Legion has the worst RNG of any MMO

Help me decide on which MMORPG I should play.

Currently on WoW Legion. 7/7 Mythic and 2/3 Heroic. Have 3 Legendarys 1 is Bis. 886 ilvl
I'm 100% sick of WoW.. I don't want to play it any more. I never got over Burning Crusade, and it's never coming back, I think I want to quit it for good for another game.

>Thinking about Archeage
Currently have an Archeum founders pack and a sick name I've reserved since early access. The main concern with Archeage is how hardcore p2w it is and how shitty hard it is to find free space for building a plot.. So that bothers me..

>Thinking about BDO
Black Desert Online looks fucking sick, and it's currently on sale for 80% off, I kind of want to get into it. Though YouTube reviews say it's dying from a p2w crisis ((Fuckin' all games are though)).

> Runescape ((Both versions))
Have a maxxed char on RS3, lots of gold most skills maxxed on it, no friends though so I'd have to socialize... Shitty right?
I would also look into old school, cause member?

> Fucking ESO
First of all .. I cannot stomache Zenimax. Fuck them forever.
But... Got a few maxxed chars, all pro gear, Last time I played my buddy and I were able to 2 man Molag Kena ((Pre nerf)) .. I have some good friends there but... It's on fucking Console.. And I don't think I could ever go back to that..

>Guild Wars 2
I'm definitely leaning towards GW2.. I currently have 5 maxxed characters, and 3 Legendary weapons with full ascended armor.. It's obv a sexy looking game, but I haven't played since before Heart of Thorns and I'm worried there's too many changes I wont like..

TL;DR.. What the fuck do I play Sup Forums? I'm sick of Legion and it's RNG crap.

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Guild Wars 2. It's actually fun.

You sound like you play too many MMOs though. You gotta devote that time and energy into something else.

Item level isn't everything. Just stop playing MMOs.

Hey bud.. Helya's hard shit. Who the fuck wants to work that hard for an 875.

You entitled fucking baby. MMOs are a social experience.

Yeah, I'm definitely leaning towards GW2, and I know it would give me a lot more free time. It's not like WoW and being a ''2nd'' job. My biggest concern is the change to the build and training tabs.. looks all.. fucked now..

>hate rng
>play gw2
>grind for nothing

k.. Sorry


Dude, nothing will be as bad as Legion... See fucking cunts from LFR getting 890's.

BDO has worse rng than WoW, I can guarantee that.

EVE Online. It's got spaceships and although it's a fucking terrible game (like all MMOs) it is comfy, very pretty and you can be a belligerent dick who scams and ganks all day and you won't get punished for it.

Don't worry mate, that 890 is worse than 840 because it doesn't have mastery


Archeage died the day it went out of beta

Day 1 Land grabbers.. Cucked me hard

>which of these MMOs should I play guize
>oh btw I already have like five maxed characters and a bunch of top-end gear in each of these games

Surely by now you should have some idea which game you enjoy playing most?

It's WoW.

Despite how much you complain about it going down the shitter, it's still the one you enjoy the most, which is why you've been playing it for so long.

See this isn't inherently bad, but because they've built ilvl up as the end all be all for the past 8 years they've fucked it all. In TBC trinkets from Gruul lasted for fucking ever because they were good, le no tailoring no inv meme etc...It worked to keep old content alive without some sort of bullshit extra incentive. Not anymore though.

yeah fuck...

None of the above. Play FFXIV, it's like WoW but good.

This guy knows his stuff.. A lot of prot warriors even used items from Nilla up til SSC

That's exactly how it has been. Trinkets, necks, rings are all about stats rather than item level. For certain classes other gear slots as well. When they start to add set bonuses and more op broken trinkets there will be more of that. Item level matters for things people queue for, or for solo players because it is the only way to idiotproof a group against complete strangers.

I'll be playing FFXIV with 2 friends when I get done with this college's semester.


It's clearly not anymore though considering how much backlash there has been about it in legion


Legion is fucking shit. ''RNG = Content"

This. Its still shit but less shit honestly.


I put about a 9 months in to ESO its pretty good but the grind to cap with out sub or purchasing xp scrolls is fucking rough.

That backlash is how they can't pug raids or queue for hard dungeons, how every patch nerfs their class to be bottom barrel, or how they didn't outgear content before even trying it. Every complaint is laughable.

But there has been explicit backlash about getting 890 legendaries that are worse than 840 pieces, did you just close your ears to it because you don't agree with it?

