Look at who left their cave!

look at who left their cave!

>Having 2 different kinds of pies


they all look inbred

>mom baked an apple pie
>sister baked a cherry pie
>I baked a pumpkin pie
>everyone gets together for thanksgiving
>suddenly 3 pies

>when you see it

May this place never change, and may god bless us. Everyone.

>not having multiple pies, cakes, cookies for dessert.

None italian families should kill themselves

>being too poor to afford multiple flavors of pie

My family is white all of a sudden

I prefer the term den.

Let me in user.

kill all white people

>family sits down
>immediately starts shit talking absent family members because of politics


Every FUCKING year, and these trheads never get old.

>tfw this doesn't apply to me anymore since a got a job
>tfw i'm coming home from work at 11pm both in christmas and new year's eve

>Hey le't all gather to eat together the same thing and bond over it, btw you can have whatever dessert you want ;>D

You call this a family?

man look at dat white bountiful feast

BAKA #Whitepeople.


get the fuck out of my house

It's an average american household, they are inbreds.

>Putting a fucking pickle in a pot


That's a cactus, dumbass. Where do you live?

Please respond to this post.

Well I guess I'll just sit down.

What the hell is that thing

Uh.. yeah? And before that, everyone puts different things on their plates as well user, because they're not fucking clones.

I take it you were raised in a science lab user 21675?

>tfw my dad made turkey for us

>not accepting the host's dinner
>being a man child who eats his own food

Do you bring McDonalds to a wedding reception?

What the fuck are you talking about? Everyone brings a variety of dishes and and people select from the available option. That's literally how every family does it dipshit.

I take it the lab tech you all referred to as 'papa' issued you all a pre-set plate on the 'special' days that the lab decided to actually feed you a real meal?

How fucking retarded are you? My grandmother cooked dinner and everyone who baked or made something for dessert brings it. Jesus christ, you're autistic.

>family is Vietnamese
>big thing in my family is family bonds and tradition and all that shit
>despite this, 90% of my family are cunts and shitty people
>they are the most shallow people you'll ever meet in your lifetime
>they judge you purely on material worth, how nice your house is, how nice your car, your clothes, etc
>pretty horrible people, but one of my aunts on my dad's side is the fucking worst
>she'll act all nice and shit but inside lies the world's biggest bitch
>talks shit behind your back, I pretend not to able to understand Vietnamese in front of my family to trick her into talking shit about me right in front of me
>asks you to do arbitrary shit and then pretends you fucked it up or something
>for example, asked my mom to drive her to the outlet mall to buy clothes which is like a 40 minute drive
>my mom is super nice so she does so
>mom takes her there, aunt goes "nah I'm scared lol I don't want to go"
>mom goes in and shops anyway, leaving her out there with nothing to do for about 4 hours
>only reason why she's even listened to by the rest of my cunt family is because she has money since she owns some summer houses that she rents out and is a head of some school in Vietnam (those poor kids)
>even my own dad sold out to her, which genuinely made me lose all respect for him ever since he told me I should start listening to her
>only reason why I haven't tore her a new one is because her son who is a nice dude but is being crushed under the weight of his mother and I don't want to give her reason to take her anger out on him
>his wife is under the same situation, poor girl

What the fuck are all you people doing in my kitchen? I don't have any white relatives get the fuck out!?!

>Having a day off dedicated to eat

i live in a house that's only one floor, where the computer is anyone can see the monitor. feels bad everyone can see where i'm doing.

>look at who left their cave!
These things?

That's why you should had let america win.

Challenge her to single combat, and then banish her spirit to the dark dimension.

Dick her. Trust me.

Hello, white family I didn't know I had.

>one school shooter on the right
This isn't a white family. There should be more than one.