Looking for members, Upper Blackrock Spire.
Looking for members, Upper Blackrock Spire
>not more
You are in the same class of people who use "VC" for Deadmines instead of DM. We in the trade call those people idiots.
Hey mon. Need a rogue?
or people who call dps "DD"
Trade calls everyone idiots. You're basically saying I'm not respected by Sup Forums.
>implying you're not looking for members in a group
>Tfw getting people wants to come to Dead mines but it's actually Dire Maul
>vintage erp
sorry dawg we already have 6 rogues maybe next time
LFM scholo full, need tank and good to go
>6 hours later
>no drops
>other dps is lazy except for that rogue bro
wow great run guys thanks for the runs lol add me
North, South or east?
It's west ya dummy.
>running Scholomance at all apart from the alchemy table
Literally no point. Loot almost never drops, and even when it does, it's a crappy blue set which has subpar stats and bonuses.
Roguecraft is so good.
You guys need a warlock?
>bringing a gimped rogue
>calling VC DM
What do you call DM? The other DM?
no, ever since legion you guys suck hard
Did anyone find Mankrik's wife? I've been running around all across Barren's and all I keep hearing is how much Chuck Norris can wreck shit with his beard hand
Name ONE piece of gear that looked good from Ahn Qiraj I dare you.
DM North/West/East depending which one I need
or I use my brain and check the person's level before I whisper them.
She's in the same place as Manti Teo's girlfriend.
None it was one of the worst looking sets ever
should I mog run AQ40/10 right now?
No it's one of the most boring mog runs as well as having the worst looking gear
come with me
and you'll see
>talking about vanilla and old raids
>"oh yea i remember, i used to play on nostalrius :)"
The slutrobes from Kurinaxx and Sartura.
>being undead
Orc rogue is best rogue
anyone got the key?
I like the hunter set.
Purple plate set was ok.
Kalimdor's revenge is great.
Edge of Insanity is ok.
i love my female orcs but undead have better animations for SS
>"Rolling a new toon"
Instance names were server-dependent.
>mfw someone calls Strat Baron "UD Strat"
Who the fuck was T0.5 even meant for? All the time and effort one would have to sink into completing that questline for some gear that would be instantly outclassed by T1/ZG sets you'd have to be legitimately retarded not to be able to get by then.
"Dire Maul" doesn't exist as a dungeon, its either DMN, DME, or DMW depending
Don Rigoberto's Lost Hat
What do I win?
it wasn't DM it was VC
Not fair that Alliance got an awesome first dungeon like Deadmines was Horde got garbage like Ragefire Chasm
True, but in return you got Stockades, which is up there as one of the worst dungeons in the whole game.
Horde got Wailing Caverns at the same level. Alliance had its own garbage dungeon nobody liked in form of Stockades.
Tell me about the priest Zee
i like orc rogues
i just mean the modern rogue is dooky
>tfw actually bothered doing UBRS key quest
>frequently got several gold as a tip just for walking in the instance
>in a time where several gold was pretty damn good for ~10 minutes of time aside from autistic gold grinding
shut the fuck up
>cadaverous chest piece
>60 motherfucking atp
i never rolled undead or alliance
how hard is it to get to stockades as horde?
i reckon its not that hard to get to WC since you got a neutral town with a flight path nearby
Stocks is in SW you dipshit
It was though. DM was Dire Maul fuck tard.
oh right
i thought deadmines was the dungeon inside stormwind
doing a pve server? Fucking carebear.
>how hard is it to get to stockades as horde?
Impossible without a lot of corpserunning, just as it is for RFC
>neutral town with a flight path nearby
in order to use Ratchet FP one would have to make it to Ratchet first, through the Barrens, STV or Dustwallow. All three of those options were deadly for a lvl 20 character, and it would only get worse on a PVP server.
Horde got SFK too, by the way, which Alliance class quests loved sending people to nonetheless.
The most dangerous part of hilsbrad was tarren mil and didn't southshore have functioning docks?
