>Denuvo cracked once again
>Based CPY finally delivered
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week.
>Denuvo cracked once again
>Based CPY finally delivered
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week.
good lord this is going to take days
Ending will make you want your time back
I already finished it and loved it more than any other game released this year.
Not my fault if you didn't know this is literally part 1 of a bigger story
the torrent it downloading so slowly
usually around 5/6mb, this is in the kb range.
im not too clued up on how bittorrenting works-- is it just so slow because so many people are trying to download (and there's not enough people (leechers?) uploading to fill the demand?)
will it get better? anyway i can make it more faster/stable? britbong, so 1am here, was gonna leave it on to download overnight, but at these speeds it seems kinda pointless.
what do.
Reminder that Corepack are faggots who release broken rips and re-encode stuff while calling their shit lossless. Even the fucking Russians have more honor. Fitgirl 4 lyfe.
>5 credits deposited into your bank account
Is there a way to remove the disgusting film grain?
>if you like a game, you're being paid to promote it know this is a thread about piracy right
hoping for hitman next.
Please not Titanmeme 2 just for the 5 hour call o duty campaign
Never even noticed it
>I could literally get it for free
>I still don't want it
Wow... so this is... the power... of reboots
Well you seem to be one of those special people who also seem to like CA.
Image quality worsening filters are terrible.
>Spend thousand of dollars on Denuvo protection
>Your game still gets pirated 3 months later
Good, I hope this puts and end to that piece of shit company.
Real shame it doesn't make the game any better.
this is a prequel of the original game bro
You work at the soon-to-be-UNATCO society
I feel really bad for Eidios, they really seemed to want to make a game that would be a proper sequel for DE:HR and a good entry into the series and Square Enix just fucked things up.
can you still get busted for downloading on torrents?
russians already made 34gb repack
watched some gameplay on jewtube. The guy spent 45 minutes avoiding guards and hiding inside vents
I might have picked an unlucky video but goddammit it looked fucking boring
Is the purpose of DX games to reach objectives with the least amount of casualties possible? Never played one so far
playing on a 40" monitor probably helps
Unless you're desperate for a free game then seriously dont bother. This game is complete ass aids shit.
No, that should make it a lot worse actually.
Maybe your vision is majorily fucked.
Do you realize how big is 40"?
For those wondering, the game is SOMEWHAT stilted in terms of narrative. It seems like they wanted you to take your time and read the flavor text in some areas.
That said, the gameplay is phenomenal and allows for a lot of different playstyles.
I;m going for the Platinum and am super excited to play the "single death" mode. I am probably biased, for whatever reason, Human revolution is probably my favorite stealth game of all time.
Anyway, the game is definitely worth it if you can find it for 40 or 50 where you live. I loved Breach mode, I actually have a bit of a withdrawal because I blew through it and humiliated the leaderboards.
I haven't played System Rift yet, have taken a break before I do a master file for trophies.
hahahahaha get your vision checked
your pixels are the size of peas
Are you retarded? Most copies get sold before release/within 1 week after launch. This doesnt really hurt them that much.
Which is exactly the problem with such a small resolution usually found in 24" screens or even the cheapest smartphones nowadays.
Get a grip son, visit an ophthalmologist.
Nah, check the commentary for HR. The amount of stuff slashed form that game is insane but they have a huge vision for the series. They knew ahead of time with this release they wanted to make these titles ore focused.
I hope they can rig up a co-op version of Breach to maybe get some more people playing, maybe a mode like those old Splinter Cell co-op campaigns. If they can get an addictive MP mode (like ME3) they can boost the hype and profile and keep the sales high.
Stop spreading false information
the gameplay is far from phenomenal
mouse feels completely off, gunplay is weak as fuck
seriously read some steam reviews the game is fucking shit
You can play the game the way you like.
You can go full Terminator and kill everybody, you can do a Metal Gear run and never be seen, you can speedrun through the game to reach the objective like a Call of Duty or read countless books/newspapers/emails
>Sup Forums
get the fuck out you dumb shill
the game feels like cod, it has no comfy atmosphere at all
shit I already bought it when it came out. Cucked again it seem
You can do it how you want. I prefer stealth for the challenge. Breach is breddy good if you like puzzle solving.
I don;t give a fuck about Steam reviews, faggot. I loved HR and I love this game, though it's not complete yet, seems like the next DLC will round out the campaign play.
Go play some faggot shit like Homefront or something you fucking fake nigger.
what about Hensha?
so i should buy a 40" sceen and then sit so far away the picture becomes tiny because there isnt enough pixels for closer viewing
>that hairline
i thought he was supposed to be good looking.
i love HR im just severly dissapointed with MD
how does a game where you never kill anyone feel like cod?
This is literally the most retarded and wrong post I read on this board after 8 years of endless shitposting
Not even baiting
because its a shallow fps with optional stealth
The soundtracks for these games are fucking incredible.
This song isn't groundbreaking, but it's awesome because in the game they overlay all these audio effects to make you feel like you are in a super loud nightclub.
10/10 audio design in these games.
Hmm. I've red somewhere this Game punishes you with less experience if you kill npcs. Which honestly is a bit of a let down.
Should i try HR before this?
it's called diminishing returns you nitwit
>because its a shallow
>with optional stealth
>linking md soundtracks
is that the latest house remix by skrillex?
the guy who made the neotokyo ost was involved with it i heard
sounds like you completely misinterpreted the graph. also why do retarded people always pretend to be so amused by thing they don't agree with?
He did the music for Breach.
Get HR first, definitely.
The game is more rewarding (for me) when using stealth but there is no shortage of "upgrade kits" if you do any kind of exploring. I hear there's 20 extra kits just lying around the world. 1 kit is 1 upgrade.
