I can't fucking play Pokemon on sich a shitty low resolution display

I can't fucking play Pokemon on sich a shitty low resolution display.

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Then wait for Pokemon Stars next year.

then dont, no one is forcing you

Isn't there a 3DS emulator?


git gud

Then don't, nigger.


Welcome to all Nintendo hardware


>Why does stuff look like shit when I zoom in on it
I don't know Sherlock

Sick 120p nintendo technology.

Citra will soon play it perfectly so why bother.

Polan stronk

Then use citra you cunt, there's a little slowdown but it functions fine.

Get your eyes more than 2 inches away from the screen you dunce.

>it's another graphicfag thread about the 3DS

Samefag as last night that got BTFO, trying again?

Only if they fix the audio slowdowns and all the fucking glitches.

You can literally see the pixels

I have a 20 dollar chinese phone and you can even see the dots with a magnifier glass

The N-GAGE had better ppi

Use a N3DS poorfag

Nintendo has thousands of employees yet they can't manage to give us better graphics, but a college student gives you Skyward Sword in 1080p

how deep can you sink as a company, outdone by a college fag.

It's a matter of resolution. Apparently Sun and Moon are already pretty high res, probably in preparation for the Switch version release. Skyward Sword also had nice textures but the Wii didn't have the power to deliver them to you.

>all these photos
it's almost like i walked into a crt thread on /vr/

I wish I could play this game ; n ;

>download emulator and rom
>pc built back in 2010
>silky smooth 20 fps if there's anything more than a single character on a relatively empty background
>barely using my gpu and cpu
>people with much stronger hardware can get near 60 fps
>can't get it to use my hardware to its fullest
>runs like my heavily modded skyrim that really pushes the graphics (with high poly models and high res textures on just about everything) despite being a handheld game
>NEET so can't buy a 3DS let alone a 3DS and the pokemon sun or moon

This is the first time I've wanted to play a Pokemon game since Ruby/Sa

Oops, linked to the wrong post. I typed that up but realized the old thread was dead when I finished the post.

I did want to post it though and this seems like a fitting thread.

At least you CAN play it OP. ; n ;

No I wasn't here yesterday

Turn-based games literally have zero excuse for not having eye pleasing visuals and graphics.
Hell they shouldn't even have an excuse for not being able to maintain a stable 24/30/60/1949571940200000 FPS

GameFreak is garbage, there's just no way around this.
Pokemon really needs to be handed to more competent hands.

It really doesn't look bad. Blame Nintendo for weak hardware.

I agreed with everything you said except this part

>GameFreak is garbage

It's not their fault they develop for garbage system.

GameFreak is garbage though, they've been a bunch of incompetent fucks since day one.
Masuda garbage ass excuse for no Battle Frontier in ORAS is one of the most recent prime examples here.

>Buying Pokemon on 3DS

>This is the first time I've wanted to play a Pokemon game since Ruby/Sa

I just noticed I cut off the last bit too, but I guess it doesn't really matter. The end is supposed to say...

This is the first time I've wanted to play a Pokemon game since Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and I'm a fag who started with the original generation.

Resolution is literally a meme. The only ones who care about it are console fans who argue about which platform is better.

Pokemon's always been on low res display you fucking asshole! You're just trying to find something to bitch about to dampen the actual fun you're having because you don't like to have nice things. I bet you pirated the game too, you shit.

the 3ds is low res, the ds was low res, the gba was low res, NINTENDO is low res


>I never played Pokemon on my Gamecube

>make the pixels even larger so the blow-up is even more pronounced

Brilliant thinking


2 4 0 p


>Apparently Sun and Moon are already pretty high res
Seriously? So it's just locked behind hardware?
I wonder how emulation has been doing with this thing.


3ds was a mistake

Wow, what is this, the emulator?

>tfw put off getting a 3DS
>screen is unbearable to look at now

I've seen this sort of thing before, with Kirby screenshots. Is someone working on an emulator or is one of the NoA employees having some fun?

I would have taken resolution over 3D a million times over

It's Citra

does anyone USE the 3d? anyone here? anybody?

i gotta admit it was cool when i tried the demo in the store...for about 15 seconds, until i tried playing the game

I fucking hate the 3ds. I think it is legitimately the worst console Nintendo has ever made barring the virtual boy, but it was saved by having good games on it.

The console itself is such garbage, though.

Nintendo really would be better as a 3rd party company. They make good games, but their consoles are such shit.

then don't, nobody cares.

Could you imagine how good Pokemon would look if Nintendo was 3rd party and made it for the PS Vita? Holy shit that would be nice.

You cared enough to post :^)

PC would be best, but any current system, including phones, would be better than the 3ds.

>switch coming out soon
>pokemon star introduces couch co-up pokemon stadium mode
>high res pokemodels
>high res chicken-chan
Can't wait tbqhwyf

PC and consoles would be great but I mean for portable since Pokemon is always portable.

As long as the fix the zero dungeons and trash postgame.

This. I know this will trigger Sup Forumss autism now, but I wish the Vita was slightly less powerful so its more profitable to make games on it and it were instead the Vita that got all the games. I dont care about ultra HD graphics, I just dont want to have such an eyesor elike literally all 3DS games are due to the pathetic resolution. is perfectly fine and Im sure it would look like that on Vita. Plus we would have a proper account system, a handheld that doesnt unironically had to restart if you quit games or system settings and generally is full of shit (you cant relink a NNID on it after unlinking it for some stupid reason, you have fucking friendcodes to this day, zero multitasking, a shitty gimmick no one uses that further gimps the weak hardware). Seriously, the 3DS is a mess. I cant fucking wait for the Switch to replace that piece of shit.

