I always see people talking about console exclusives, particuarly pointing to Bloodborne as the saving grace of the ps4...

I always see people talking about console exclusives, particuarly pointing to Bloodborne as the saving grace of the ps4, but I want to talk about some PC games console players should honestly be begging to play.

To start the thread, LoL. In my mind League of Legends beats Bloodborne in every way, if you want difficulty this is the game. To top it off, consoles will sadly NEVER EVER see LoL because it requires a gaming mouse/keyboard. Did I mention it was

Heres your reply

fuck off console kiddy

Can i put this in my pasta folder?


The second I want to bring up is CIV 6. A lot of people would say this is a boring, stupid, spread sheet simulator. They could not be more wrong. Imagine learning about the history of great nations and cultures, all to Sean Bean's sweet, sweet voice. It's real. There have been console versions of CIV, but they've honestly been straight trash, which is ironic because most ports of console games to PC are garbage. Feels good to be on the winning side for once.

You can keep em.

stop it op youre making us look bad with your faggotery

PEECEE gamers are getting desperate

Day Z. Day. Fucking. Z. It's an already immortal game giving a unique spin to a washed up genre in zombies. The knife's edge nature of the game makes for some of the most thrilling moment to moment gameplay there is. It's far more exciting than a PS4 Exclusive such as uncharted 4, because despite the frankly awful controls, buggy features, and horrible developer, you can die at any time. You can die as soon as you spawn. Just knowing that you could be shot a million miles away by a player you couldn't even see if you froze time and spent two thousand years searching for him gives me chills. Amazing game.

As someone who plays on PC: Shut the fuck up nigger.

I play minecraft with 100 mods. You can't do that in any console. And I love the infinte worlds.

Should I get a slim Bloodborne machine for 200 eurodollars tomorrow?

Another game I don't quite understand why console players aren't fucking clambering for is R U N E S C A P E. This game is legendary in terms of the content they provide, beating out many much more contemporary games, such as skyrim or the witcher 3. Never mind that it has piss awful graphics and came out 2001, it's still one of the most popular PC games to this day. You could literally spend hours mindlessly chopping down trees for little to no real tangible reward. Amazing.

Too true, my friend. Graphics aren't everything. It's strange that idiotic console players hide behind ultra high fidelity graphics. Quantity over quality, truly the PC master race way.

If you're going to spend 200 dollars, you may as well spend another 1800 on a real machine. Remember, you can't play any MOBAs on console.

Oh well, i'd like to know about some cool exclusives to get for my PC that I don't know about yet. Alright, so wha-
>League of Legends

>Not using a 128x or 256 texture pack
>Or even 512 if you got a monster of a pc
Nice try faggot

I totally see where you are coming from Op, but as you can clearly see people just can't stomach moba games in here. With so much ungrounded hate, I wonder if they played the games at all.

>League of Legends
I wouldn't ask my worst foe to play that pile of trash.

Agreed, with enough mods you could even make minecraft look like Uncharted 4.

>t. falseflagging sonygger

But seriously anything other than multiplats for pc that you guys recommend even if he is falseflagging


Runescape has outdated graphics. That's an instant turn off for people who keep up with console generations.

Otherwise, mmos would find great success on consoles, but most are not fit for console controls. FF14 is an exception to that.

M8, this shit is retarded when applied to PS4 games.
Applying it to games of raw, unadulterated mediocrity like League of Legends and Day Z is just disappointing.

You could have at least used Factorio as your prime example.

I've already mentioned several. Another one for you is Path of Exile. I've heard numerous people refer to this game as autistic and a spread sheet simulator, but you simply have to look at how deep this game goes to see why. It may seem on the outside like something a fucking braind dead monkey would enjoy doing, but I can tell you myself, this game is FUN. Try it out, even if it seems like the genre peaked with diablo 1, this makes massive strides to make the genre even better, adding a shit load of customization.

DayZ is on the xbox's early access already with plans for a PS4 version because sony does not allow early access games. DayZ will never leave early access so it will never be on PS4 anyway.

Console war niggery should result in a permaban

Probably because runescape can be played on a toaster and most console players still own a PC in some way. No matter how shitty they could still probably run it.

Oh my, summer came here early

If you are into anime and you never had a PC and suddenly you have one, the first thing I would recommend would be the vast variety of visual novels. Because if you're into that, it's a whole new world.

Arma 3, Civ, Total War games. I would definitely recommend picking an mmo, because clearing dungeons is a special kind of fun.

And of course, 100% Orange Juice with strangers from Sup Forums.

Holy hell, factorio, the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks for pointing it out. Factorio really lets you go crazy by building a network to complete menial tasks. Initially you are forced to do those menial tasks yourself, but things get really crazy when you have to figure out how to automate all of those menial tasks. I've never found waiting so thrilling as compared to when I was about to get my next upgrade in factorio. Every single upgrade gives you more options in terms of creating more efficient menial task machines. It's dirt cheap at only 20 dollars. Don't let the starcraft 1 era graphics or the same 3 enemy alien models fool you, this game is a true masterpiece.

You really know how to make good games sound like shit, impressive.

It's ok if lol and Day Z are not you cup of tea, but you have to ask yourself what makes them successful. You can't just say that people are idiots who eat up shit. You have to realize that's something an idiot would say.

>what makes them successful
League of Legends is a casual MOBA that makes you feel like a special snowflake.
DayZ is total garbage and people bought into the hype the original mod built it up to be and people got suckered into it.

Planet coaster is a game I'm thankful came out. I've always found the sims to be too stressful as they had waaaay too much content. Planet coast trims that down for you and just sticks to coasters. Speaking of the gameplay itself, you can build the parks of your dreams and even ride them. Despite having not the sensation of a real roller coaster, or the respect you would garner if you were actually an artist, you can still create beautiful works out of prefab designs.

I imagine most pc players are into anime like us, so it's probably a sure thing. I'm actually learning japanese so I can learn to read it straight from (what feels like) the homeland.

You from germany? Cause I really want a 196€ PS4 slim from mediamarkt but Im such a fucking poorfag that I even have to question if I can afford it.

Jawohl. But I'm not sure yet since it would literally be a Bloodborne machine, there is no other game that looks remotely interesting and is not on PC. Or did I overlook any?

No idea what you like but those are some of the exclusives that I would get whenever I get a PS4
Nioh, FFXV, GR2, Horizon, God of war, Spiderman, Infamous, Uchanrted 4, R&C, Ni No Nuki 2, that one Vanillaware game and actually quite a lot more.

When Bloodborne is your N1 priority then Nioh is a no brainer.

All I want is Recettear on handhelds desu