What games do girls like to play?
What games do girls like to play?
Other urls found in this thread:
good ones
shitty ones
Zelda and that's about it
Japanese ones
non-japanese ones
All 4 ACs
Mind games
ones that:
A: have lots of people to talk to
B: are relatively low stress
C: have a low learning floor
and if its a third person game, customization that everyone else can see
Anything but Zelda
Trust me I identify as a girl
This. My wife was an avid Pokemon Go player when it was popular. Thought I'd try to introduce her to the real Pokemon games as an entry point to the series. Didnt quite work out.
Ones with
Little interaction
High skill ceilings mlg pro 420
And with MAX RAGE
how do I find a shut-in girl who also showers regularly
pretty restrictive taste you got there bro
those girls are usually seen with their mothers in public. do your best yugioh dueling pose and you'll make her swoon and her mother will pay you to date her
games where I can dress up my character and make them be and do whatever I want
I'm not gonna lie that is how I met my bf desu
My mom doesn't pay him anymore tho
Which ACs are we talkin' about here
Popular ones.
Animal crossing
Ass creed
Armored core
Ace combat
I'm a shutt-in so I figure that would be my only bet.
Obscure ones
This one right here
*unzips urethra*
Any games in The Sims series, it's literally all women with autism who mod the game and have careers in computer programming or animation
Drop the no shower clause then
Wear a cloths pin
Good taste, carry on.
Seriously, every female I've ever encountered who plays video games at a moderate level plays JRPG's.
Geez controllers sure are getting smaller all the time
Is this this a micro?
I'm a NEET shut-in who met her boyfriend on Sup Forums 4 years ago and have been with him since. And am currently playing SMT IV: A.
Ask me anything.
Trust me every girl I've ever befriended loved SRW
My oneitis really liked ICO and SotC and really wanted to play TLG with me when it comes out before she stopped talking to me out of nowhere so try simple and cute plataformers like Portal or some Kirby games besides the obligatorio zelda and pokemon
I don't even know why I laughed
What are you playing?
facebook games
nintendo games
league of legends
Pokemon and Zelda. I remember seeing some chick in a Pokemon beanie and Zelda shirt carrying a plush of the grass starter the day S&M came out. Her hair was also blue. I don't understand it.
>I was the grill all along
Depends on the girl.
I've met girls who like FPS games, others who like action/adventure games, and ones who like liner platform games.
The girls I know play these games the most:
Elder Scrolls
Harvest Moon
Final Fantasy
The Sims
I can be your London tonight Big Ben
>trying to find qt neet girls
Those girls are exist but they're usually extremely unattractive or have severe emotional problems
The dream of finding a Hex Maniac is a hard one
this tbqh
Girls are people user all with there own individual likes an tastes
SMT, with a side of Steins;Gate and Senran Kagura EV.
I've already been LONDON'd, user.
How do i become as cute and desirable as you
>meet stuttering weeaboo girl in college
>ask her out
>she's too shy and almost falls apart
>moves away and I never see her again
lmaoing at my life guys
Fuck off then you slut, there's no good women left in this world.
Good/fun ones, doesnt matter is single player or multiplayer, I'll play whatever
Pics plox ;^) one in a kimono preferably desu
Play a lot of Multiplayer based games or go to cons, user.
Met a good lot of fellow NEET girls at a con few years ago, you just gotta look
should of preordered
Being at least a 6/10 from the start, working out, taking proper care of your skin, cute fashion and clothes, and love. But I partly thank my big ass for charming my boyfriend into loving me.
The more avid ones usualy like flashy and stylish games like Bayonetta and Zelda.
Casual girls like comfy games like Kirby, Mario Kart and The Sims.
The non-gamers will play mobile and facebook trash at most.
These kind!
I-i-i have one of those things
how do I meet boys my age who don't have shit taste in vidya? I'm a 12 year old girl
Let me let you in on a little secret. All girls have emotional issues. All people as a whole, including yourself, has emotional issues. Some people are just better at covering them up or not expressing them to others. But that is actually bad in some ways. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is, a relationship is about accepting a girls flaws, not trying to find a girl without flaws. Because you certainly aren't going to be a prize catch to a girl.
>The dream of finding a Hex Maniac is a hard one
But a huge point of Hex Maniac is she has social flaws. Has porn rotted your brain?
"should of"
You talk to boys your own age and find one who shares your interest in games. Don't just sit around waiting for men to talk to you.
Or in your real case, you talk to girls around the age of 25
by growing older
They like to play the game where they laugh about my cock size and leave me naked with a half chub
haha jokes on you I am really a girl around 25
Should have looke at a dictionary
>"all girls have emotional issues"
that about sums it up
>being with someone that browses Sup Forums
you poor soul
are u gonna post a message where i cant do this
Where do I find a 8/10 virgin gamer grill with a nice personality and short hair? 2/10 manlet here.
any anime
anyone have any luck getting a /cgl/ gf?
Girls don't exist on the internet and they don't play games either.
thats fucking gross nigga
I met a girl who was into vidya a few months ago, I remember she liked Patapon, Metroid, Yume Nikki and she mentioned her friends made her play Undertale, I need to talk to girls more often, they can be pretty cool sometimes.
>Where do I find a 8/10 virgin gamer grill with a nice personality and short hair? 2/10 manlet here.
you mean when pokemon go was popular for 2 fucking weeks then everyone dropped it?
I'd rather a cute guy than a seagull desu
i like the souls series, roguelikes, and bethesda games
The whore game
All gamer girls will without a doubt be drawn immediately towards:
>Animal Crossing
>Fallout 3/4
>Um Jammer Lammy
>Assassin's Creed
>Life is Strange
>The Sims
>Final Fantasy
>Kingdom Hearts
You will never see girls play something like:
>Dwarf Fortress
>Eve Online
>Flight Simulators
your sister is normie af
My ex was as into porn as I am, I can't talk about and recommend doujins to my friends either, at least not on the same level.
>not being with someone who shares the same interests as you
It's like you don't want to be happy. Only downside to being with him was the masturbation addiction.
d-do waifus in my head count? asking f-for a friend
>tfw went to a party with some friends today
>there was a a cute girl who played Zelda, Layton, Phoenix Wright and things like that
>Didn't have the balls to initiate conversation
>I'm just drunk I'm my room masturbating to shemale porn now
Just end my fucking life senpai
I think you are wrong solely by Myst sales numbers, it was really big back then.
How do I get an autist gf like Chaika?
and the fact he'll never get any
My sister doesn't play games. I was talking about all the other women I know. Including two I had sex with.
You are the problem, seeAlso
>being a shut-in and not a perv
men don't date women who share the same interests lol
they always put on a fake persona to attract women easier who are nothing like them and then the women figure it out and leave them and then they come to Sup Forums and complain about it and think it's bullshit to "just be yourself" and wait because it will take them longer to find women, but they will actually have success
I don't know why that women already know this but men don't, it honestly confuses me
Date a foreigner
Chaika was pretty eloquent in her home tongue.
Fuck your cousin, then wait for 18 years for your daughter to be legal.
what anime is this from?
its really cute
Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan