Is it actually good or is it just a meme game?
Is it actually good or is it just a meme game?
It's actually a legit game. I play it whenever I want to unwind and not really think about what I'm doing in a game. You kinda just drive and there's a kind of calm to it, you know?
Just put on some jams, sit back, and drive through Europe. Extremely enjoyable after a long day.
It's pretty good, but the pedestrian AI is fucked
It's actually pretty good if you like games where you don't have to use your brain that much or if you want to listen to podcasts/audio books
It's even better with a steering wheel
I liked it
But I tried American Truck Simulator and quit in like 2 hours, it just isn't the same
Trucks aren't nearly as aesthetic as trains, buddy.
I had a go at it last year
Listening to old pirate radio sets and pretend-driving around europe is actually quite a nice experience, though it gets boring after your business takes off and you're no longer on a grind
>online mod
>set rain to almost always
>set comfy radiostation
literally the comfiest game ever made
>playing with a friend
>we deliver a cargo to some building site
>he goes off to bed
>it's raining ingame
>I start going back to the nearest city
>park on the side of the road and turn the truck off
>listen to the raindrops falling into the truck with lights off
can any videogame compare to this?
You guys convinced me.
Should I just grab the base game or is the DLC worth grabbing as well?
get the scandinavia dlc
eastern europe is not bad but scandinavia is awesome
It's quite enjoyable and you get a good feeling of accomplishment when you manage to drive 1000km without crashing into anyone
The map DLC is somewhat substantial and unlocks some longer routes, Scandinavia also seems to be built to a higher standard than the rest of the game. The rest is cosmetics and gives you exactly what's advertised, though the cargo DLC isn't apparently any heavier than the base game cargo, which is a shame and a missed opportunity.
I bought this on sale with all the DLC a while ago on sale
Anyone recommend any steering wheels to go along?
In the low end of things, the Driving Force GT is decent and used ones can be had for piss cheap. Avoid anything cheaper than that, the ultra cheap wheels are absolute dumpster fire tier and even a humble 360 pad is much more enjoyable to play on. The next step from there is a used G25/G27, and if you're made of money then Thrustmaster makes some really nice stuff.
Going east is good, but Scandinavia is amazing. Both are way better than the stock map, and the new French DLC looks like it will be even higher level of quality than Scandinavia. I pretty much only drive in Scandinavia if I can help it, that area is so much better than the stock map. Which isn't awful or anything, it's just nowhere near as good.
So what kind of setup does a wheel work in? Is it just a desktop thing or am I supposed to drop it in my lap? Haven't ever used any peripherals that were game specific like this
Wheels get clamped to a table.
Nice to hear the DLC is actually decent. Think I'm going to stick with the base game for now, and if I really enjoy it I'll grab the DLC during the winter break.
boring, literally driving a truck. Like a side mission in an open world game
there are way better simulations out there that are actually fun and activate your brain like flight sims
>Nice to hear the DLC is actually decent. Think I'm going to stick with the base game for now, and if I really enjoy it I'll grab the DLC during the winter break.
The expansions are fully worth at being 75 % off currently.
Spotted the Frenchman.
this is the best sim game ever except for dcs
fuck off normie
it is the game you have to buy if you have a xbone. every one plays it.
all they talk about when your playing a fps is how much they would rather be playing euro truck simulator and real discussions about if the first or second is better and if 2017 can even top the 2012 version