Video games aren't fun anymore...
Video games aren't fun anymore
Sounds like a personal problem
what's wrong user?
Video games are still fun, you just have depression.
Get a job.
>videogames stop seeming fun
>have sex
>video games fun again
ah the feelz bro
i totally feel you
us /r9k/ers man!
I have a job but I'll get like 15 hours into a game and just lose interest completely. It's awful. I'll not touch it for months and since they're usually RPGS, I'll restart when I pick it up because I'm unsure of what I was even doing when I dropped it. The only games I can beat is shit like short linear shit because I can do it in an afternoon.
I remember playing shit like Halo 3 for 6 months straight, now I can't play a game for longer than a week.
I still haven't completed the past 5 or so games i've bought..
Find new hobbies then. Buy a cheap guitar and find some chick who does lessons. Sign up at a gym. I dunno man. I really don't enjoy games as much anymore other than playing them with people.
how do I into step two?
This is what its like for every wageslave man I hate to tell you. We're all in the same boat, people basically stop enjoying themselves once their career takes off and it doesn't get better until retirement.
Haha yeah
Us /r9k/ers!
>tfw getting together with 3 friends every Saturday night to play Mario Kart Double Dash
>drink and play until we pass out early Sunday morning
Only fun I still have with video games.
i really enjoy good movies and shows but i cannot devote all my spare time to it, it's even more passive than vidya
no we're not. I like my job, I go fishing a lot in the summer, I have my own boat so I can can go when and pretty much where I want. Winter is ice fishing and snowboarding. And I still enjoy vidya through all that.
Pay for it.
Either in second hand by inviting a girl out and giving her your time and money through dinners, shopping etc. Or just pay it straight up by ordering an escort.
Because dumb niggers turned what should be just a fun hobby into some kind of dumbass lifestyle.
I drink too much Boneshaker, are you me?
ok, but how do I get the courage to do that?
I'm a socially anxious pussy
I think it's more than that to be fair. I just lack the time. I have things to do. I have a child to raise. I have a house to fix up. By the time I sit down to relax, I'm literally too exhausted to even play a game that remotely requires cognitive thought. I'm sure it'll get better when I get my kitchen done and my kid gets old enough to be more independent but fuck me, I miss video games. I'm gonna go force myself past the boredom barrier right now.
Hang out with friends, go at partys, think of the easiest way you could meet people
Besides, there's still Tinder
I have gone through phases where video games weren't fun. I have bi-polar disorder, so when I'm in a depressive cycle I can't find the motivation to pick up a controller.
Recently my anxiety has gotten so bad that when I would play games like Battlefield 1 or NBA 2K or Bioshock Collection, I could only play for like five minutes before my anxiety levels made me quit, I think it was the pressure.
So I sold my PS4 and all my games, even the recently purchased ones. I went out and used the money to buy a Wii U and a handful of games that are more relaxing.
Also not competing with friends for trophies/achievements and the pressure to join parties which triggered my anxiety... all gone. I mean I still have anxiety, but gaming on the Wii U is refreshing and I don't feel those pressures.
I suggest trying a new console or building a gaming PC. If you really have lost all interest in gaming, go Netflix zombie mode for a couple weeks, or read some old books on the cheap from a used book store. Or or or, try leaving the house and doing things that get you out of your environment.
Yes they are
i'm 26 and i still like them despite all the crap i gotta deal with in my directionless wrecked life
the new pokemon game is fucking great
Basically, this.
Games are like masturbation, the less you do it, the better is when you do.
I was feeling like that but for some reason decided to play the original NES Final Fantasy for the first time.
Most fun I've had in a long time.
>plays pokememe
c'mon, user, I wouldn't be asking these questions if I had those things
I guess this is the only thing to do
"yeah, no bitch"
I disagree. I honestly believe games are better these days then they have ever been. It's a fucking golden age of vidya.
>try to set something like this up with two of my friends
>they get bored within 20 minutes and we just focus on drinking and smoking
Play retro games since they were actually good.
go hit the gym
what a crock of shit
Fuark YASSS dude, if i cant get comfy for some cuhrayzee vidya I chug some water, hit the gym, get my gains on bro then I can played based vidya like DMC 4!!!!
I'm unironically having fun playing video games, and no one can stop me!
Enjoy your 8 PS4 games wile I play my 300+ emulated games.
this. get a job for a few months start going out with people, bang 5 or 6 girls, and then go back to being a neet recluse. games will be great again
What the fuck kind of response is this?
well its definitely no 98-04, but it's better than 07-13
While I do believe that top quality titles are still being produced, I don't believe they're being produced at a ratio for this time period to be called a golden age.
Please state which titles interest you currently
Games feel boring to me too. Haven't been excited for any new game in ages.
I just replay some old games once in a while and play casual multiplayer games just to kill time.
I miss being able to enjoy things.
Become a human bean of worth first.
I had fun with time trial mode with friends on Trackmania recently. That shit turned into a drinking game is the bomb.
don't b urself
I play on PC though.
Happened to me with MGS couple of years ago, Played 1, which is now one of my all time favourites, then 2, then 3, then watched 4 and then waited for GZ and TPP.
Classics are classics for something it seems, it isnt always nostalgia.
How do you play a drinking game with that?
With x players: first placed player gives out x-1 sips, last placed player gives out 0.
It's amazing to have a couch full of people scream when someone improves a time with 00:00:05 seconds. Or when the ghost of another player smashes over the finishline in front of someone.