I would personally recommend HR because it will be odd to play them in reverse order and because HR has some extra comfy hubs. I highly recommend bassy headphones or a decent sound system.
HR is definitely weighted toward stealth but you'll still be able to get just about all of the upgrades you would want by then end, there are some ones you would never use anyway.
I spend most of the game sneaking, hacking, and tranqing people so I don't agree
If you want to go full Robocop, pirate the Complete Edition, slap ENB on it and enjoy the game.
If you want an hacker run, play the Director's Cut.
The torrent is 77gb and there is a seruously high leecher to seeder ratio because a lot of people downloading and only a few peoe uploading
It had the exact same ambient feel of the HR soundtrack.
Seeders are uploaders and Leechers are downloaders.
Fuck.. HR had perfect atmosphere. It was pure 2011 in the feel it had. Still had its good conspiracy touches too. Bilberberg, fema camps etc.
Now it's just distractionary political commentary on soft issues set up by the powers that be. Complete opposite of what the series set out to commentate on.
Game becomes a manufactured tool of the illerminerty with the same game the cloned Jensen does.
just a coincidence
>md cucks
>game starts off with a random killing muslims event with no introduction
>cutscenes for 10min depicting racial injustice heavily inspired by black lives matter
>cutscenes for 10min about jensen(you) sympathising for terrorist attacks
>cutscenes for 10min terrorist attacks happens
>you now get to explore praque where everyone speaks english with a thick russian accent
>music is some awful house techno beat
>everything is bright and you are constantly reminded that black i mean aug lifes matter
and thats when i refunded that garbage game that ran like a 1995 era console port with horrible mouse accel and terrible optimzation
Fuck you pirate, Dr. auzelle is a traitor
so why is his hair wrong
>>you now get to explore prague where everyone speaks english with a thick russian accent
This is the only thing that really bothered me about MD. Why the couldn't those Canadians hire some actual Czech VAs?
Anyone feel like spoonfeeding a direct fl of the repack? I can't find it any uploaded yet.
Yes, try opening the fucking settings???
>optional stealth
I think that's my biggest complaint about Human Revolution (and what I've played of Mankind Divided). The game pretty much forces you to be a steath hacker. Sure, you CAN play it guns blazing, and it has gunplay good enough to make it fun, but you lock yourself out of a ridiculous amount of content by doing so. Meanwhile a stealth hacker gets to see everything. if you can't hack your way somewhere you can always find a neat little vent to sneak your way in.
Nothing there, retard.
The in-game settings, dipshit.
>stealth hacker
>inb4 we were meant to play as Pritchard all along
They are literally the same you troglodyte.
>504 seeds
>4 seeding
Well look harder, you fucking mong. I played this bullshit ass game at launch and I know for a fact it's there.
>the game feels like cod, it has no comfy atmosphere at all
It's nothing like CoD. Call of Duty has limb damage and non-regenerating health. What has this game got?
Oh, you are THAT kid.
>cutscenes for 10min
You have to wait for the ending to get another cutscene just as long
>depicting racial injustice
"Race" isn't even among the game's themes, it's abused rich people vs scared and violent civilians
>heavily inspired by black lives matter
Black Lives Matter didn't exist when they started developing the game, also the actual BLM got mad about it
>jensen(you) sympathising for terrorist attacks
Yeah, Jensen helping a dying mother while saying "Never again" is sympathising
>you now get to explore praque where everyone speaks english
The speak your language
Game got localized you know
>music is some awful house techno beat
Same composer from the last game
>everything is bright
>and you are constantly reminded that black i mean aug lifes matter
Game is depicting both sides as equally wrong, you would know if you ever tried it
Shit you just started your post saying
>game starts off with a random killing muslims event with no introduction
and you make me want to believe it's leftist propaganda?
Come the fuck on m8
You can throw bodies.
Checkmate CODKEKS
There's definitely stuff that going super stealth misses. Like near the end of the game there's an "escape from the bad guy base" mission and you can easily stealth past huge areas of content, whereas you see a lot more by killing your way through the place.
Can someone link the torrent?
enjoy your bitcoin miner :)
>not uploaded on bitgamer
>not uploaded on playbits
>blackcats is gone
wtf man I just want an up-to-date tracker.
But I got the 140$ collector's edition.
Check the latest releases here.
Once you know the torrent name, finding it is pretty easy
Thats right I speak to Ed from time to time always trying to get him to allow me to repress neo-tokyo ost CDs, I should send him another message actually. He makes some great stuff, I listen to out from NT pretty much daily. I still play NT from time to time sad how dead it is.
>GGn went offline too
>the gameplay is far from phenomenal
Maybe you just need more powers/augs to fully enjoy it
>seriously read some steam reviews
Nah ok fuck you
didn't bitgamer go down years ago
>one playthrough took me ten-twenty hours longer than HR
>feels shorter than HR
how does this work. is it the narrative pacing? I loved the fuck outta the game regardless but its weird.
There's a lot more optional content to explore, and the story missions don't have much of a sense of time to them
No Hengsha.
More/longer loading screens.
Yeah, this.
It lasted like double the time I spent playing HR, and I'm now considering NG+, yet if feels shorter
Maybe it's because it's more focused on lore and secondary missions than a full linear story, so there's no real ending
>I loved Breach mode
you had me until this, now i know everything you posted is a lie
happy for you poor peasants, good game
Man I didn't like it at first, but somewhere in...the second Network? 2 Something? I guess I had the right upgrades and I got super into it.
For reference, I loved Metal Gear Ground Zeroes because of the trials.
a shitter version exists
It's a .ch and a shell of its former greatness but it ((USUALLY)) gets the job done