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Is that Jon Snow?

Is every cable TV meme actor being shoe horned into video games now?

Campaign was breddy pud, kys

What a good looking Arab.

You know Yahtzee shat all over it right?

Titanfall 2 far superior.

>implying Yahtzee's opinion is of any significance or importance
Did I just time travel to 2007?

Is he a manlet in the game


>you can see your feet in this game
Deepest lore

As long as the actor isnt bad or anything I'm fairly fine with it.
Kit Harrington is a pretty cool guy and was pretty good in IW.

You never see him standing up in person. There is a full-size projected image of him, and he's about the size of the 5'10-6'1 main char.


>about the size of the 5'10-6'1 main char
Just say "yes" next time

Is he buff, or is that just his suit?

That's not a suit.

Why doesn't the Lebanese girl sound Lebanese?

Why does the Canadian talk about getting a purple heart? Why does the international fleet's admiral have an American Flag in his office?
I feel like they were making the good guys American and changed it late in development.


Salen Kotch for redemption arc and love interest.

>implying Call of Duty has any redeeming features as a series
Same question to you.

Hey, the campaign was pretty good, and aside from some of the weapons designs (WTH were they thinking slapping a hard drive and a power cord on an AK and calling it an energy weapon?) the futuristic stuff was really cool. Looking at some of the concept art on artstation, it looks real nice.

>Same look as Jon Snow
>What a surprise a scar, like Jon Snow
>Still sounds like Jon Snow (One tune actor)
>Appears to be quite the melancholy fellow with a bit of edge, oh wow like Jon Snow


YFW hearing the notes at the end

>Soldiers trained and equipped to master EVA inter-ship combat, boarding actions, hot AO aggressive intrusion and exfiltration
>No way of dealing with a fucking failing helmet on their own.

>Ships that can warp in and out of slipspace
>Fighter craft with dual-performance Exo-Intra Atmospheric combat performance.
>Capital Ship class naval vessels that can follow their child craft into and out of combat zones, direct line combat or stand off distances.
>Can engineer adaptive artificially intelligent & emotional combat robots.
>Man portable and economical heavy & small arms energy weaponry.

>But no cheap economical design to deal with a compromised combat suit.


you know nothing jon snuh

Kill yourself.

I don't mind.

I actually enjoyed the story mode

EA didn't make this game, ya dingus.

But I agree with you on everything else. You'd think there'd be like an adhesive sealing spray or something along those lines any soldier going offworld would carry.

Like Black Ops 3 and most mother FPS games, woah.

The entire game is fucking terrible.
There's a reason people have already forgotten about it and why even shills left.

Nice Freudian slip

It may have been good but that doesn't excuse that the Mars people literally have no reason to be such dicks. Not a single explanation for their hate boner was ever put forth.

Nah, fucking autocorrect, wrote ''modern''.

What a retard. What the fuck did he prove killing his own henchman?

They landed on Mars and were like "goddamn, why did we even like Earth to begin with, Mars is bitchin'"
And they decided that Earth sucked so much they'd destroy it.

What's worse is I'm pretty goddamn sure you can implement a 2 point countermeasure system to deal with this event.

An immediate full face mask, ala modern hazmat suits. Or like the face masks fellows used on Pandora in that damn Avatar movie.

I enjoyed everything about it, until they started doing the hamfisted oh noes, we arbitrarily cannot have some methodology to deal with a busted helmet in spazz!!

Oh and Jon Snow & strong independent womyn, (Most of the examples were quite well handled, but that lebanese girl was a PITA)

And then there's the forced Nihilistic HEY LIFE SUCKS THIS IS HOW IT ALL SHOULD END JUST BECAUSE portion of the end-game.

I don't need that shit in my games, it does not make for a unique and varied story arc. It just sapps all the enjoyment I've got out of the experience in so far right the fuck out. Like a vapid cunt in divorce court.

That he's a short sighted retard who would pay for his stupidity in the most ironic way imaginable.

He proved that he had the resolve to win. Unlike the UNSA which would be swayed by casualties. Or something.

