So in the end, was this a good game or not?
So in the end, was this a good game or not?
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yes, and mods make it great. its my favorite
Just like every elder scrolls game, it has massive problems but it's good
>game world aged not so great
>a lot of the quests the same
>most of the game is combat, and combat gets incredibly dull as the game goes on and enemies instead of becoming more vulnerable to your overpowered legendary artifacts take endless punishment from the most minmaxed weapons in the ame
what is it? looks like skyrim...
no. the world is generic medevil shit and mods can't even save it. play skyrim if you want an open world sandbox.
Only if you add so many mods to the game that it's pretty much a different game at that point
Morrowind > Oblivion > Skyrim
To answer your question, yes, it was a good game. Still is.
Yes. The only reason I'm playing modded Skyrim right now over modded Oblivion is because Oblivion is a pain in the ass to get mods working right sometimes.
Good game with very shitty character models and some other shitty design choices.
the fuck am I reading
Wish I was in Cloud Ruler Temple boys.
I played this shit a lot, with and without mods, much more than Skyrim.
Good game, no better than Morrowind though.
I never knew until three years ago that you blade skill increases if you stand next to those people training and watch for a minute.
>The Good
>comfy music
>good quests
>generic world, but enjoyable
>The Bad
>level scaling to the zenith
>nothing unique to be found in dungeons
>the lore was pretty bad
Still has the best quests of any TES
>Going inside the painting
>Dark Brotherhood
>Thieves Guild
>The Mages Guild Dream Insertion Quest
>Any quest Sheogorath related
>Waking up and finding your boat hijacked
>Getting kidnapped and force to fight on a isolated island
That place is so damn comfy.
worse than the witcher series, better than dragon age 2 and 3
This game has a certain charm to it that I feel will never be replicated. It feels like such a real world to me and still has a lot of mystery. Skyrim just feels like a mediocre bethesda game without mods, Oblivion feels like a lived in simulated fantasy land where anything can happen. I know technically it's mediocre but something about it touches my soul, maybe its the music. It was the last time bethesda tried hard to make something new and different, I believe every game they've made since has tried to replicate this spark/attention to detail oblivion had. The quests were so good and interesting and I still find new things in the game all the time. It can be very comfy and sometimes very scary if you're a pussy like me. You guys on going to shit on me hard for this, but I love Oblivion and always will.
Vanilla no, mods yes
Its a good game in that it provides a lot of time killing for your buck.
Mechanically, the level scaling makes me hesitant to call it a good game
It's shit like this that I like about Bethesda
It's a difficult call. There's so much it gets right, especially with the expansions... but I have to agree with , the enemy scaling does not do it any favors.
Oblivion is the best TES game. Non debatable
>Pocket Guide of the Empire: Cyrodill
"Akaviri dragon-motifs are found in all quarters, from the high minaret bridges of the Imperial City to the paper hako skiffs that villagers use to wing their dead down the rivers..."
"Thousands of workers ply the rice fields after the floodings, or clear the foliage of the surrounding jungle in the alternate seasons...Moth-priests walk by in a cloud of ancestors..."
"Newly arrived Western legionnaires sweat in the humid air...The Emperor watches over them all from the towers of the Imperial City, as dragons circle overhead."
It's okay. Combat becomes a massive drag on higher levels but than that it's not too bad.
Download what I like to call:
Nehrim or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the German.