>Incredible cast of characters
>Emotional, deep and moving story that people will talk about for years
>God tier OST
>The most complex and depth filled combat system from a JRPG we've seen
>Beautiful and massive open world to run around and explore
>Guaranteed 60 FPS on the Pro
>Textures and animations are all top notch
Why do people think this will be bad?
Final Fantasy XV
Other urls found in this thread:
More like decent everything.
I have played the game, it's not bad or amazing.
Just decent
Which is bad for a Final Fantasy.
so is this about male bounding and no female party members in it?
Not reaĺly, FF arguably has more bad titles than god
It is all but confirmed now that there is a 115th successor to the throne after Noctis.
Hard to say if he banged someone while the bros weren't looking (which could cause problems for the royal ascension and political affairs in Insomnia), or if Noctis and Luna really were revived as the leaked spoilers imply.
Final Fantasy hasn't had a great FF since 7. They've all been just decent, or good. FFX came the closest.
Wait did you just imply X was good?
No, I implied it was better than 9.
>Sup Forums hates FFX now
What the fuck just happened?
This game has always been considered shit, what the fuck are you talking about?
noctis is the 115th
Noctis is the 114th
>>The most complex and depth filled combat system from a JRPG we've seen
Did we play the same fucking game?
you are forgetting an other king ;)
It's a really good game but would've been better with Lightning as the protagonist.
>Incredible cast of characters
Ardyn uses the family name Izunia. It was removed from the family record and forgotten about altogether when he was struck down and banished to the afterlife.
Good post OP!
I'm not gonna buy the game. Can someone explain the story? All the teasers and demos made me very confused on what's actually happening.
Why don't you just stop listening to these fucking retards on everything? Who gives a fuck what Sup Forums groupies like, they are children who don't know shit.
correct, but at least with the german translation it is implied that it was restored in the correct order with noctis being the 115th king. i do would like to point out, that there are quite some differences in translation at least english to german, maybe thats why
>Sup Forums groupies
There is no story. It's a hacked together, frankenstein mess of scrapped story and changed ideas.
do you really believe the shit you write!?
play the demo, watch the movie, watch the anime
Woah... So this is the newest FFXV thread... Seriously, these threads are comfy.
Here's the ending for you beautiful fags.
So do you think Cor is fucking Cindy and Iris? Who the fuck can stop him? He's the strongest man in the FFXV world after the end of the game.
Shut up, Toriyama.
Tabata comes off as a really corporate guy.
>always tries to dress stylish and normal
>always tries to appear calm, cool, and in
Nomura wears whatever he wants, and doesn't care about appearing normal.
Don't you feel bad trying to swindle people like that?
FFXV will be the worst game in the history of Final Fantasy and a wake up call for Square Enix.
After that piece of exorbital shit, they should publically apologize with deep bows, ask both JRPG and mainline Final Fantasy fans for forgiveness, promise to never ever chase after western gaming trends as well as abandon their turn-based-battle-system - which is one of the fundamental traits of any JRPG, let alone a mainline Final Fantasy game -, and most importantly, never let Nomura direct a mainline FF title ever again after the've send him to a mental hospital to cure his unhealthy obsession with leather fashion.
After that, the whole team needs to perform a ritual purification act, like a ritual washing, and take a long break.
Only then they might have a chance to start all over and save Square Enix.
Otherwise it's „Game Over“ and Final Fantasy XV will indeed be the "Final" one in the series.
That's what I call the collective group of sheep who associate themselves as a part of Sup Forums, having idiosyncratic habits and share like-minded ideas and desires for video games.
Every board has their groupies. They are gnats.
So how btfo will this place get on Monday?
Maybe he teams up with Iris the daemon hunter.
There are significant differences in english to japanese as well. But Noctis is enthroned as the 114th. Furthermore this implies that the average king of lucis ruled for less than 20 years before dying. Also, it is possible that Ardyn is still counted as a king in the line, just that his name has been taken out. It saves them the trouble of explaining why a certain king (Ardyn's father) ruled for up to 40 years when the average king never even reaches 20 years on the throne.
