Hey guys. Non-ironic thread about the upcoming relaunch of old Nost and fresh Elysium PvP server.
What are your plans?
Casual? Try-hard?
Im gonna go:
Hey guys. Non-ironic thread about the upcoming relaunch of old Nost and fresh Elysium PvP server.
What are your plans?
Casual? Try-hard?
Im gonna go:
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm gonna go back on my Orc Huntress main. Not sure why more people want to do a fresh start instead of getting their old characters back.
fuck wow fuck blizz and fuck the OP
Don't wanna play with chinks so i'm waiting for Crestfall
Some of us only heard about "private vanilla servers" once the news of Nost shutting down made frontpages in mainstream media.
tryhard during winter break, then when Uni starts again probly got no time to raid
I don't think fresh start will be up in a month so I'll be playing on my bis troll shaman
on fresh start I would be a gnome mage
Whens that coming out?
Early 2019
I'll roll on this shit
never ever
nostbull BTFO
Same here.
If Fresh Elysium comes out before NYE, I will be among the first 20 players to 60.
If it doesnt come out before Jan 12th, Ill be a filthy scrub taking his sweet time to reach 60.
Good video if you never played wow vanilla to not be completely clueless:
give me something good.
end of jan/beginning of feb 2019
r o l l a n
Q1 2017, beta is starting on December 26th
nigga I've never even played WoW
was just curious, I normally play warrior/fighter characters in RPGs and shit
do u have a source for that? or do you just mean the new server
That sound promising.
Will they ban all Chinamen?
Are orc or troll hunters better? I want to play shaman for max level enhance fun, but after the server shutdown when I was 48 I really don't want to go through that again.
Hunters easy leveling, right?
okay we all know the nost vs retail is ironic.
can we all get along for once??
okay back to the subject.. which e-celeb told you guys about vanilla? XD
They said it on their twitter a while back, like may-ish
Reminder to not be a dindu
Yes, they won't even be able to build up a community like they did in Kronos which made it harder for the devs to ban them.
Crestfall is pretty hyped too, expect nice pop.
>mfw nostalrius got shut down :D
>mfw all their characters are deleted
>mfw they all do fresh start again and their characters are deleted again
>mfw elysium also gets shut down
>mfw my characters are safe on the official blizzard servers(:
>Hunters easy leveling, right?
Nigga you havent played vanilla, if youve never played a hunter.
LITERALLY the only reason Im playing hunter, is because unlike most people who actually are membering vanilla with nostalgia goggles, I vividly remember vanilla lvling.
>Are orc or troll hunters better?
My honest opinion is that orc is better, due to 25% stun resis and 5% pet damage.
I want to make a Tauren resto shaman, but is it true priest is better in every way? Why is Shaman so low in all these tier videos?
> literally backpedalling
> night elf female
> trying to talk to horde
You can't make this shit up
That does sound promising.
Ill probably switch over, if its +5k pop and no Chinamen.
Priest is the best healer.
No other way to put it.
>those rogue stunlocks
>those no diminishing returns
>tfw played a mage in vanilla
thanks for affirming that I should roll a plate class
I'm gonna re-pickup my 60 Mage and raid and some SIKKKK gear.
I literally cannot wait to gank these "nihilium" kids into an autistic suicidal rage only to then go to /nosg/ and make them cry even harder.
Never played on nostalrius, I love playing warrior, but fuck me leveling warriors on vanilla for the millionth time.
Now the thing is, should I play an "easier" class like hunter just to make money so I can level my warrior without suffering so much?
And I pretend to play very "casually"(just 2-3 hours max per day), no rush to get to 60, since I always played on shitty servers, so I want to experience better scripting on leveling.
>those no diminishing returns
It has DR's tho, don't trust the addon displays
Thats literally what Im gonna do.
low tier doesnt mean a bad healer
priests are just better healers
shamans are still needed for their totems and chain heals
I had a lvl 28 or so human warrior on Nost when it was shut down. In about the same time I leveled a belf pala to 69 on a 1x WotlK server, but the community there is stale at best.
I hope they make it progressive, but more than that I hope it doesnt get shut down.
>And I pretend to play very "casually"(just 2-3 hours max per day), no rush to get to 60
see you in 6months at 60
> implying gods from nihilum even visit sites like Sup Forums
kek,cmon senpai
wow... people are missing this? the gameplay looks worse than todays WoW, i get that you people want the community back and i can see why but this gameplay looks unfun
so? WoW was always awful on the grind. I only want the so called "experience".
I already Lost a lot of my life when I was 13~15 y, not gonna do it again.
