Black Friday Steam Sale

Black Friday Steam Sale

Let's see those games you bought or are gonna buy

Also rate them.

Are these games any good?

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Also Shantae's game is coming out in a couple weeks so don't blow your entire wad.

>Paying 15 bucks for a 3 years old vita game
Actually, everything on your list is overpriced

Actually haven't gone steam sale shopping in a long time. Might pick up a few more.

I bought Dishonored and Serious Sam 2.

are there any black friday's offers? I thought they were until 29

The only one I have is Furi. Difficult, but rewarding as hell. Beautiful, too.


What I've already got, and what I'm looking at getting.

But I'll probably just pick one title from it to play through since I'm doing XC and XCX right now.

You sound like you can be my best friend

I bought Transformers Devistation, Wolfenstien TNO & TOB

how much is helldivers?

Is there a site where I can EASILY check the price history of a Steam game?

I know about, and it's pretty cool that it compares so many different sites, but I hate the interface and I'm really ONLY concerned with Steam at the moment because I can't spend my fucking Steam credit anywhere else. Someone gave me gift cards right around the time that Steam stopped having daily deals during their big sales.

7.99 for the base game, 15.99 for deluxe.

I want a RTS game, recomendations?
Dont like at all AoEIIHD, call me idiot but Im not used to it.

thanks user

should I even bother with Bound By Flame?


Didn't buy any. My mom kicked me out and had to sell my desktop for money, thankfully I got a cheap room at an old lady's and a part time job while I attend college. Real life sucks I wish I was dead right now, I just wanna play videogames again but I have no time/am too tired. When does this nightmare end?

rate those games pls

fuck senpai, that came out of nowhere

I like RPGs and shooters. Any recommendations?

I liked Fallout 3 and NV, am too much of a poorfag to get a good enough PC for Fallout 4. I have not played Skyrim, but I heard it is pretty similar to Fallout. I liked GTA V, didn't really get that far in NV.

Is Dark Souls 2 worth it? I heard some people say I should just skip it. I like Dark Souls 1 a lot.

Any good Indie games? I liked Binding of Isaac and Super Meat Boy.

Any genuinely scary survival horror games?

Arkham city 10/10
TESO at the heart generic boring MMO/10
Fable Anniversary is pretty outdated and the graphics don't look enhanced at all, it's a pretty mediocre buttonmasher

Thinking of grabbing sunless sea or Salt and Sanctuary but I dunno if they're worth the price

Thats in Canadian isn't it? So its like $6ish for the base game, $11ish for the deluxe edition assuming my conversion is correct.

bastion is good

xenoverse is a good deal at ten bucks

Don't know the rest

Those are both pretty good actually

.....guy.......I don't know how to tell you this.....

Literally make a thread asking about that game and see what happens.

DS1 is my favorite FROM game, but the other ones are similar enough that I enjoyed them. Bloodborne is probably the worst FROM game though.

A good fps from last year is suprisingly wolfenstein

And before that was the Deus Ex Human Revolution (not so much the newest one, that is a cut-short game riddled with dlc and negative scores for kikery)

You can also post boobs in this thread.

Can I post booty instead?


Yeah its awfully exhausting, I handed my little brother my steam account before I left. At least I got to keep my phone, and I get to emulate Hatsune Miku's psp games. To anyone who still live with their parents, please, know how lucky you are. If you're in college please don't fuck up, real life is dark and sucks the life outta you, it leaves you helpless and breathless if you're not properly skilled. Never piss your mom off, NEVER. Or you're gonna get the short end of the stick, and trust me, that stick will make you consider suck dick for money if you don't get paid good

Come on guys, gib more recommendations.

does any of this stuff make the game significantly better or is it all BS?

Not the same guy, but same question for Civ 5 extensions.

damn it i just want trails in the sky to get even cheaper

Do not buy the Paradox expansions. If you really want to the game in your library for whatever reason - buy the base game, go to /gsg/ and download all expansion packs in 1 file. Then just put them into the game's folder and activate them through the laucher, it's that easy. Works on every modern Paradox game.

the expansions for civ 5 are a must. all the packs/scenarios are uneeded though unless you're into that sort of thing. personally I just like good old fashioned civ gameplay.

risen is a damn good rpg imo, doesn't get enough love. haven't played the other ones though

Tales os zestria is ok
God eater is shit
Never played Ys VI

so what's the best waifu game on sale right now? was looking at senran kagura but im not an expert in the anime boobs.

>If you really want to the game in your library for whatever reason
what does that mean? should I not even buy the game?

Rise of nations

>but im not an expert in the anime boobs.
Nigger what the fuck are you even talking about?

>Zestiria is ok

40 hours of my life wasted

it was not a good game, in any measure. It was the worst namco jrpg they've ever made and harmed my opinion of their other excellent games.

All I wanted was Dangonronpa 2 to go on sale, pretty disappointed

That's USD.