In that case, I agree, but I'm hopeful for a Switch version.

I'm okay with the graphics, got used to it.
What bothers me is that we still havent gone full 3D because the 3DS draw distance is shitty.
Also maxime FPS drops during fights with more than 2 pokemons.

Making an emulator isn't a skill or outdoing a company, thats like saying someone who ports nintendo models to UE4 is outdoing them.

Wouldn't the postgame be fixed if they add a Colosseum mode tho?
What if it would just be preset pokemon/team builder but you can only use a mon if you have caught it before.

what if with the switch's power it'll allow you to go to previous regions as well and change the zone gating from fences to wild pokemon levels/trainers

here's the best part, the new pokemon games have no 3d functionality whatsoever

Agreed. The Vita obviously had the better hardware, but the 3ds had the games.

It would have been nice to have the best of both worlds.

>Also maxime FPS drops during fights with more than 2 pokemons.
Then don't use more than 2 Pokemon. Problem solved.

How does this make you feel, Sup Forums?

You can also use the code.bin or ntr if you have cfw on your 3ds.

Annoyed that Vita isn't a PSP 2.0

>go to previous regions
That would be a nice thing. The protagonist did move from Kanto, so the next game could add Kanto as an extra region.

>Code.bin on ntr
What did he mean by this?

I think every 3ds owner can agree that its hardware is absolute shit.

There's really no debate that the 3ds is the better system though, just because it actually has games. It would be nice to play 3ds games on the vita though.

reread what you're quoting. I said OR not on. and I mean what I said user.

>Then don't use more than 2 Pokemon.

You kidding right? In Sun/Moon even wild Pokemon can call for backup during fights, and there are obrigatory fights with more than 2 pokemons.
Not that you can even defend this when its a feature in the game so it should work fine.

it looks like shit when you zoom in because the resolution is fucking awful. it's still heavily pixelated when looking from further away

I wonder if Switch would have the same or better resolution as vita or they'll go full autism agan and go with PSP resolution

I am on CFW. Can I make my game look like this? Will it melt my 3DS?

The same was true for a lot of DS games. Metroid Prime Hunters looks pretty damn good emulated.

If you're on o3ds use the modified code.bin (Using luma, probably can use it on the other main cfw but I use luma so no clue how those work) and it'll just work

If you've got a N3ds you can do that way or just use NTR and put the code for no outlines in but I think you'd have to do that every time, haven't used ntr personally since it's easier to just throw the code.bin into a folder and have it perma on.

It's meant to dock with a TV, so it probably has a TV resolution. I'm guessing 1280x720.

You can't up the resolution of your 3ds, no.

The only way to play 3ds games at a resolution for creatures other than ants would be to emulate them.

>There's really no debate that the 3ds is the better system though

I objectively prefer Vita games than 3DS games, especially now that I got both hacked and can play every game for free.
Vita games are not just more fun to play but they also look better, run better, play better as the Vita has two analogs, etc.

As someone who own both I have no fucking idea why Nintendofags try so hard to defend the 3DS when its clearly the worse handheld in recent years.

Textures are still pretty bad

yup if you run it out thru a capture video out yhou can see the high res image... it's literally just the low res shit screen making it look like fucking shit

sucks too because it has frame drops out the ass because of the high res that we can't even fuckin see

What the hell are you talking about? We're talking about rendering resolution here.

I think he means disabling outlines.

Why even live ; n ;

I could deal with the low FPS if it didn't mean the entire game running in slow motion and the audio being a horrifyingly distorted mess...

the code.bin(s) in question (has both sun & moon code.bins, you need to rename the code.bin to the game's title id.bin and place it in the appropiate folder (google how to use custom code.bins for luma or whatever cfw)
I'm referring to the no outlines patch the screenshot you originally quoted was. It can be done on 3ds, whether or not it looks that good is limited by the ds. Still looks better than with outlines though.

>thats like saying someone who ports nintendo models to UE4 is outdoing them.

That is precisely what that fag is saying.

I can and thats all that really matters

The Switch is already confirmed to have a 720p screen.

There is but I'm not sure how functional it is

So that screenshot was just removed outlines? Holy shit, what the fuck was gamefreak thinking?

Original DS games also look 10x better when displayed on a screen with a normal resolution.

These are good-looking games, held back by shitty screens

pokemon was better in 2d

Looks like someone recreated a screencap in minecraft

imagine playing monster hunter on this fisher price toy of a handheld

monster hunter vita when?

Do you slather your 3DS in crisco every time you play?

Most Pokemon games have absurd details and textures that are lost in the resolution.

I'm just glad that even 12 years later Sup Forums's complaints still boil down to "MUH GWAFIX" despite it being a board of elitists who think they can "objectively critique" video games.

Might have been an emulator, but removing the outlines greatly improves visuals even on 3ds.

They really should have kept the mainline games in 2D while continuing to make Stadium/Colosseum games on the real consoles. The 3DS cannot handle these new Pokemon games.

I've played 1500+ hours.

The vita's buttons are smaller than the n3dsXL.

A Nintendo console monster hunter would be the best option.

>We had to deal with 240p because Nintendo wanted to hop on the 3D fad

We could have had 540p, but no, they needed to add a gimmick people didn't want.