Tell me your great Overwatch hero idea and discuss which future hero's you want to see

Tell me your great Overwatch hero idea and discuss which future hero's you want to see

Omnic girl tank.

the nose knows

Loli tank.

I just want Terry Crews as Doomfist, and I'm good.

i only want this guy if terry crews voices him. other than that and combined.

That's literally what diva is supposed to be

If blizzard were smart they would do this



She needs to be in a mech or something because the hit box would be small, which is basically DVA.

I wouldn't mind a Zulu Warrior or Roman Centurion in a futuristic armor set. Centurion can be offensive white Zulu is defensive.

Doomfist is going to be a small twink comically attempting to carry a gauntlet half his size. This is obvious.

I have an idea for a lolli omnic lolli tank. I was thinking of one like a brawler type of tank.

>Dem titties

I hope Soundquake comes soon. They mentioned at Blizzcon that they were hoping to come out with "a kind of alternative Reinhardt", so I'll be curious if it's him they're talking about.

Top right

Sound quake is probably next honestly. I would imagine he could have some sort of ability that lets him push away enemies in a huge blast of soundwaves

For Doomfist, I was thinking shift would be a modifier to his punches, turning his lmb/rmb from jabs to hooks which knock characters around depending on the direction in which the punch is thrown. E would be an uppercut which throws the target in the air, allowing them to be air-juggled and manipulated into certain directions easier. A mechanic that would be interesting on him would be a hit multiplier— each landed consecutive hit would increase the damage of his next punch. Or maybe instead, he would have a hit multiplier and one of his abilities would cash in on the multiplier applied on the enemies. Like the ability would discharge an energy blast on the enemy (which can damage enemies around the initial target) and the higher the hit multiplier, the more damage the ability does to the target and the larger the blast radius will be. Maybe this could be his ult instead of a regular ability, so in a way it's like a passive.

>Winston fought and defeated evil Doomfist
>Winston might somehow be a counter to Nu-Doomfist if they ever add him in

What I want to know is how.


>shooting children

This is the great western gaming taboo. Nobody would ever even consider the risk.

>Draw a 15 year old
>Call him 18
Works every time. Dva was originally supposed to be underage


Spawns with SSG. 1 shots every character in the game at close and mid range. Is crap otherwise.
Can run really fast like soldier's sprint except better
Doesn't use his other weps because that would be unfair and he'd be OP except during ult

Ult is either rip and tear, where he goes even faster, instakills with his fists and regenerates to max HP at start and on every kil
Or BFG9000 where he gets the BFG with 3 shots and 1 shots everyone in a massive range even if he misses

best hero. fact.

What would a Donald Trump hero be like?

Obviously he'd have a "build a wall" skill, but what else?


Blizzard seriously does have the most uninspired, cliche-ridden shit on the face of the planet

It's just bad

just go on tumblr and you'll have your answer

Reskin Mei

>1v1 Torb
>1v1 Mei
>1v1 Winston
>1v1 Zarya
>1v1 Symmetra
Did anybody actually play this piece of shit mode before releasing it?

There is a reason it's in arcade. It's also technically the most balanced mode since both players are have the exact same circumstances

A namibian hero that uses a shock rifle from UT2004. Defense.

>can run really fast like soldier's sprint except better

dropped. DOOMGUY would be cool but having a hero with the same ability as another hero just "Better" Isn't gonna really work

No, she has to BE like mech. I mean made of metal. Omnic loli tank. Just like XJ9. Electricity-based abilities.

I would love to have a hero based on audio and sonic attacks, besides based Lucio

this senpai

Defense character who is some Jax or Asura looking guy who is part omnic obviously and only uses his fist plus he is mobile and ultimate is a transformation which makes him punch fast like Kenshiro cause I love the transformation ultimates and he can fuck up tanks cause fuck tanks
Backstory could be he works for Talon as their special weapon or some shit I don't care about the story and he could be Canadian cause they have nothing and "angry canadian" cliche

Obese mafia boss sitting in a throne, using long mechanical legs to move around.

