>create female character
>male enemies go easy on her
Create female character
>create male character
>female enemies cry "choke me, daddy" when you hit them
>create male character
>no inherent bonus to strength and stamina
>create female character
>no inherent bonus to intelligence and charisma
why are RPGs so stale nowadays, bros?
>create male character
>forget to sign the prenup
>have to give half of my health and xp away
>tfw no daughter to rp with
>create female character
>"I'm going to rape you!"
Name 1 game.
>create female character
>think about Her
>delete female character
>create female character
>male rivals respects you less and won't see you as a worthy rival
>create female character
>get to act like a total slut or absolutely dominate everyone
do mods count?
>create female character
>males go easy on me
>play female character
>enemies threatening to rape her during combat
I loved playing as Catwoman in Arkham City
Who are you quoting?
>Who are you quoting?
>Who are you quoting?
>bonus to intelligence and charisma
Not really deserved. If anything they should get a debuff that lowers intelligence of males, which gets stronger the higher their appearance stat is.
>Can take the gay perk to counteract this
>the gay perk does the sane thing but with men
>there's an asexual perk but you lose the ability to do any of the game's romance options
>Bioware game so romance is shit anyway
Bioware just assumes all characters are bisexual
>Do a low int run
>They don't incessently post on Sup Forums all day long
Immersion broken.