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I don't know why I'm good at horizontal, but dogshit at vertical, it's pretty much the same thing


I wish horizontal was more popular, I would love a new R-Type and a new Einhander.
I tried play more vertical games but I don't enjoy them as much as I enjoyed horizontal shumps. Too much bullet hell everywhere, I guess.

Horizontal because Metroid.

Horizontal fits today's screens better, so it wins by default.

I prefer vertical, but I like horizontals for the most part


Just turn your screen sideways

Redpill me on shmups, Sup Forums

What are some god-tier ones for PS1/PS2?

I've only ever played like Ikaruga, R-Type Final and Truxton

Horizontal for TVs and etc
Vertical for Phones

man these games were like 70% fanservice

vertical for arcades, horizontal for consoles

50% fanservice and 50% random bullshit

And I love them for it.

Einhander and R-Type Delta on PS1 are god tier.

Raiden II for PS1, but you'll probably have to pirate and emulate that. Or just download the Japanese program of Raiden I and II for Windows. Raiden III for PS2. You already have R-Type Final, but R-Type Delta for PS1 is also good.

Oh also Raystorm for PS1 but there's an HD version on Xbox 360, don't know if it's on X1 BC or PS3/4.


>tfw just bought this for $5
>tfw haven't played yet because SNES is neglected

Just play it to listen to the theme and first level music


No real preference, but pic related is GOAT

followed very closely by darius twin and g-darius

Can't make it past obstacles past monkey man.
I assume I'm basically being too impatient. Grenades seems really good except hard to use.


I like both
I just don't like 2hu/cave stuff


Any good shmup on sale right now?

Why not both?

Ah, Axelay. Jack of all trades of SHUMP's, master of none.

The fucking music is god tier though.

>I wish horizontal was more popular
I thought this was the case?

ctrl + f "essential home systems" and check the links there, it has articles with a bunch of games for each system. Not sure why you want console ports though, just get MAME and play the real deal.

>just get MAME and play the real deal

What did he mean by this?

Bringing the tired memes over here too?

Why don't YOU fuck off if you think MAME is the "real deal"

As opposed to at best slightly inferior console ports? Sure as fuck is