Give him a tommygun

That's not a mech.its a robot

>Make a game about Super Heroes
>A genre filled with name-mans and name-girls
>Get mad when they use cliche names

This. I think it's charming

>angry Canadian cliche

Did you read only first sentence?

A translation of the kv2 with the 152mm from world of tanks. So a big slow dude with armour who can pne shot peeps but is slow and can do one shot every 30 secs :^)

Since the stereotype is that Canadians are always nice some people make them the complete opposite

Bastion ultimate.

The kind of hero that makes the game good.

I like how retards like you confuse anger for contempt

I just think it's shitty. There's nothing to get 'mad' about.

A stretchy arms hero that dual wields semi-auto pistols

>altfire blindfires around a corner (no aiming/directing shots allowed but can be good for assisting in chaotic fucking mosh pits)
>ability 1 whips arm in a limited range. either stuns opponent against immediate wall behind them, or just knocks them back
>ability 2 grabs an opponent and rockets character in to them - no stun. Can be used with ability 1 to single out healers.
>Ult: All limbs spring out and character siezures on the floor, creating a quake that continuously knocks opponents back

>white zulu

It's better than Batman, Superman, Hawkgirl, etc. Overwatch has The Incredibles or Transformers levels of names which is a step or two higher from Marvel and DC.

>it's shitty
fite me

Also the spiders spawn out of her augmented vagina.

Just a reminder that poison hazmat man was scrapped for Mai.

I could still see him make it in desu

The Light Crusader, near Rein
>250-350 health, 2/3ds of it is armour
>can boost around like a NEXT from Armored Core, tap shift to boost about 10m in any direction
>jumpjets would probably make it too similar to others (pharah, winston, dva) but otherwise may run into the same problems tracer does (no vertical movement)
>should be some sort of anti-armour weapon given the history of the crusaders, say a shotgun that fires slugs/ flechettes or a more elegant grenade launcher. Whatever they're holding it's rifle-shaped but another auto would be a boring
>fuck it, it's both. A shotgun you change ammo types with by pressing shift. Forces a reload.
>ult loads in a magazine of micro homing rockets? I have nothing for this.

Sombra was meant to be like Genji. Didn't scrap her and remade.

Italian mobster tank. bulletproof fur coat enables huge health

I like the concept of a hero where all of their abilities, including alt, is an amo switch. Hanzo is almost there, but there is untapped potential

The older brother from the announcement cinematic.

The little brother gets killed in some Overwatch battle. He returns to the museum and steals the Doomfist. Hunts down and rapes Tracer.

Then he sells the Doomfist for so much fucking money and retires to live a life doing whatever the fuck he feels like every day. The end.

HAZMAT was the earliest incarnation of "The Alchemist" concept, which eventually turned into what we have now as Ana.

How did he trick all you faggots into worshipping him as some sort of godlike figure?

It's embarrassing to see this magnitude of idiocy...

We like memes

I bet you liked that shit tier thin guy instead, you goddamned pansy.

I happened across this; I'd accept Operator Knight as well.

A female omnic defense character is overdue.

A tank that summons a funnel to make chokes chokier, and heals allies.

That sounds really neat, and like something Overwatch has been sorely lacking. If only we already had a hero who could do that

I obviously mean something stronger than lucio, smartass

that's athena.

Be more specific then, doofus

AV-98 Ingram ripoff

look at that cum guzler behind roadhog and athena that has the sombra hair

Blizzard already stole a hero idea from me. I posted on their forum about how McCree's stun should become an ability silence, to encourage honest duels between him and who he silences to fit his western motif, this was back during the Overwatch Beta. They took this concept and gave it to Sombra.

It isn't Overwatch related, but Riot games stole the concept for Ivern from me as well. A year ago I posted a champ idea on their forum about a jungler who befriends the monster camps instead of killing them. It's super obvious that they took my idea and made it into Ivern.

I wasn't credited for either of these heroes and I'm a little upset over it. I deserve to be given some gratitude.