Does anyone have part 1? I want to see Niflheim so badly.
Very blown, and the fuck out.
tfw I want to be btfo I really do but the game looks completely average at best
>Listening to Sup Forums
Make a thread every day about FFXII and you'll see half of the threads will be praise and the other half saying it's shit.
btfo by what?
Of course it will sell beacuse it's FF and of course it will get good scores
It's still a shit game with tons of cut content and a bad combat system. Not like the scores made FF13 an amazing game
But XII is shit.
We already know it'll sell a lot at the beginning cause a lot of fucking imbeciles preordered this shit. But it won't last long, don't worry.
If it got bad scores, you'd be all over it, though.
It's a great game so far.
>18 hours in
>one of the best games this year
>Sup Forums and falseflagging shitposters will get eternally BTFO on tuesday
Please look forward to it.
Everyone is getting BTFO
>defenders of FFXV due to buyer's remorse
>detractors of FFXV since the game will sell well
>normies who try to research will be confused reviews will be weird as hell and mixed
>Anons who have no idea whether or not to buy this game like
Sup Forums will be a magical place when FFXV is released. Expect an even bigger shitstorm than NMS. These threads have only been the calm before the storm.
Is this the first time a final fantasy game has featured an ancient evil that is actually your great great great great.. grandpops as the last boss?
The tables have turned, now FF is taking cues from Bleach.
The demos were boring as fuck. Even videos of gameplay look boring as fuck. Every review says the story is a shittier version of FF6 with bland characters. The only good thing about this game is the monsters look kinda cool, the combat system is boring once you understand it.
Basically this game is gonna come out, flop, and a few months later you're going to here non-stop praise about how Persona 5 is the savior of JRPGs as a genre. Whereas almost everyone who's played FFXV says it's underwhelming, P5 has gotten universal appraisal, record breaking sales and fans love it, people who don't even like JRPGs say it's a good game.
Basically Final Fantasy is now an MMO series. The sooner we make peace with this fact the better.
So did you enjoy Assassin's Creed Unity?
I don't care about reviews after all the shit games that have reviewed well, but I want to be proven wrong about the game.
I want it to have a good story and engaging gameplay, but everything I've seen has been so off putting.
mhh, maybe you are right. but at least for me it seemed noctis is the 115th, maybe the ultimania will clear that up.
No, it is not. You are wrong.
Tomorrow your opinion will be drowned out by people who love XII. And next day all the haters will agree with you.
>Ichigo's power comes from his godly great great great great grandfather.
I've never realized how similar to YYH that is. YHWH is basically evil Raizen.
actually I never bought an assgreed game
It's still a Final Fantasy, though. Those 2 words are like cocaine for their retarded zealot "fans", for some reason.
>all male playable cast
Into the trash it goes
>SJW accusations
I want to playable girls cuz i like girls and i am not a fag, is that wrong?
Nope. The demos were great. So far, reviews are looking pretty good on all accounts.
The combat system is great, and is definitely something people could get behind and get better at; it's more difficult than it seems.
The game will most certainly not flop, in fact, I'm going to take a screenshot of your post and make a thread the day it comes out so you can cry. Persona 5 is the same exact shit as 4, it's good, but nobody cares and nobody will compare it to anything, especially when it's nothing like XV.
Then don't listen to the guy who praised it.
>all dat bullshit
Because it's not true
You sure showed him!
I- I can't play this game without cringing about this. It's fucking generic and dull wtf.
People really think these characters are cool?
>implying the OST isn't just mediocre at best
Have you even listened to the OST?
just stop.
You don't think they look cool user?
Copy pasta from last night.
Its gonna be the next meme. Screencap this shit.
It's twofold. Ichigo has 3 sources of power. His father's shinigami blood, his mother's quincy blood and the taint of White. But White merged with the shinigami power, so yeah it's twofold.
