>tfw to intelligent too buy final fantasy xv
Tfw to intelligent too buy final fantasy xv
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>tfw to intelligent too reply to this thread
More like too poor to afford a ps4
If he is so smart then why is he smoking?
There's nothing wrong with enjoying tobacco or using nicotine. What's wrong is smoking shitty quality cigarettes. He's smoking a pipe, which usually doesn't have too many additives, definitely less than most of the food we eat anyway.
Cheers, you fucking faguette
Thank god I'm not smart enough to have a ballsack for a forehead.
It's a shit habit that makes you smell and look disgusting.
>b-but it feels good
Your mom feels good on my dick
I'm not too intelligent but I know that it's going to be a massive blueballs waste of time
Something hallucigenic like DMT. He's looking for personal enlightenment.
You got your "too" and "to" mixed up you stucking fucking idiot haha thinking your clever but cant even do a basic english sentence retard HAHAH
>tfw 89 tested IQ and even i know ffxv will be shit
based retard
>Theres nothing wrong with poisoning yourself
FFXV is the best JRPG of the decade, your lose
Yeah, i already finished it, on the road to 100%
Hes drinking coffee with a straw
it's a tiny teapot with the lid off
>tfw two smart too reply to bait threads
Why has everyone since 2014 gotten obsessed with making as many feelguy and Pepe variants as possible?
If he is that smart then why he is browsing Sup Forums and plebbit??
>ITT children who don't know how to smoke a pipe
You don't inhale it retards.
Reddit likes them, Sup Forums is reddit bait and leaks.
those pic are getting more ridiculous every day
>feel guy
>tfw to smart fore vi youtube.com
>tfw pc gamer
>tfw I play the Witcher 3 over and over again since there are not good games out
>tfw thinking of buying a PS4 just for this game
>tfw too stupid to join the pc masterraceā¢
>tfw to brilliant to post memes
>tfw to intelligent to spell
I-I'm sure FFXV will b-be gr-gr-great!
>tfw you're to intelligent two fall for the FF XV meme
I've never gotten past the foam aisle before. This is horrible. They just put up a handicapped sign and they aren't handicapped (physically). I may never make it to the end of this video.
>retarded furries
>not handicapped
Why would you deliberately cause your body harm, and expose yourself to something that is proven to cause cancer?
Also, you don't look "smart" or sophisticated smoking. You look like trailer park trash.
>proven to cause cancer?
Not proven.
correlation is not causation.
I cannot stress this enough in our modern, science-illiterate society.
>tfw to smert for website exclusivity
Smoking contains carcinogens that damage the cells in the lining of the lungs. It does cause cancer, it's a not a joke or a political stance.
Why would you ever encourage this behavior.
best one so far holy shit
If you're so smart, dodge this!
I like this one
Dry snuff is the only form of tobacco consumption with no links to cancer.
He is either baiting or a literal retard, why respond?
I really enjoy the too smart meme.
if you fuckers are so smart, why aren't you fixing worlds problems, instead of shitpost in Sup Forums
Which one of you fags created this meme?
what the fuck is this. this reminds me of the disgusting animations in the Dragon Age series.
Why should I tell?
your mother
someone should make a version of pic related
"our sun"
"my intelligence"
Why are straight edge fags so immature and annoying?
my mother is not fat you jerk
Where the fuck am i right now.
the video games subboard of Sup Forums
Why are we not discussing vidya then?.
I think you need to go back to .
You retard.
>Sup Forums is a board
>/vg/ and /vp/ are sub-boards
>/tg/ is a branch of Sup Forums
>/qst/ is a sub-board of /tg/
Know the distinctions.
No accomplishments, so they look to the things they don't do as a source of anti-guilt instead
Sup Forums is the board
Sup Forums is a subboard
/vg/ and /vr/ and /vp/ are miniboards
What site is Sup Forums a board on.
Sup Forums is the website
Sup Forums is a board
/vg/, /vr/ and /vp/ are spin-off boards
/tg/ isn't a branch of Sup Forums, it came from 40k threads on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
the entire whole website is one big "board"
>tfw too sad for this sub
Are you being ironic right now? I would actually like to know
Is this a Max Stirner Wojak?
I've officially seen it all.
>it came from 40k threads on Sup Forums
>He forgets literally anything "game" was held on Sup Forums until /tg/ spawned
40k was one chunk of it, but it was not the sole reason. Make Sup Forums about VIDEO games again, give 40ks a place to circle-jerk without shitting up Sup Forums every 3rd thread and contain the quests.
>Punching pepe arc is over
>Smart Wojak shaping up to be his big return
Pepefags on suicide watch
Why would you need a PS4 for a PC game?
Eating meat causes cancer. Do you eat meat, user?
I admit my Sup Forums history is rusty and I wasn't really there back then.
I can't believe I'm sharing this board with someone who thinks he needs help on such a simple edit.
science has proven smoking causes permanent damage to your DNA if you keep it up. it can repair itself but why would you fuck yourself and potential children up?
It's a saga you dip
thats we're doing now?
using reddit terminology here?
Smart Wojack will be dead soon anyways. No one cares about that loser.
I'm pretty sure that the whole punching Pepe arc was 50% Wojak.
How did that arc end, anyway? Did Wojak end up absorbing Pepe's intelagince?
>Can repair itself
ayy lmao
cigarettes dont have ANY additives you idiot. tobacco is just inherently carcinogenic when you burn it
Allowing the media zeitgeist and anti-tobacco lobby to to shape your habits is not intelligent
drinking water also, WATERFAGS BTFO
>being against smoking must make you a straight-edge water only fag!
kys, oh wait you already are.
Go fuck yourself, you walking testicle.