>Swayed by casualties

>They threw a highly skilled highly valuable pair of ships and their standing crews, both support, non combat & combat into the fucking fire to shit on "MARS AETERNUM"

Apparently that nigga didn't realize he was messing with a bunch of straight Gs.

Speaking of that, since the Ret and Tigris are both destroyed, while most of SetDef's fleet is intact, doesn't that leave the Earth ALONE AND UNPROTECTED! ?

>because he was attached and served under US forces
>because the UNSA is an international coalition spearheaded by United states command.

SetDef's fleet was decimated when you stole fuck boys flagship and zerg rushed their primary orbital shipyard.

They neither have the resources or logistical mobility after your phyrric victory to stage an effective counter-attack.

You on the other hand had several ships that were combat capable but in need of extensive repair that put them out of the fight. To use probably after your suicide run on the ship yard.

Earth also re-acquired control of their LEO defense system.

>Titanfall 2 far superior.

Sorry, what dead game is that?

But we see SetDef's fleet in the opening cutscene. it's, ah...Rather a stretch more than the amount of ships we destroy in the campaign. Plus, Kotch was admiral of the 8th fleet. Implying there are at least 7 others.

It's called intimidation user and ruthlessness

They didn't utilize him or Conor correctly.

Yeah, I was hoping Mcgregor's dude would have a greater role in the campaign. He looked awesome in the white spacesuit in the opening level.

>tfw lebanese whore is the new captain and conor mcgriddle is the main bad guy

Your forgetting you put a lot of them out of commission between the Ret & Tigris running interference.

there was also their initial attack when they hijacked the defensive AEGIS systems.

Then the next one where the guy whooped REYES' ass and committed sedoku after you and tigris had been running your warp factor fuck you campaign around the system.

So by the time you hijack the flag ship and attack the shipyard. SetDef has been thoroughly dicked on for their Hubris.

You destroy like 4-6 destroyers yourself, you cock block at least I think one or maybe two SetDef carriers.

Let's presume Tigris has an even more effective kill count due to her captain being properly naval anti-ship trained for ship to ship combat over the weirs ass mix of skills Reyes employs.

Let's say you also scrap another 10-15 ships during the opening catastrophe of the beginning missions, another 8 during the Flag-Ship fuck up. And another 10 during the main shipyard attack.

And another 6 or so when Reyes attacks the shipyard the second time around with his "Nigga Stole my Bike" strategy.

I don't think the game looks very fun but Europa depicted in the first mission looked fucking sweet. How much of the campaign takes place on just beautiful planets like this?

Can someone post screenshots/concept art of SDF troopers? Preferably not the official images for screenshots, thanks.

Not a lot if I recall, there's only like 4-6 planetary missions half of which are exotic planet missions, the Europa mission is up there with the best out of the 3-4 planetary missions on something other then Earth-Like.

The other half is you being Sam Fisher in space, and wrecking ships.


They was right but did EVERYTHING the worst way they could just like Hilary

Here's Captain Fillion, wearing what I think is an officer's EVA suit (the open bubble faceplate allows more situational awareness than the grunts' armored helmets.

looks like we found the nigger, boys.

Thanks user. Bit shitty quality though, but thanks anyways.

Here's an official render, if it helps.

Thanks again user.

A pic of Admiral Kotch and two of his men- includes a nice profile shot of that officer's suit Fillion is wearing.

Sounds like Gundam.

Kit is the Brit Reeves

A couple dead SetDef grunts.

>salter didn't got a full bodysuit

Just what I was looking for. Thanks.

Same reason why there's a British, Irish, and Canadian marine and why they all say "Semper Fi." Seems like all of Earth's military was absorbed by the US military.

This game actually looks surprisingly good.

They also wear a sort of undersuit when not in a combat situation. It's best seen in the mission where you kill Peter Weller.

who's that boner condoner

Many thanks again.

The campaign is surprisingly well-written (aside from the SDF) and Ethan is far and away the best character.

You know, the in-game model wouldn't even have to be this sexual, if the in-game broad looked anything close to this concept art it would've made her bullshit so much more bearable.

Looks like an early Salter.