I honestly don't care about others opinions on games.

I have some extremely different tastes. To put in into perspective Battlefield Earth is one of my favorite all time movies.

I only want GE for cut scenes and killing time.

>God eater is shit

y/n ?

redout is pretty addicting

all i bought was super house of dead niggers and ori and the blind nigger.


nice opinions you homophobes

Trust me
Buy this

Anyone know if the Mega Man Legacy Collection is worth a damn? I know I love the games in there; bu do they play worth a damn or is there input lag?

>That's USD.
Huh its listed at 7.99/15,99 CAD and USD? Well guess thats good news for us Canadians then. Kinda unusual that they didn't convert the price but hey I'll take it considering how bad the ratio is right now.

I'd get Ys VI, it's both the cheapest and best game from that list.

This any good?

Don't think you're fooling anyone with that pic of Sean Connery.


Any REAL cheap hidden gems? I kinda wanna wait out for the christmas deals since they are so close and might offer better deals.

Give me some story heavy games that a feminist who is bad at video games would enjoy

Ori is good shit

Truck Simualtor is the same experience as the european one. Turn off the cops though they suck

It really is awful. The base combat mechanics, the grinding for items and fusing them, the repetitive tunnel dungeons, the open world with FUCK nothing in it, the vague directions, the replacement of the female protag from the princess to Rosa the thief.

It was just all shit and the only good part was Edna.

The developer for that game is a fucking shit head, and his game isn't very good aside.

Only if you like anime boobs.

va-11 hall-a

Wondering about these.

I already have Black Flag but on WiiU

This'll be my first Civ game, and it looks like some fun stuff. I need to get into some new games, my current library is starting to run thin of games I haven't beaten and some of them (Mass Effect) are only okay, not great.

try la-mulana
play it with the la-mulana wiki open though or you'll be 'playing' it for the next 8 months

Any good horror games? Any at all?

Besides Resident Evil. I mean, yeah they are horror games, but I think of them more as shooters.

Don't bother with Fallout 4, New Vegas is the only 3D Fallout worth your time.

What are the best steals, or historic lows? Regardless of genre, just gimme some deals.

don't bother with any of them

What are some good co-op games with matchmaking? I have no friends but like playing with other people

Both RE Revelations games did the horror thing pretty well imo, with the added bonus of good gameplay.

Is Helldiver digital deluxe edition worth the discounted price?

How about GTAV?


Rainbow Six Siege
Sniper Elite 4+dlc
Dragons Dogma
Homefront: the revolution
Just Cause 3
Black Mesa
Arma 3 Apex
These seem to be pretty good deals.

Rate my new vidya

Dont know if I buy Dark Souls 3 and Dragons Dogma already or wait til christmas sale, with the witcher keeping me occupied until then

Should I buy The Division right now?

evil within is okay for its current price, not really scary at all but its decent fun
aside from that I don't know, horror games are pretty bad nowadays and the good ones you've probably already heard of. is hokey as shit (at least the first one) don't play it.


Is Rocket League fun?

no, lethal league is better.

Kero Blaster is great

>Bound By Flame
Not really. Goes for the same price every sale, and everyone always shits on the game for being repetitive and buggy.

>Is there a site where I can EASILY check the price history of a Steam game?
the enhanced steam firefox addon puts price history on the game's store page

This guy's opinion is retarded as shit, don't listen to it.

AC4 is pretty fun. But if you already have it, don't.
Shadow Warrior 2 has great gameplay. But I'd let it go a bit lower before buying.
Dunno about the third one.

>Final fantasy not on sale

Yep. Very much so, it's the perfect game to play with some bros.

rec me a game that's going to fill me with as much melancholy as stardew valley

Get it off Amazon, it's 10 bucks.

And I bought it on 1.4 and put 80 hours in it. Survival is pretty fun as well.

i think he means if you're one of those people that steam achievements matter to, you can just buy the base game from them, and get the rest of the shit elsewhere.

Does it have co-op? and is it dead?


honestly just get the bundle. you save so much on the expacs its worth it.

Arcanum yay or nay? 4 bucks rn.

Anyone played god eater? It has good reviews, is it worth it at 25$?

it's actually not, don't see how you can disagree with evil within being a decent pickup for six dollars and RE revelations being a terrible shitshow like all the RE games after 5 have been

>does it have co-op
>is it dead
Fucking not once you get to 30. Before level 10 you'll have a hard time finding players, but 10-30 you can find them without much trouble.

two full games in one

damn good

there's matchmaking for the missions and you can invite players to your world, and then there's an open pvp area.

so yeah, I guess there is.

Seems like it was but it's 24.99 now, unless I'm missing something.

Neither danganronpa

Thankfully, I was one of the backers so I don't need to worry about that. As for the sales, I didn't get a thing. Maybe I will in the Winter sale.

If you don't have TBS 1 get it now

the second might or might not be worth it right now