You think the current legendary distribution system is 'fine' ??? Fuckin OP has 3, and fagets on Reddit post screenshots with 5. Fukboi suck blizzards dick harder

But you don't actually need it, and you can only wear 2. At most it will just inflate your logs so you can gloat about it online.

I NEED to dick this azura....

>people still play WoW

Archeage clearly has the best graphics OP, don't be a fag. Fuck Blizard


How bout you play something that isn't an MMO?

If you want to try BDO then there's probably a few free 7 day guest codes on /bdog/ or the subreddit. Starter pack is only $10 so you're bound to find a guest pass somewhere.

I'm assuming your main question is about HoT and the current state. HoT is worth it only if you can afford it, but just don't expect the game to massively change with tons of new content.

The meat on the bone is all the new elite specs, new maps and gliding, because that's pretty much it. Builds and anything related to PvE are still fine

You're missing out. I'd say starting out now kinda sucks just because you don't get the authentic experience of all the old fights but its still fun. The 2.0 story quest is a drag but theres tons of content to be found. You also seem like you enjoy grinding and there is plenty of that if you do.

Love grinding, as long as it's rewarded. Legion, you grind for months, and a rando could get on their first try.

>Only 600k active players

All MMOs are RNG grinds. You should focus on playing with people you like.

And this shit too. Who cares?

Honestly guild wars 2 is shit, I feel there is nothing to do, I have 2 legendary weapons (technically 3, eternity counts as two) and what gets me of the game is the lack of quests and item level, dungeons are shit too, they just won't release a new dungeon, they're mindlessly stuck on raids, yeah, they're good, but give us non hardcore players something too.

Honestly, FF XIV is the only mmo worth playing atm. It's cool, the graphics are good, community isn't so bad, and cat girls.

What's wrong with WoW? NOTHING, that's what!
-fluffs his tail- Hmph!


What the fuck?

The grind in FFXIV is relic weapons which aren't really more rewarding than raiding but still something you can be proud of I guess. Also theres lots of grinding to do on the crafting side of things. If you start playing now you should be in a good place to start the expansion which is like 6 months down the road.

Also guild wars 2 pvp is a fucking joke, you gotta buy hot to be any relevant unless you're running some cheesy shit like instant kill power ranger, and then legend rank is a fucking joke, esl players are always trolling, gate keeping people from legend, its fucking retarded, specially hazard, Tyler and company, I can't believe a net endorses those players and lets them play for money.

>Is the thread MMO related?
>If Y - Shill and lie
>If N - Shill and lie
I wish mentioning XIV was a permabannable offense.


Pretty much this, PvE is still pretty good, WvWvW is descent enough. But they really shit the bed with sPvP. Power creep up the ass with elite specs and balance patches coming out every 3 months combined with the lack of any meaningful content has just killed the mode entirely.

Drop mmo, play legend of grimrock or something similar, dungeon raiding without grinding.

TSW is on sale for $4 on humble bundle for the base game and $21 for the base+all 15 current DLC packs on their website.

There's even a thread for it currently up if you want to read through it.

none of these

wat even is this?

It's not much about hot, everyone has it at this point in time and space, its about how fucking stupid the rank distribution is, and how awfully bad the rank system is. I can go from Amber to ruby without losing a single game with paladin druid, then I gotta go mender or swap back to paladin if my team is brain dead which they probably are, because only at high diamond / low legend people know how to counter druid, and even then, unless you're cool kidz klub with esl players, or play during their off time, chances are you're not making it in because they're ass holes that do any retarded shit to amuse their 100 faggots viewers. There's a couple cool guys, like Paul, that amazing rev player with a weird name and a black girlfriend, and some thief otp that is sadly from a furry guild.

I regret going for legend, fuck you hazard, fuck you Tyler, fuck almost everyone from pz, I hope you guys get cancer in your in house pvp matches, elitists faggots

power creep happened. If you have HoT you won't be able to raid... but PVP and WVW is still viable since they've been steadily nerfing a lot of the super busted ones.

As for the training and build system, going from 1-80 will get you everything on the base stuff as far as I know. Other hero points will lend towards elite specs and then some.

Build Specializations basically gave everyone an extra Trait point if you remember the old trait system, so you run 3 full lines effectively. A lot of old traits were scrapped or rolled partly into the Elite Specializations (This is true for Thief/Daredevil).

If you PVE/Fractal/Dungeon, then if you want to raid here's the meta for that.