1. Loli hero
2. All melee offensive hero
3. Offensive mecha pilot that can shoot rockets or charged beams

seems you should have been gone into game design user.

>I deserve to be given some gratitude.

I can spare this (You) in recognition.

A DPS hero that only fights with a melee weapon.

>how McCree's stun should become an ability silence
>They took this concept and gave it to Sombra

Are you fucking retarded. Sorry kid but you're fucking delusional.

This would be pretty interesting. I would like to see more push abilities, though maybe different than Lucio. Rather than a sudden sharp push backwards, maybe a slow moving wall that prevents enemy teammates from traveling through it and slowly pushes them back? Or perhaps a push that forces someone a set distance away but sustained so they can't just walk back in.

The ability silence is exactly how I described it in my posts. That all abilities, even right-clicks, would be disabled and they'd only be able to use their primary left-click attack so that you could still fight back while silenced. That's exactly how it is.

A plate with googley eyes and glued on macaroni for a mouth, long, string bean arms and legs, and comically over-sized hands and sneakers. Obviously a tank.

more reinhart counters so I dont have to see him in ever single game

fuck you. hes the only hero i play

Silence isn't a unique concept you just came up with.

in shooter games, it is.

But the whole idea of overwatch is adding ASSFAGGOTS elements to a shooter game

Something like a moving mei wall you could shoot through

We really do need more omnics. Bastion doesn't cut for me and I can't play support (gonna train Lucio though)

We need a omnic monk. Who fights. A big-ass tank too.

Seriously, Omnics and A.I. is a big part of the world, surprised there is so little.

Why some more don't have the E or shift, or left-click skills, anons? "Balance"?

Because Bastion is unbalanced as shit. He really needed something more to be useful besides turret mode that is easily counterable.

Some grenade or laser attack that actually did damage or something.

Drunken Master

>Cheery carefree personality, always drunk
>Main weapon is a chinese wine bottle, left click you throw it, it explodes on impact, okay damage if direct hit, small damage to people around
>Right click is a punch, press 3 times for combo, hard to hit and leaves you open for attacks, but can do some solid damage is if hits
>Shift is a dodging sidestep
>Q he gets super drunk and does melee attacks only, huge damage and he moves faster

Yeah exactly. Sort of how Symmetra's new shield works, but have it solid so it pushes people back too. Would be perfect I think.

Not really, theres been games where enemies have prevented the player from attacking in some way while still being mobile.

Sassy black offense hero.

Does bantz with McCree over who is the better shot.

They sound like Transformers names.

banned in china, just like mccree's cigar

More tank counters in general


> Can build temporar covers. imagine reinhardt shields for one person with adapted health
> Can give short bursts of speed. Enough for a Reinhardt to catch up to an enemy and hit 2 swings
> Aoe heals by damaging enemy. can lock onto one enemy for improved healing. lowest health ally recieves 50% of total healing.
>Main weapon is a slow firing automatic rifle that decreases enemy dmg by 10-15%. A bit like zenyatta but with bulletspeed of soldier76
>Ulti gives 50% dmg reflect on allies
>Passiv is healing an ally every 3 seconds for 40 health

An omnic or cyborg/android Hero who's ability is "Copying" another hero's ability, either by touching an ally or killing an enemy. Basically Mega Man, if Mega Man could only keep one robot master power at a time.

Doomfiist should literally just be Old Spice Terry Crews with a glove

I'm gonna take a shit in Blizzard's mailbox if he's not a bombastic force of personality who's gotta kill fast but bullets too slow.

Offensive character with Lucio's passive.

I don't care what else you do with him.

Quad-legged Omnic-bot that can hang on ceilings.

Primary fire is a simple shotgun, E lets them hop up high to hang from a ceiling. Shift creates miniature omnic robots that can do small amounts of damage / healing to teammates. You can create up to 3, but they do half as much damage as Torb's turret, and are super weak.

Q is a railgun that penetrates all enemies in its path, has an instant shot that takes off 400-ish HP, but it takes a few seconds to charge, and is super loud.