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R6 Siege is pretty good though
I did more than a decade ago.
You're supposed to post Varg OP. 0/10, see me after class.
Don't worry user, I stopped after Revelations
is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1480009638213.webm
Nope, at least they sorta try new IP's. Will buy For Honor and steep when they drop abit in price
but for honor will be goty
The last Ubishit game I ever got. Even that I'm convinced would have been even better if they hadn't been involved.
>le ur supposed to post le dumb edgy white man XDDDD
Is 9 charged or on cooldown?
it's not racist when i'm white
It's still internalised racism.
Nigga fuck you,siege and for honor is tight as fuck
no, it's literally not
there's nothing racist about observing that Varg is an idiot, and observing that he is white
>gripping the sword by the blade at the end
full retard
There is tho
whatever, retard
Stop telling me what to do
You group him being white with a negative conotation.
You'd have a hissy if I said dumb black. No different from "le edgey white man"
>Small team, hero combat
I REALLY wish this meme would stop
i've already did that since forgoten sands
Far Cry 4 was the last and will be the last.
Loved 3. 4 was literally the most rehashed game ever and just tried to flanderize everything 3 did because they thought "more of the same = better". What a generic pile of shit and what a pretentious shit villain.
Pirated Watch Dogs and uninstalled it after two hours. Wow, what an incredible pile of shit.
Not to mention, ALL THEIR GAMES ARE UNPOLISHED AS FUCK. Holy shit, how can you make such unpolished games? How is this OK?
And now there even is LEFTIST PROPAGANDA all over their games. It's like they're just trolling. No developer can be this bad.
Not going to lie, I bought Siege because it actually looked f*n. It was.
>I have literally no idea how armored combat works
no john, it is you who am retard
I win
havent bought a bubisoft game since splinter cell uno (splinter cell one for you americans)
What have you done? Now the half-swordingfags will come out of the woodworks
>How is this OK?
Who said you need a polished and finished game if your main goal is to use it as to push an agenda?
>muh half swording
Literally a meme.
People did.
Watch Dogs 2 was a complete flop.
Time for a bunch of autists to jerk themselves off because they know what half swording is.
that Mordhau was entirely unnecessary to finish off the Samurai there
>Night out
>Both groups are indoors
Apparently only genderqueens have fun anymore
IGN 9.8/10
Destructoid 9.5/10
Feminist Frequency 10/10
Gamespot 9.5/10
Polygon 10/10
That's mordhau
this is now a tapestry thread
you're right, I always just threw orochifags off of cliffs and shit. the rage that followed talking about MUH HONORUBURU was fun.
I hope to god you're not referencing overwatch retard.
FOOKIN laser sights?
what if they're in a hotel?
As a Trump supporter I'd like to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving.
white people are ugly as fuck
as someone not from your new ladies homeland that still gave Trump 2 votes, i also wish you a happy savage rape day
Thanks for jumping on the grenade for us user
Is there anything more pathetic than a bunch of wannabe medieval combat experts commenting on swordfighting after watching a Lindy Gay video?
Where's his 3rd wife's son?
it's their shitty fake smile
look at those fucking teeth in the far right
Never really understood the hate for Ubisoft. Sure, they mostly make shitty AAA games, like pretty much every big publisher does, but at least they put in some effort and try new-ish things, instead of churning out game after game in the same genre, with the same formula.
I like Trackmania Turbo, Anno 2205, Child of Light, Grow Home, flawed, but still fun games. Look at Far Cry: Primal and Blood Dragon, The Division, Steep, Rainbow Six Siege, For Honor, all those have some interesting ideas, even though the execution is lacking. More than EA, Bethesda, Microsoft has ever accomplished.
Jesus those dudes look ugly.
Stopped buying ubisoft games 4 years ago yet they keep making more
I don't think my 1 man embargo is working
Here's a real smile.
>talking shit about Ivanka or Melania
>going outside to have fun
>not inviting bros over to play vidya, drink heavily, and gang bang your twink friend
It's like you don't know how to have fun.
Don't tell me what to do, shithead. For Honor will be absolutely great.
why is her neck so small and her head is so big? lol
>look at those fucking teeth in the alt right
>welcome to EB Games
You still haven't recovered yet from Nov 8 right?
too bad hes backpedaling on everything he promised
I buy them used.
Just like in your animes!
I don't give a shit about politics and if you actually do, you can fuck off right back to rá eddit, you fucking nigger.
that's pretty hot desu senpai
Just because cucks were paid to give it 10s, doesn't mean people actually bought it.
Early numbers show it sold less than 80,000, and in the same region Watch Dogs 1 sold 380,000. That's a drop of 80%.
I would call that a flop.
Holy shit, I thought I was just stoned. Glad someone else noticed that.
Damn Obama's daughter acts like that now?
disgusting she-baboon. niggers are truly subhuman
just goes to show it doesn't matter who we're voting for
gotta put everything in ruins first and then start over
Why is Willem Dafoe next to the president's daughter?
That's what harvard does to you.
t. nonwhite
You just can't accept that a progressive video game is selling well and getting 9.0+ scores. That is the truth.
>He thinks the MSM matters anymore.
Keep spreading this, it'll let people know you're brainless.
Butthurt Pajeet detected. You will always be a curry nigger :^)
Damn, Obama is stylin, if that's even him.
>implying this is not a tactic they use as early as 12 hours after he was elected to discredit him
>omitting best Trump
The only thing anyone expected was butt-blasted liberals and commies and he is still delivering on that at a generous pace.
I don't care much for Siege but For Honor was awesome. It still had the Ubisoft stamp of shit when it came to server issues but otherwise it was really fun.
>For Honor
>he didn't get in the alpha
Yeah that's what I said, problem user?
Steep beta was fun though
4/10 made me check