If you dont beat the time you drink? or by checkpoints, holy shit user is not that hard.
Who the fuck talks like a fucking tsundere bitch IRL
Is this shit even real
Because the kind of autists who post here made them into serious business.
Fuck that drinking games are fun at the time but not worth the aftermath the morning after.
that might just be crazy enough to work
thanks, user
Vitamin D
Go outside
naw man im just talking about doing 30min on the treadmill, then youll be tired and just wanna relax and a game might be funner
Keep telling yourself that, wagecuck
That's what you get when you pirated games
Play a title you really enjoyed a long time ago
Don't force yourself to play games you aren't enjoying
Try a new genre you aren't familiar with
You're just mad because your ass is old
Speak for yourself. I have some very good online friends and 100% OJ is great fun
>that god tier feel where you arent a jaded faggot and can still enjoy modern vidya
feels so fucking good
I have the opposite problem. Studying mechanical engineering doesn't leave much room for vidya, and when I do get to play I feel like I'm never going to finish this shit because I have to make dinner and walk my dog and then oops it's fucking 11pm
nigger tier welfare leech
The right one. Life is exactly as good as the amount of effort you put into it.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder user
Videogames are fun but I'm with way too much shit going on to sit down and actually enjoy some video games.
Like trying to find a new place to rent so i don't have to take a 2 to 2,5 hours commute to get to work, college stuff and other personal shit.
Maybe next month I'll have everything settled and I'll be able to sit the fuck down and enjoy something again.
Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in 2004 for murdering his three young daughters by intentionally setting fire to the family home in Corsicana, Texas. The arson-murder case fueled much controversy about Willingham’s guilt, which was determined by the case’s primary evidence – the arson investigators’ findings. They determined that the fire was deliberately set with the help of a liquid accelerant due to specific burn patterns, laboratory tests and points of origin. Willingham maintained his innocence and appealed his conviction for years, but was executed at the Texas State Penitentiary in Huntsville on Feb. 16, 2004. In 2009, the Texas Forensic Science Commission panel reevaluated the case and determined that state and local arson investigators used “flawed science” when they labeled the fire as arson. Although advances in fire science and arson investigations have improved since 1991, the year of the fire, experts now believe the Corsicana Fire Department was negligent in their findings. The science commission is still investigating the arson ruling, and if the judge clears Willingham, it would be the first time an official has formally declared a wrongful execution in Texas.
Approximately one in seven people in the world—that’s 850 million—don’t have enough food to eat. Every five seconds, a child dies of starvation. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases estimates that between 400 and 900 million children, almost all of them in Africa, contract an acute case of malaria every year. And an average of 207 million people die of it every year. That’s more than 7,000 a day, 300 every hour, 5 every minute.
Today i jacked off like I do every day but tonight it felt like I was 13 jizzing for the first time instead of just dumping a load and feeling miserable afterwards. I have no idea what caused this.
I'm going to force myself to play a game tonight.
What should I play from pic related, fellas?
>I'm going to force myself to play a game tonight.
Swat 4 buddy. See if you can get some friend or other anons to jump on that shit, love SWAT.
just play league league of legends like everyone else
Why would anyone willingly work at a prison?
Life isnt fun anymore
>Sunday I have Church
>Dad couldn't save his kids.
Seems like he was a bad Dad.
I haven't had fun in ages, mostly play online multiplayer games like CoH2 and warthunder to pass the time these days, they make me more angry than happy.
M&B2 bannerlord is the only game I am anticipating hope it turns out to be fun.
Fuck off normie.
Seriously man, just do something else
writing and arts are also great. Expressing your soul etc
Be nice to girls
No wait, Be nice to NICE girls. Very important. Go for the shy ones, not the slutty ones
I have played nothing but emulated PS2 games for the past 5 years.
Am I cancer for this?
Pretty much everything is boring to me at this point, including sex, or out it gets boring very quickly. I don't hang out with the friends I've made anymore once I realized I wouldn't get anything else from them, and I was just phoning in our conversations. Building the friendship was fun but now that I see no end goal I have no desire to start again. Same problem with relationships, especially since I'm a faggot so it's easier. Now I only play videogames to distract me. I have to listen to podcasts and music while I do it or else after an hour I get up and just pace around or sit in a chair for awhile.
sounds like you need to do some dumb shit
Most fun i've had in a while is going into an old industrial area which was closed down. Brought a bolt sax and a hammer and i could get in pretty much anywhere.
But I am black, user
Not the same guy but i agree. Most enterteining shit I've ever done was simpl walking to random places in Japan to see what happens.
I ended up in a Buddhist temple inside a building once, another time i eat a 14 layers burger, another time I've found an actual Pokemon center, it was great.
I have PTSD from posting my writing on /lit/ a few years ago
Just stop playing them for a few months. This happens to me pretty regularly but with an extended break from games (not just playing them, but reading about them, watching videos of them, etc) the enjoyment you get out of them comes back. Also, when you do come back to it, try something you haven't done before. After my 8 month break from all vidya I bought a famicom and a flashcart, now I sit and play 30 year old games for hours every day and have a blast.
yeah. well all videogames are terrible in their own unique way. The fun comes in determining which shit stinks better.
Half Life 2
Obviously not
What a great and unique thread, OP. Truly this will spawn a long chain of equally unique and intelligent posting. It certainly has not been done a million times before in the exact same way.
psi ops, the punisher or singularity