> Mesmer becomes Chronomancer to Tank, minimum toughness needed, just to keep enemy hate, and provides massive buffs.
> Another Chronomancer for dps and boonshare.
> A Revenant as Herald for Buff-botting. They are dps-ing mostly, but they CAN be healers if built with Magi gear.
> Warrior can also Phalanx Strength buff-bot.
> Elementalist can either dps or heal/off dps.
> Ranger is always Druid. Best Healer always.
> Engineer is condi or otherwise never used.
> Necromancer as Reaper for Tanking, almost always condi. Can go zerker dps.
> Guardian is burst dps with some utility, I run hammer for prot uptime.
> Thief is mostly DPS. Kinda relies heavily on quickness boon, so 2 Chronos is needed. Not used much but viable.


You should just play GW1

Problem is modern day WoW isn't much of a social experience

it's basically a singleplayer game with matchmaking at this point, quite sad

lol get cucked

Why is this a question? Just play Old School Runescape yuo fuckign retard. And stop playing RS3, I'm playing it now and I can tell you from experience its not as good an experience, and I've played both for the past few months with no former experience in either game and I can say OSRS is just a slightly better experience, granted RS3 is just a different game altogether, so play Old School. Or you know, be a fucking fag and take Sup Forumss word for everything like so beta loser.

Runescape Hardcore Ironman mode

Matchmaking is the same as it has even been. Being unsocial is the fault of the player. Really all MMOs are the same.

BDO and ArcheAge are both dead.

I'd go for ESO over GW2 right now to be honest. GW2's devs have bene makign a shitton of boneheaded decisions lately. Content delays, the huge mistake that was raids, more cash shop jewery than before (new lockbox weapon skins are no longer tradable.)

With one Tamriel ESO seems to be heading in the GW2 style of progression, meanwhile GW2 is heading to ????

I disagree, WoW used to be a very social game back in vanilla all up to WoTLK.

Compared to something like EvE, WoW doesn't even feel like an MMO.


That's the way most MMOs have been going too, everything that's not explicitly group content is soloable, no need to go out and find people to play with you can just sit in the tavern and spam match maker for dungeons.

i played runescape for 7 years but its just so fucking messy and shitty now holy shit and starting from 0 in oldschool is fucking autistic.

im thinking of trying bdo tho, just cause of the graphics, eso looks okay but its no skyrim

It's the internet as a whole that has changed. WotLK is what introduced matchmaking for regular content, and modern WoW has taken bits from past expansions and added a lot of world content.

How can anyone play GW2 when it destroyed the legacy of the original GW?

Such a bitter taste whenever I see that emblem as to what could have been, what should have been.

>Google Guild Wars
>All that comes up is faggy pastel shit from gw2

I just bought ESO for 50% off.
What am I in for?

Combat that is somehow worse than Elder Scrolls mainline games.

Getting cucked by ZOS... Goodluck my friend..

I already expected that, but how about the rest of the game?
Is the world fun to run around in?

Disappointment followed by the cruel revelation that people payed full price for it.

It's decent, one of the better MMOs out there right now, they fixed most of the shit that made it so bad on launch, still suffers from some weird design decisions and patches but it's not an awful game anymore


The suffering never ends.

Just pick literally any of those. Because sooner or later you will come back to wow and i know that for a fact.

>gw1 is dead
>they all quit gw2 within a month
>never heard from them again
sad times

Playing the open beta was the most fun I've had with any MMO. GW1 really had a dream-like feeling to it

Is the Aggro system still fucked? Last I played "Tanks" couldn't hold aggro for shit

>open beta
>everyone played it to death despite the reset
>we all start playing gw2 at launch
>everyone is so hyped
>everything just falls apart a month later with no end game
>gw1 killed
It was fun while it lasted.

anyone who legitimately likes guild wars two is buttfucking retarded.
you have six skills that never change until you change your weapon, of which you maybe have two options.
the talents don't really change a single fucking thing.
oh and gear? None of it matters, at all.
Every item you get in this mmo is the same.
Gj arenanet shills, STOP SHITTING UP MY BOARD

i think that GW2 could have been great if they had just kept the core concept from GW1 where you could add and remove skills at will, between two classes.

instead they were stuck on weapons, and that just ruined everything.

Not even looking at GW 1 perpective, they fuck up the story, the economy, lie about the content of the expansion, added more grind on top of grind, and you can't even get into a group for fractal and raid unless you have ascended. If you want something new, they're usually cash shop content, not as ingame content reward. Oh and they manage to fuck up holiday events with more grind. Don't delude yourself to think that most of the complaint about GW was MUH NOSTALGIA.