Come on paladin, show me the light
Sure, sure :)
rolling for warlock
They do.
lol nigga, why so mad?
Kungen literally said he will never invite anyone who outs themself as 4chin
>What are your plans?
None. This game is absolute trash currently and private servers are shitty by default, no matter what anyone says, it's always crap. Retail should've never gone the direction they did, and the brand was forever tainted by Cataclysm, and completely buried by WoD.
If people can get a hit from private servers, then hooray for them, it's just a real shame what happened to this game and with the entire mmo genre as a result.
>vanilla wow
i'll give it a shot
Dude, go over to /nosg/ on /vg/ and then come back.
FUCK I wanna pick up my 53 orc warrior again so god damned bad like its all I think about oh god.
I think I will go straight into farming some BRD for dat dark iron and avoiding a bit of the outdoors madness for the first few days.
Private servers are always trash in general, retard. They are NOT like retail in any way, it's always excessively buggy or it has weird controls, and such.
Same here brotha.
This weekend's stress test might be the deciding factor towards release.
Going by the original announcement and AMA, they will release old Nost within the fortnight.
its nostalgia, man.
and people you meet along the way.
During vanilla's time WoW players were often described as fat neckbeards who spent all their time playing WoW all day, but i guess today's world is a bit diffirent
Except that while I was raiding AQ40, farming rank 10, I lost my virginity with a qt from school.
Not to mention I played football (soccer) for my school.
>Nost returning more popular than ever
>WoW below 2 mil subs and being abandoned by blizz for Overwatch
It's not fair!!!!!!
>releasing original nost first
Why are they doing this?
My vanilla human demo lock was killing 2 rogues at once though, no need for plate.
alright, i might try out this with my friend when it comes out. i only played 10 day trial back in the day but he was a player. these days we just fly around org trying to find people to interact with, we are no hardcore players we just want some fun.
Troll Hunter With Beast Mastery
I dont know.
I think its due to "doing justice to the loyal old Nost players" or some shit like that.
I wish the devs would make an official poll, because god knows wed all start on the fresh one.
I am a casual try hard. I don't like the hyper elitist faggotry, but at the same time I don't like being a burden to my teammates.
I'm going to play Horde. I'm thinking Tauren Shaman, every time I tried to play Tauren in retail I never got past the starter zone.
>2 mil subs
Wait... What? 2 million? Where?
If they have anything above 900k at this point, I would be VERY surprised.
There are like 3 realms above "medium" on US, and I can only assume there must be less than 10 on EU. Do the math. How many people play on each of those realms to explain this 2 million figure?
Even if each realm could support, like, 100k people it would still require at least 20 of those to be FULL in order for this 2 million figure to be realistic.
There are barely any realms alive at this point, and I REALLY doubt the most populated ones are actually housing 100k players each, at this point.
>every time I tried to play Tauren in retail I never got past the starter zone.
How in gods name do you think your going to get past it in vanilla then retard
Going huntard like i did at vannila inb4 fake death,icetrap,aimshot gg
had a similar experience when i played back then
>3 lvl 40 dwarfs
>1 60 tauren druid
If I had to guess, it would be because the devs want to avoid a situation where the everybody goes to one server while completely ignoring the rest and leaving them with low server pop
Quite a lot of people only heard about Nost after the shutdown and would rather play on a server where everyone is on an equal playing field than on a server that is far in progression and has literally thousands of level 60s, but by the time the fresh server opens, there may likely be a lot of people who have already made progress with their characters on the Nost server and wouldn't want to switch
Wouldn't Blizzard force them to close shop yet again? What are they doing different this time? Also, aren't they working with or for Blizzard now?
Only good choice
>everyday 10 people ask the same question
>they wont shut down, because their servers are in Russia and Blizzard didnt want to release their own legacy servers, which was the entire reason Nost shut down voluntarily.
orc hunters with bm are better ...look at the racials
deus vult
thank you, Putin
orc warlock get
5% pet damage is worthless, just play what you want
Its really not though, when you have a 1.00 cat.
Please don't make me a healcuck, unless if it's shammy.
I didn't get past the starter zone because I had no reason to level another character when I already had 15 of them on various servers on both sides. It had nothing to do with the class/race.
If 0 I become a cuck
I believe in trump
Here's hoping they lose the player information and we all have to start from scratch.
Undead Priest
Going to be a healbro
Have they announced a launch date? I thought I read something that said the 28th, but they have a stress test scheduled for the 27th.
Look, this is a gut feeling based on reading every single announcement/tweet/answered plebbit question...
IF the stress test this weekend goes well, they WILL release the old Nost server within 7 days.