Why do Nips sexualize children in vidya?

Why do Nips sexualize children in vidya?

better question
Why are fairies made for sex?

Because Nips want money

Because pedos keep buying it

>Looks like a child
>Sounds like a child
>Acts like a child

If it looks like a duck...

No but seriously yes. They're being turned on by images of children and then actively seek those images out to get their rocks off

they're all 5" max and look like teenagers until they turn 50 anyway, why not sexualize children?

>Looks like a child
I guess you haven't seen children in a while then.

kys pedo

Pretty much this desu. The average asian girl is like 5'1 and has A cups.

Isn't this 2hu? There's a 900% chance that her age, in years, is greater than the number of years the United States of America has existed as an independent nation.


How can a few red lines be so sexy?

Stupid sexy fairy

Sunny > Luna > Star

Touhou is popular because nips are pedophiles. More than 99% of the "fans" have never beaten one of the shitty generic shootemups that spawn the lolis, and a significant percentage of them have never even played one.

Can you back up your claims please?

Because shitters like me are buying it. Now get lost, Nigel. Your parliament is diddling real kiddies and you're here trying to take away my cartoons.

Luna > Star >>>>>>>>>>>> Sunny

The onaholes of Gensokyo.


That's an awfully puffy vagina on the one in the middle

Sounds amazing. I love tiny women.

cuz its cool and nice

Bexause it's hot, obviously

That's a inkling though.

Because loli are cute and sexy.

Stop asking.