Who here /black friday/?

Who here /black friday/?

Got a PS4 slim for 250.

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I wanted to get a XBO, but the deals were shit.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't go outside tomorrow, or touch any money.

I was debating between the two. Ended up just getting the PS4 for the weeb games.

Anywhere in Europe with good sales for the PS4 online?

I'm about to go to Kohl's (???) for the Uncharted PS4 Slim bundle for $250 and a $75 gift card. Best Buy is my plan B as they have the same deal but Ratchet & Clank instead of the gift card. Wanted the gift card so I can just buy Bloodborne.

If you're American. Just qq, are computer parts better buying on Cyber Monday? about to blow my dosh on a new desktop.Also, do you have to buy any other parts or just the parts from pcpartpicker?

>are computer parts better buying on Cyber Monday?
>do you have to buy any other parts or just the parts from pcpartpicker?
user, if you are asking those questions, building a PC is definitely not for you.

>would like a PS4 for upcoming games like Last Guardian, RE7, Nier,etc
>but still have backlog of PS3 and 360 games
>about to play ME2 and ME3 again though

Just digital or online. I've had enough years going out in that shit, on both sides of the counter.

you could have bought bloodborne + all dlc for $20 last week on psn

Probably getting a refurbed ps3 and two games tomorrow at gamestop.

Other then that just some non-vidya shit for family.

Its the same fucking shit every year for nintendofags: fucking nothing worthwhile because PREASE UNDERSTAND

>took advantage of FUCKING GAMESTOP's buy 2 get 1 preowned deal yesterday to get some hard to fine Vita games and one fine-ass nogaems4 game for $45
>used some GCU points and bought ReCore on BestBuy.com yesterday for $1
>used some Bing Rewards points and took advantage of the MS Store sale to get Ori & the Blind Forest DE physical for $10
>currently waiitng for the Limited Run Games sale starting in 45~ mins
>probably going to grab something off the inevitable NIS America online store sale tomorrow as well


I also had a order for the FFXV Xbone version on NewEgg but then I realized if it was $30 now it'll hit $20 in a month.

I got a 3DS for Black Friday at $100

And by Black Friday I mean midnight yesterday, because that's what consumerism has wrought.

waiting for this to go on sale for $100 in a few hours

is this a good deal?

Picked up bf1 and tf2 for 27 bucks a piece at walmart

Yes. That's a fantastic deal that you'll blink and totally miss.

Grabbed a Ps4slim with UC4, Nathan Drake Collection, Last of Us, Ratchet and Clank and Bloodbourne for $300, shipping+tax included.

>27 bucks


I think he means Titanfall

Shame I don't own a PS4

I beat the fuck out of someone for the last 48 inch 4K TV.
Felt pretty good.

Got Shadow of Mordor and FFX HD for $8 each at walmart

I know we all have fun shitting on the PS4 and all, but a friend told me he could get a slim 200$ through a discount tomorrow. Should I go for it, Sup Forums? I pretty much want it for weebshit and Spiderman, nothing else.

Microsoft store has the best deal besides the fake dell store one.

One s, $25 gift card, free game, no tax $249

Let me pursue my dreams user!

My body is ready.

Yeah. The good weebshit will finally start rolling out early next year and Spiderman will probably be great.

Anyone get that $125 TV? I was considering getting it but I am unsure how gaming and watching dumb anime would go on it.

Over-budget by $300, yet I keep buying Black Friday deals.

Just noticed a couple weeaboo games set for Lightning Deals tomorrow. Watch as they end up being 21% off, yet still sell out in seconds.

Can get a PS4 Slim 500gb, Uncharted 4, Fifa 17 and 2x DS4 for 333€. Worth it?

Make sure you buy a charger or have a old one lying around i bought one at Best goy today and learned the hard way

Yeah my bad that's what I meant

Yarp, already got one.

Amazon had the slim for 250 so I got that and some games. Should be here by saturday.

I bought Xbox One S with Battlefield 1 with the Helfire pack and the Early pack and a free copy of Fallout 4 for $300. Good deal or no?

Are there any noteworthy sales besides the DS? That's all Sup Forums seems to care about

I bought a 1440p 144hz TN panel monitor, Wolfenstein: New Order, and a new mechanical keyboard.

Pirated DOOM.

Looking for new storage medium, I only have a single 1TB drive and a 256GB SSD.

Source on that going down to $100?


I'm only seeing that it WAS $99.

As usual, new Nintendo releases attract scalpers and kids. PS4 Pro simply isn't worth it compared to PS4 Slim bundles, so most Sony fans are quiet.

Thanks for the late breaking news faggot

As someone who is buying a PS4 tomorrow, how often do they do their sales? Is this like a "haha fag you missed Old Hunters on sale now it's gonna be a million dollars forever" or will it be on sale around Christmas or something?

Both. When the PS4 Pro was announced, retailers drew back their sales. When it was released along with the slim, retailers started offering normal bundles.

Bought an XBONE S with Halo 5, and the Master Chief Collection, $25 gift card, and GoW Ultimate Collection for $249.

Not too bad, bought BF1 and Doom on bestbuy for $45 bones.


Waiting for the ps4pro to go down on amazon again

Wanted a New 3DS but literally 0 sales. Feels bad to be euro

The slim model is great. Get it, user. Add me as a friend while you're at it.