The story says that Ardyn was rejected by the crystals and the Astrals, yet he still has the crystal powers. Maybe it's an inherent power to the king's line and the crystal just gives it an extra omph with ring magic and sonic chaos emerald power boosts.
Japanese kids may find it cool?
Have you? Obviously not, otherwise you have garbage taste.
My eyes
>the funny one
>the sporty one
>the smart one
noctis is the only character in the entire damn game who has a personality, but he also looks like one of those troll dolls
Overall the OST isn't great though, it has some really good battle tracks and overworld themes, but some tracks like the dungeon tracks or some boss tracks are either forgetable or generic epic orchus that are literally skyrim mimics
You mean Gothic Choir Simulator?
They look more boring when put next to any other FF party.
That's what I want to know, but especially from a western perspective.
I'm not even trying to bait, I just want to know WHY on earth would someone over 13 thinks this is cool. Just look at them.
Seriously, use your eyes.
But they all have personalities. Just because you can boggle it down to something, just like anyone else can do to a real person, doesn't mean they don't. You're literally saying they are Mario.
What games do you play? Name 5. If I see something "patrician" I'm going to call you out immediately. For fucks sake you're on a imageboard.
>God Tier OST
Wrong, it's like Yoko didn't even try because she's too busy working on KH3.
Do we all agree that Fang and Vanille are the best lesbians in vidya?
>all that cut content and the rest is halfassed and rushed as fuck
Yeah i wonder why
FFVII's cast is so comfy.
Link me to three of the songs from this game that you consider bad.
>WHY on earth would someone over 13 thinks this is cool.
Nobody would. Video games are all catered towards children, user.
The combat is awesome, but the analog combo system is mostly eyecandy with few exceptions. Greatsword charge attacks and dual dagger sidestepping come to mind.
Still, lots of variety with the mechanical and royal weapons, as they all have unique movesets. For instance, there's a sword that has warp strikes and teleportation as part of one of the combos.
A pretty standard battle theme you got there. Let me post better ones.
The entire OST sounds like Gothic Choir Simulator. Only good songs are the waltz one and Somnus.
>What games do you play?
wtf this have to do with anything? I like FF, I didn't find XIII good, but the characters are way more charismatic than this mess of a boyband.
So to have a point I must list the games I like? Fuck you, I'm way past my 20s to justify shit I like.
b-b-but Sup Forums told me it was only black leather!
Not God tier doesn't mean bad, the OST is overall "ok"
XIII is also an objectively better game than XV.
At least Noctis Returns will be good. The pther 3 just suck cock
Black leather doesn't sound that bad after seeing that immense faggotry.
Noone said it's bad, but a lot of the tracks are too forgettable
>all these anonymous Sup Forumscucks thinking their opinions matter on the most subjective medium in the world
It'd be one thing if one of those failed music teachers from Sup Forums came and broke down why the soundtrack was so dull and generic, but this kind of shitposting can't be taken seriously, and you should kill yourself if you think anyone does.
Yes even FFVIII's cast didn't look this bad.
We can all agree that XIII-2 has a better soundtrack than XV, right?
Even Waifu Returns is better.
So are movies.
When I was playing the demo I did Noctis's downward spin attack with the spear thing while an enemy was attacking me and it canceled out the enemies attack. I like shit like that. Me and my friend took turns fighting the Iron Giant and that shit was too hard.
Those are terrible compared to what I showed.
If you wanted to blow me away, you should have posted this
>gothic choir simulator
You have never heard of which you speak.
It has to do with what you think is cool, you fucking faggot. So go ahead, name those games. You're obviously fucking scared.
> I'm way past my 20s to justify shit I like.
So you try and do it for everyone else? That's some fucking childish ass logic you have there nigger. I mean for fucks sake you're over 20 and calling them a boyband. You don't act like an adult whatsoever.
Then why should i take the people serious that say the OST is great?
I don't take the people who say it isn't serious at all.
I pre-ordered...Did I fuck up?