Happy thanksgiving Sup Forums

Happy Thanksgiving. I love you all

not videogames


i love you too user

Hey Sup Forums, /ck/ here

I brought you a deviled egg.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too dude!

Do we all have to share a single deviled egg? ass.

source before 404 please

No. You have to eat all the eggs.

Happy thanksgiving. I hope you had a wonderful day of stuffing your face with food.

Second one you can look up "sian" or "sian gyaru" on your hmanga site of choice and you should get results. It's p. good.

ily ty

Deviled eggs are the shit, I could eat a whole platter before dying of a heart attack and still try to get one more in in my death throes.

No one will read this because thread will 404 soon, but:
I'm incredibly thankful for everyone on this board. No matter how much you shitpost, or which games like, you're all incredible people, no matter whether you think you are or not. I'm super glad to be a part of this shithole of a community for so long, and I want you all to know that I adore you. You're all fantastic, and I couldn't ask for a better gang of friends. Happy Thanksgiving.

I rather feel the opposite.
There's a few good people sprinkled in with a mountain of shit-heads and "baiters" who don't know how to stop.
That said, I must like it, cause I keep coming here.

On-board topic: Downloading Secret World right now cause I got a key from Humble.

right back at cha

Happy Thanksgiving.
I don't know where i'd be without you faggots.

is that you?


It's Sup Forums user... it's Sup Forums

>women can be pathetic friendless virgin losers just like weebself!
>but theyre also super hot with huge honkers
Is there anything sadder than weebs?

Posting while I wait for the family for thanksgiving.

What are you having for dessert?



i wish mental ills/homosexuals would just kill themselves imo. your existence is redundant


eggs won't give you a heart attack, and an entire carton of eggs is only 840 calories

you're fine user

lana rain you blind faggot

read the fucking filename

Fuck I love Devilled Eggs so much.


lol an egg yolk has like 80% of the recommended amount of cholesterol per day

it's just too easy

Not all cholesterols are the same; you need cholesterol to function in cellular stuff too mang.

From what i've read that was deemed absolute bullshit and (especially if you're vegetarian) eating 3 eggs a day is a good thing.

Can we get sauce?

Thanks user. I didn't even get to visit my family today because of a stomach virus.

dietary cholesterol is not blood cholesterol and the two have no correlation


[Abe Inori] Anamawashi


I try to eat four eggs a day and my doctor still says my cholesterol levels are low. Just eating eggs, bacon and salads as staple foods all day every day has trimmed my fat down, but hasn't slowed down my muscle gain.

I really miss bread, though.

I agree with this except for Barneyposting and Conanposting, but maybe someone enjoys that, I don't know. Happy Thanksgivings, assholes!

sigh I'd much rather be a hikkineet than go to these stupid family gatherings

Can't wait to get the fuck out of this town so I'm not obligated to go to these

>all the edge
kys rp faggot.

>Didn't eat anything today
>Didn't have to interact with any of my annoying family today
It was good. They're furious with me, but it was good.

I love you Sup Forums!!!

>Finally have my own place
>Sitting in my living room watching Disney movies on Freeform while The Secret World installs
>Didn't have to go anywhere, only texted two family members because otherwise they would have called me and talked about nonsense for hours
>Still technically a friendless hikki
Feels good.

What's with the hair

>Basically the same, but still with family
>They know enough to fuck off (in more polite words) when I want to be alone for games and the like
Feels.. alright.
Also installing Secret World ironically.

Happy Thanksgiving Sup Forums.

I love you guys.

Have you ever tried not posting with name and trip, Boco?

It was either that or monster girl porn.

Yes. People can still tell it's me.

26 is the best.

Happy genocide day


26 a best
this guy gets it

Not our fault the savage can't fight. And not my fault that he sells his shit away for beads.

your fault for celebrating those events :^)

The Secret World is good at least.

Fuck off Running Buffalo

This is my wife. Say something nice to her.

I stopped going even though I live near them.