Just bought the Xbox One S

Feels good man

Stores are far from me
>try to buy gift cards at 7 eleven
>machine doesn't fucking work
>go to cvs
>fucking bent over back guy from that one pic wants to see my id to buy a gift card
Why why why I hate that fucker so much even the other clerks looked at him all weird

It seems people forget about these things quickly.

>want a cheap n3ds
>all this talk of low quantities getting me worried
>casually load up walmart 10 minutes later
>get one just like that

Wait when did they go down?

Thinking of getting a steam controller. Are they worth it?



It went down yesterday I think? To $360.

Ok fuck the slim im going for the pro

Picked up one of the $99 New 3DS systems at Target today. Real nice.

Considering getting Hyrule Warriors Legends now that I have a system that's capable of playing it without literally unplayable framerates. It's thirteen bucks off on the eShop for digital and ten off on Amazon and TRU.

Anyone know any good ssd prices?

Garbage people buying garbage products.

got doom for $15
Titanfall 2 for $27

Sorry that your miserable, user.

same here, at best buy and walmart it seems as if only the people at the front of the line could get one.
>head over to fry's
>there's at least 5 units just sitting on the self an hour after opening
got the last white one on the shelf, wouldn't be surprised if there were more in the back.

>Fake dell store one

Wait what was fake about it

I'd like to upgrade my PC, but at this point I think I need to start from scratch

My GF got a N3DS, have to say I was skeptical about the design but it's hands down the best looking 3DS ever. I'm salty as fuck playing Sun on my old 3DS.

>Got a PS4 slim for 250.
That's cute.

I got a PS4 fat for $159 from a site ran by Best Buy back a year ago.

Nintendo's stupid ass naming conventions got me a pretty good Christmas gift.
>My sister was going to get me one of those $100 New 3DSs that everyone has on sale
>didn't grab the right one, instead grabbed the New 3DS XL
>Rings for $200
>She tells the cashier "No, that's the one in the ad for $100"
>The cashier actually changes it, the absolute madman
Thank you based shitty seasonal cashier

But the small 3DS is objectively better than the XL

Got a ps4 slim for $240 and a second controller for $40 off Ebay (new). Time to play some Naruto.

Fuck the PC version, can't get my controllers to work properly for the life of me.

Wtf are you thinking 6 bucks or not this movie is shit


It's actually what I would prefer. I like the bigger screen and play my old 3ds at home 95% of the time anyways.

I have both. I much prefer the XL, even with the stretched pixels.

You mean "not poor"... Most of the items advertised heavily are complete shit or simply meant to get you in the store or on the site and increase word of mouth.

>My paycheck won't hit until Saturday
Fuuuuuck. Are these deals for Friday only?

What I've always done is upgrade what parts I needed and create a new rig as soon as I'm going to replace my last part so that I end up with a 2nd computer with all the old parts. Still waiting for the next gen CPU to come before making the swap.

>mfw I bought a 4k monitor for 300 thinking it was a great deal
>Think hey TN cant be that bad
>Have it next to my ips monitor
Holy fuck the difference was night and day. Returned the monitor the next hour

Buy with a credit card, pay it off when you get your paycheck.

just got home from a relatively not that bad black friday shift at walmart ask me anything

>get to Walmart at 5:30 assuming I'm going to wait in line for the 6PM sales
>there are already people walking out with shit
>they apparently started at 3PM instead "on a whim"

Anyone else this happen to? Worked great for me, I only wanted TP HD and GoW4 which they had plenty of, but if I wanted a low-stock item I'd have been pissed. Pretty sure they did it because JC Penny started at 3.

Forgot my img

I'm headed to my local gamestop to pick one up soon, I'm scared that they'll tell me they sold every unit online and I wasted my time

Nothing I wanted too badly, got a second ps4 controller in case because these things are goddamn expensive. And the rare multiplayer

Where should I get bloodborne?

Some people like the bigger screens, awful PPI be damned.

On the other hand you have me who's been waiting over two fucking years for NoA to release the regular N3DS in the US without being bundled with a game I already own and gaudy as fuck faceplates so I can finally upgrade my Ambassador 3DS which has over five years of wear from taking it with me everywhere and a big-ass Nyko extended battery to replace the dead stock one. Thankfully, it finally happened.

When I was at Target, there was one other guy who got to the case with the systems when I did and he asked if he could buy them all. Probably wanted to scalp them off, but one per customer.

Most people seemed to just be there for TVs though. A few people actually left the line when they heard the store didn't get any in of one specific model of TV.

What's the likelihood that the Super Mario N3DS will be the last special edition?

Any PS4 Pro deals?


I didn't even read your post.

Target cashier here.

This year I was one of the peopel in charge of handing out the tickited TVs and we only had 2 of one of our doorbuster deals.

bravely second worth 20 dollars

>saw the word poor
>got triggered
>blogged about

>tfw I still didn't read your post

I liked it more than the first, fixed the pacing issues and has way better dungeon design for the new ones. Story's worse, though.

On Sunday and Monday target will have 15% off site wide. I'm gonna get a PS4 from there

PS4 pro I mean

How is this game? My sister wanted it since it was on sale but I never saw this get talked about anywhere, did it flop?

I want to get a ps4 slim also. over here in canada it comes down to 380 with the same bundle