Hacking this thing

I've seen it said multiple times here that this new 3DS deal can't be hacked. Because I haven't seen it addressed in any other topic (not that I've been searching the board for every instance), I'll just ask it here: what specifically do people mean here?

1. It can't be hacked as of right now, but there's the possibility of it happening in the future, or

2. It can't be hacked, full stop, no chance, don't even think about it.

I've never owned a 3DS and, if this thing COULD get the ability for modding, I'm just gonna get it. Waiting isn't a problem; I have $80 in credits at a nearby game store and could easily get a game or two while I wait.

Comes with new firmware, which can't be hacked right now. new hacks will come and make the firmware hackable sooner or later.


Stores exist in the physical world you know.

2 is never a thing for anything

Everything can be potentially hacked

What firmware does it come with?

Would also like to know, I really want a standard size N3DS and this is my shot

So it is just a waiting game, then. That's what I assumed.

I'm also considering just getting a used old-model 3DS from a nearby store. There's a good shot one of the used ones they have will have a low enough firmware that I can just get to hacking immediately. But it's good to know this is an option.


And a lot have less than 10 of them in stock. It's not like ps4s and xboxes where there's stacks and stacks of them.

N3DS is not an extremely popular gift this year, everyone already has one and kids most likely asked for a tablet of some sort. Not to speak of the Switch announcement. Regardless ima try my luck at it.

It's always a waiting game with hacking.

Get one and dont update, in a month or two after the release of a new firmware some hack will appear.

You're naive as fuck if you don't think there's people waiting outside of every major store waiting to scalp them.
The NES Classic wasn't expected to be popular, but people scalped all of them.

Why would you scalp a console that is readily available for $120?


Where the hell are u guys getting these? They're out of stock everywhere.
Let me know if you guys see it in stock, pls be

You're a few hours too late to get them online. If you're that desperate to get one you'll have to try to get it in store tomorrow.

Don't tell me that bb ),:
just lie to me and say they'll be in stock later today

kill yourself


U mad? (Rhetorical question)

The $99 are pretty much guaranteed to be 11.0

The only way to hack 11.0 at the moment is with a hardmod or using another hacked 3DS for the DSiWare exploit.

There's an exploit in the works called slowhax which should let you hack your 3DS using the DSiWare exploit without another hacked 3DS. We don't know when slowhax is coming out though, probably not for a few months.

Get it and make sure not to update if you're patient enough to wait for slowhax.

It comes with 11.0, which can't be hacked directly, but like any other 3DS on 11.0 or higher can be hardmodded or modded using a 2nd 3DS that has the hacks on it.

I should specifically say that slowhax is only going to work on 11.0 and 11.1, so make sure NOT to update.

So what other model comes with a sub 11.2 firmware?

XL or Non-XL?

I seem to recall the DS XL version sort of stretched things and the smaller one came off sharper.

who /got already have multiple 3ds and got one anyway/ here

>can't be hacked
Here is your (you) OP

But then how do I get the DSi game without upgrading?