I just had a thought

I just had a thought.

Do Germans actually play any WW2 themed game? It seems the vast majority of them are biased to a certain jewish side and has the usual America Stronk story.

The only game I've seen that portrays both sides is Red Orchestra 2

And no mobas or online arenas like WoT and Warthunder doesn't count, it has to be an actual game with a story.

Well germanbros?

Other urls found in this thread:


Germany doesn't have the stupid fucking american dick-sucking of nazis.

>biased to a certain jewish side

shut the fuck up.

The rise of the alt-right is a scary fucking thing, coming from a german.

You guys need to unfuck yourselves.

>ahmed finishes typing as he stones another ethnic german girl after raping her and claiming it was acceptable in his culture

No one wants to play as the shitty losers who manage to snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

So is that a no or what, speak American

>this is the average German now
Oh how the mighty have fallen

>t. cucke


I am speaking English, no one wants to play as the Germans since besides the whole evil thing, they're losers and no one wants to play as failures who cannot into war in a war based game.

>germans lose
>all subsequent generations are hardcore brainwashed by the 'good guys'
>it's illegal to make a political hand gesture in germany

Really gets your noggin going

>they're losers

I love this meme.

If a character in a video game fights the bad guys while outnumbered 20:1, and ALMOST WINS, is he a 'loser'? You're fucking delusional.

No, that's not even the right word. Delusions are generated on one's own. You were led to think this way, by powerful forces which do not want the idea of Nazi competence to be spread.

Posy more cute nazi girls

Did you even read the thread you cuck. I was asking if Germans played any WW2 games or is the historical military shooter market dead there.

I really do hope this is some false flag shitposting, but then I remember we have an ANTIFA slovak on Sup Forums.


as you wish

What the fuck kind of shitty tumblr artwork is that?

t. cuck happy with his country being raped by muslims shitskins

some moar kreigmarine


>it's illegal to make a political hand gesture in germany
That goes for pets, too.


>Americans care more about Germany than Germans do

That's depressing.


These men were stupid idiots! I mean, the very image of incompetence! I read somewhere that they lost to Russia, so they should have just not went to war with Russia!

Geez, why were the nazis soooo stupid

German schools literally brainwash you. It was one of the post-war provisions.

I play exclusively on my side when playing WW2 games. RTS or online FPS.

I'd rather wait or leave the server if I can't join Axis. Used to play Red Orchestra 1 and mods religiously back in the day. Too bad the game is more or less dead.

Sadly, Zerg can win some rounds.

that was a good fucking move though. Russia was desperately trying to modernize their mechanized industry. And no two superpowers next to each other on the same continent with opposite ideologies can exist


on the bright side, RS 2 is coming out

The Soviets had a barely 2 to 1 numerical advantage, the Soviet horde thing was a lie made be people dazzled by the Nazi trench coats to try and justify their failure, despite thr fact the Soviets generally managed to win by out maneuvering the Nazis.

The Germans sucked at tank production, sucked at strategical thinking, sucked at clear military hierarchy, and allocating scientific reserch into what actually mattered instead of shitty "super" weapons.
Germans hate video games, the government just bans anything over there to the point what's left is only a twisted piece of shit, Star Wars Jedi Knight got banned a few years back for Christ's sake.

It's a "butthurt Slav trying to rewrite history" episode

>22 soviets dead for every dead german

how does that even work?

imagine being one of the nazi soldiers, what did it look like? were you just with an MG42 mowing down drunk soviets who were bayonet charging through an open field?

how the fuck does that happen

Dude Germans can't even have gore in their vidya. We made them the ultimate cuck and took away all sense of manly responsibility they clung onto. Quite a travesty.

>Make America as great and the third Reich MAGA

Each german soldier gets 2 magazines for their Machinenpistole 40

I think that equals roughly 22 kills

You have failed your countrymen.

To think, if Russia hadn't changed its mind, we'd be living in the 'good guys won' timeline today.

Will there ever be a game set in Nazi Germany that isn't Wolfenstein-esque propaganda?

Probably why only shitty simulator games original from germany

>mfw went to an infantry museum that had an exhibit about how that regiment were the first to discover Dacau and the horrors there

The shit that Nazis did were fucking evil, and people who compare Trump to them have no clue what they are talking about. Visiting a museum that isn't federally funded and rather funded by people who give a shit about the truth can really put things in perspective

Genug Juden Schwanz gelutscht oder brauchst du es noch tiefer, du linker Parasit?

careful you might get put in jail for mentioning the nazis

Maybe an indie game. No big company would ever dare to paint the Nazis in a neutral light. They'd be called Nazi sympathizers and ruined.

"The Young Hitler I Knew", August Kubizek
>>"But he? Where should he have gone that Christmas Eve? He had no acquaintances, no friends, nobody who would have received him with open arms. For him the world was hostile and empty. [...] All he ever told me of that Christmas Eve was that he had wandered around for hours. Only towards morning had he returned home and gone to sleep. What he thought, felt and suffered I never knew"

this christmas i'll pour one out for my lost homie adolf

I never knew Sup Forums was full of so many Pol fags.


Why do you instantly label and dismiss any dissenting opinion? Don't you find it strange that there are ideas you're afraid to consider?

the germans hate the nazi's too.

i know you guys like to pretend to be current and hip with a modern foreign artform
. its still an old dumb ideology.

>modern day germany
what a fucking joke

Sup Forums are the ones who orchestrated Gamer Gate. Of course we have a cancerous infection of them

>old dumb ideology
??? It's actually the most modern, progressive, forward-thinking ideology there is.