Shadowfang Keep is the best low level dungeon. Love it.
The most dangerous part of hilsbrad was tarren mill
...and Arathi, and Wetlands. This is still lvl 20s we're talking about. The only option that doesn't involve tons of dying is to swim, preferably all the way from Westfall, and even then there are naga, sharks and murlocs on the stretch from Stromgarde all the way to Gilneas.
>didn't southshore have functioning docks?
Scholomance is a linear path now so dont worry lol, took a lvl 90 group of 5 in blues about 20 mins
Where the fuck did "toon" come from anyway?
Bruh scholo is a 60 dungeon
SFK was one of the best dungeons period, guess it gets skipped because most Horde don't do Silverpine, and it's only slightly higher level than WC which is more convenient.
Did anyone ever successfully complete LBRS or BRD? I think I only managed to complete each of them once. Actually I might be wrong about BRD just because of all the crazy memories I have of it but I think I did.
Not anymore, stockades is highly sought after now for getting you from like 20-28 in an hour.
I've made it to the end of BRD only once, and then we pulled Thaurissan without clearing the room first.
That was quite an inglorious end to an otherwise perfect run.
It's as easy as it is for Alliance to get into Ragefire.
Just simple corpse-hop.
It used to be common for both sides to go into them on my server back in the day, but I could never figure out why anyone would want to.
Toon town online
Oh yes, nostralius players, carry on lol
BRD I never actually got a full run in vanilla, only ever did it in parts. LBRS I ran a shit ton of times to get people UBRS keys and farm some gear.
theres a breadcrumb quest from barrens (they have you send some seeds to some undead alchemist) which sends you to silverpine
i think most people are turned off by it because of the travel
it didnt bother me personally because i had my ghost wolf
and i think you get a +2 stam ring off the quest line
ZG was patched in - it wasn't in the original game
It was, it just wasn't accessible.
Just like Old Hillsbrad and Black Morass, as well as a ridiculously early version of Hellfire Penninsula.
All in the game from the start, but could never be accessed. The early version of Hellfire was eventually removed, however.
It was patched in three patches before T0.5
>only ever did it in parts.
it was designed that way. By the time you can clear it half the zone is gray to you.
You fucking moron
>it was a barren zone with no content or mobs but it was in the game!
... yea...
it's weird because there are several really good weapons in sfk
Yes, and?
deadmines was huge so saying "van cleefe" or "VC" indicates where you want to go.
It may have been pretty pointless but it was still one of if not the best quest chains the game ever had. Always loved that you got to keep the stuff to summon all the bosses again once you finished it. Some of them were even still working on retail servers last I checked, a couple expansions ago.
Sorry I didn't play your progressively shit game
T. Person who stopped playing during wrath
Wow, you'd think they would've patched that shit out with Cata
when T0.5 was put in there were only two sets of content. party and raid.
what is this T. meme
but its probably because no one wants to do a goddamn delivery quest on that scale
if youre a shaman, like i was, you had more reason to be in silverpine because you have the FPs unlocked from doing your water totem quest
Some of the old dungeon revamps removed them but any of the ones that weren't touched still had them. I think the UBRS one was still working after the revamp, too. Also you got to keep the banner for the arena event in LBRS which I think still works, and the extra-dimensional ghost revealer thing that let you see the ghost NPCs you had to interact with for the quest, and those are still all around.
Also whenever they added the rogue detection glyph that let you see invisible squirrels and shit, that ghost revealer gained the same functionality too.
attempt at casual content, like the silithus revamp it was way too much work when you could derp around mc or zg for much better
The Legendary staff was alright
You skipped the best looking set. T5 a close second.
>In Westfall, a level 15 zone
>someone asks if anyone wants to run DM
where can i get this
not my fault you fags needed 20 people to clear it. git gud
do you also correct people's grammar online, hero?
VC must be some Nost faggotry. In vanilla, DM was always Dead Mines.