Only the action in the first hour was good, everything else sucked cock.

>shitty characters
>extremely repetitive side missions
>bad guys are all white while the good guys are all multiculturally diverse rag tag hoo-rah marines
>bad guys obviously get BTFO with no effort like every other CoD game
>shit weapon designs (most weapons are just modern weapons with crap attached to it to make it look futuristic)

It's shit

How does this game handle space combat? After reading the Forever War, i'm not sure any video game an compete.

Having to submerse yourself in a liquid so the ship you're in can hit super G's and not turn you to goo kinda shit. Power suits actually being something hard to master and can get you killed if you don't know how to master them.

Anyways, the book was cash, I suggest anybody who likes Sci-fi "Forever War"

so for anyone who has played black ops 3 and infinite warfare
what did you think of them?
i enjoyed black ops 3 campaign a ton
but everyone seems to hate it

Europa doesn't have clouds...

She never wears anything like that in game.

jupiter isn't that close either but it looks cool

>>bad guys are all white while the good guys are all multiculturally diverse rag tag hoo-rah marines
They weren't all white. Among the most wanted targets, there are plenty of nonwhite characters (Sang Yup Kim, Cesar Magana, Hari Khalsa, Yenal Kal, Khoa Le etc.)
>bad guys obviously get BTFO with no effort like every other CoD game
They didn't get "BTFO with no effort," the good guys take massive losses over the course of the game and end it without a fleet to speak of.
>shit weapon designs (most weapons are just modern weapons with crap attached to it to make it look futuristic)
You got me there, there's no excuse for things like the volk (although weapons like the ERAD, KBAR-32 and EBR-800 were pretty cool).

I liked watching the UNSA get completely destroyed at the beginning, middle and end

I'd have liked it if there was an expansion pack with a SetDef campaign, maybe with a nod to the base game being UNSA propaganda ("They really think Kotch shoots his guys for no reason?").

Europa also sits in the middle of Jupiter's radiation belt and will kill you in 10 minutes if you sit on the surface without a few hundred meters of protective mass between you and the outside.

The graphics are ugly as fucking shit.

>fatass Actishills still trying to make it seem as if the piece of shit campaign of, maybe the worst COD of them all, as anything but trash
You don't know how happy it makes me that it's underperforming so hard.

did you like black ops 3?

i actually like the Volk for combining the old with the new so well. It's better than the M4.

stfu with that nerd shit nobody cares

This was probably my favorite moment int he game.


I did prefer the movement system, since Infinite Warfare's is BO3's movement system but made completely useless by some retarded design choices.
Not like the maps in any of the modes were designed with those in mind anyway.

>i actually like the Volk for combining the old with the new so well
What the fuck are you talking about, it's a fucking AK-47 with a bunch of cables strapped in that shoots lasers for some reason.
Weapon design is, by far, the worst part of this turd.
It's laughable.
It's like they tried to copy that shitty art style from Elysium.

are you talking about the multiplayer?
no one cares about the multiplayer dude

the campaign was full of places to jump or run across

>he doesn't use a battery-powered AK

>Coming out of drop in the middle of an enemy fleet, guns blazing
The Olympus has one hell of a helmsman.

>no one cares about the multiplayer dude
You do know that more than 50% of the people who play these games don't finish the campaign, right?
Without multiplayer, this franchise wouldn't exist today.
I don't know what made you think that.

>the campaign was full of places to jump
You didn't have any reason to jump.

>run across
Wow, wait, you can run in this game?
That's impressive.

Elysium's artstyle actually fit the setting. This...Not so much. SetDef has a full fleet and controls multiple planets, but still makes shitty AK copies with wires on them?

Ethan >>>>>>>>>> BT
It's not even a contest, I'm so fucking tired of robots acting 100% autistic and interpreting everything completely literally.

Too bad about the shit ending though.

Activision, the game is completely dead.
Seriously, why are you still shilling?

It's a bad game, made by mad developers, with a setting that people tolerated at most.
You fucked up, but move on, you have a two other decent developers who could make some decent games.

I wouldn't have minded him as much if the devs didn't go out of their way to make him as edgy as possible