What other ideology is for eugenics and space travel in the way the Nazis were? Those are REAL progressive stances, not pointless race bait.

I know enough german to make out jewish dick something something parasite

>Sup Forums forced several game reviewing websites to give favorable reviews to women in exchange for sex

Amazing meme!

>find people that disagree

fuck! we are infested


Sup Forums is the slowest fuckung board, you have no idea what you are talking about you just spew memes.
What if.... People shared these opinions you don't like....en masse.... Woa


Nah fag, I considered the Nazis, and they're all around shitty faggot that just ran enough propaganda to make their horribly inefficient failure asses look good. Maybe think that those who disagree with you aren't just sheeple.
Most Gamergaters are left wingers by most polls, not Nazi shit heads.

>WWII killed all the intelligent, brave Germans
>all that's left are the beta males who adopted their wife's son

wow this was ruined quick

Sup Forums is actuall fast as fuck, gets a lot of traffic as well.

Now /po/ on the other hand...

And they're getting cucked today


Maybe if the Nazis didn't keep on fighting long after victory was imposible and had to recruit every pre-teen and grandpa they might have some real men left

stay the fuck off of /po/


see ya in 3 days user

>german army is effectively a meatgrinder
>tear apart dozens of russians for every one soldier you lose
>only lose because they never stopped coming
that's like saying American soldiers suck ass compared to mudskin towelheads

Go to the /po/ catalog now
There a multiple 100+ day old threads, but this one takes the cake.

>this thread

Jesus christ Sup Forums is truly like a cancer that spreads

>pol is the slowest board
this is objectively wrong, and during the election and just after it was actually the most active board by almost 50k users

I think you mean they're biased towards a certain factually correct side.

Sure, Germany is a shithole for pretending that they're anti-nazi by banning holocaust denial along with every other form of political or religious dissent just like the nazis did, but their perspective on what happened during world war II is in line with reality.

>fuck the alt-right, they're nazis, better send them to Dachau before they take over the government.
>No that doesn't sound familiar to me at all, why do you ask?
Germany, not even once.

It spreads because you're 'fighting' it with MS paint 'if u disagree with me ur ugly and bad' comics rather than the rational arguments that Sup Forums uses.

>tfw someone said Versailles was harsh

Honestly the frenchies were right.
They should've destroyed Germany, like the Soviets did in WW2.

And here we have the great voice of reason, who has picked neutrality and thus gets to never have his opinion invalidated (because he doesn't have one)

No because Germans are ultra cucks that hates themselves and their country's history
Here is a perfect example of one

It gets traffic, check the tripfags. Its a community of fags, not a very large community at that. I will admit the user base has grown since mainstream media articles posted Sup Forums info, but I have went on Sup Forums before that. There is a reason why trump is president, Sup Forums does not have some radical unique outlook.


nah, fuck you. but fortunately theyre not a problem anymore, just the occasional internet troll. and i hope we dont have to kick their asses again in the future.

Yes, you'd better hope that doesn't happen.

Literally the whole point of Sup Forums is that if you're basic enough to look past the obviously cartoonish hyper-nationalism facade and lizard-people conspiracies, they're mostly cogent with a solid grip on what's actually going on in the world.

I'm not being neutral, I expressed a non-neutral opinion on at least two matters in that post. I'm not going to tell you what they were because if you're old enough to post here you should have sufficient reading comprehension skills to understand it.

>Muh nazis, they good boys they didn't do nuffin!

Yeah and instead of discussing topics on Sup Forums you guys go to other boards and spread your filth using charts that were made by similar programs to paint. Fuck off

What's wrong

I don't know man. Right now they think Obama, Hillary and a host of others have a child pedophile sex ring going on.

They still seem pretty crazy to me

That in no way proves that the Nazis were good boys who dindu nuffin, or that the German Army during WWII was a highly efficient killing machine, or anything that has previously been argued in this thread.

they peddle their own brand of cartoonish hyper-nationalism and lizard-people conspiracies.

just look at this thread.

not that guy but if germany took over europe, europe would probably be a hyperpower today

It's actually somewhat plausible

What is even this discussion

The germans were obviously a powerful war machine.

Of course, they overextended, Hitler commited many mistakes by the end of the war ignoring his officers posing and they lost.

thoughts on gay frogs?

I disagree.
At least not under Hitler.

Terribly overrated administrator

Can we actually talk about video games so this thread doesn't get pruned?

What are some good games that let you play as Nazis?

I know Victoria II lets you become a Fascist Dictatorship as Germany, which I guess sort of counts. But I don't know any others.

>dude the nazi's wouldve of been soo advanced n shit


are you gonna form an argument or are you just gonna greentext

most RTS set in WW2

That's still not proof of anything that was argued in the thread so far. I don't even know why you posted it in reply to what I wrote, it's completely unrelated to the conversation in that post chain.

But German science is the greatest in the world!

Suspecting sick fucks posting pedo bait shit isn't crazy. Calling it 'outlandish' just because it involves people in power is also just fucking retarded.

the government is turning frogs gay.

Eugenics would be 70 years underway by now. Same with genetic engineering. A huge portion of the Nazi state's funds would've gone to space development.

Germany losing was a century+ setback for humanity as a whole.

>That's still not proof of anything that was argued in the thread so far. I don't even know why you posted it in reply to what I wrote, it's completely unrelated to the conversation in that post chain.
i wasn't trying to make a point but i'm just sayin