I don't fucking understand it

I don't fucking understand it.

2016 was the year of ps4

Ratchet and Clank, Klaus, The Witness, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V, Gravity Rush, Atelier Sophie, Odin Sphere, Alienation, Shadow of Beast, Bound, King of Fighters XIV, Exist Archive, God Eater, Dragon Quest Builders, World of FF all came to PS4 this year. Meanwhile nearly every triple A, nintendo, xbox, and pc exclusive game flopped this year.

Yet Sup Forums still says PS4 has one game.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because a lot of Sup Forums is PCucks that are angry they spent thousands on hardware only to get indie pixel shit or bad ports of shitty AAA games
Being such obvious second class citizens can warp someones mind

Bitter jealous cucks and nintenbabys who refuse to buy a PS4

It doesn't really count if the games aren't worth playing. Or multiplatform.

Whats 'Klaus'?

its bcuz most of us are growing up and out of video games. we are very particular about getting our fix from vidya. most shit u listed is basically unbearable to play imo

the only games of those listed that I care about are gravity rush and King of fighters, but they're hardly must plays imo.

Deus ex, doom, dishonored 2, witcher 3 dlc, dark souls 3, hitman were all good to me.

2017 will be too

>Gravity Rush 2
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yakuza 0
>Gran Turismo
>Days Gone
>Detrot Become Human
>Everybodys golf
>Drawn to Death
>MLB The Show

And that's not even including multiplats

You just love them triple As. MMM MMM GOOD.*

*May contain BHT, BHA, industrial caramel coloring, pesticide residue, nitrates and small bug parts.

>Days Gone

You mean reheated Last of Us?

Ditto for God of War.

What even is Dreams beyond being the best Van Halen song, anyway?

Who here /happy/ that they enjoy their ps4 and doesnt indulge in this nonsense bashing of the xbox. Just be happy you have the better station lads.

New game from the studio that made Littlebigplanet and Tearaway


I enjoy the position Xbox is in now, because I don't have to worry about them getting exclusives that I care about or their used games being priced better because they were sold in larger bulk (PS3 old used titles in some cases tended to be a bit pricier than 360 ones due to 360 being the "main" console of many last gen)

pc has more games than every major console combined. pc has more hardware sales per week than any console. consoles are just an expensive way of saying 'i wanted to play these 2-3 xclusives'.

>Listing games that nobody owns or likes

No, consoles are a way of saying I'm too lazy or scared to build a pc

Are you implying
>Atelier Sophie
>Street Fighter V
>Gravity Rush
>Odin Sphere
>Exist Archive
>World of FF
Are PS4 exclusives?


I want third worlder to leave.

>Vita ports
>PS3 multiplats
>PS2 games
Fucking amazing.

Well, WoFF is.

>all that weeb shit

Anything only on Vita and PS4 is basically a PS4 exclusive in NA because who owns a Vita except weebs?

i've been pushing for a console only board for a long time.

>Ratchet and Clank, Klaus, The Witness, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter V, Alienation, Shadow of Beast, Bound, World of FF
>weeb shit




>Anything only on Vita and PS4 is basically a Vita exclusive in NA because who owns a PS4 except dudebros?

>hardware sales
Business machines don't count but nice try padding the numbers
When consoles have literally 10 times as many players on something like Titanfall 2 it's no wonder you guys are treated as second class by devs and only get scraps
>b-but emulators though
Literally begging at the table of console players and desperate to play what we got to play years ago

Odin Sphere Leifhrasir is not in any way the same game as Odin Sphere due to a complete gameplay change. The original was a clunky turd. Leifhrasier has more Muramasa style gameplay

user pls, I love my Vita and all, but it's absolutely a weeb system. Can you name ANY games that came out for it recently that aren't weebshit?

Oh, I thought you meant consoles.

Vita is pretty much an afterthought at this point.

>The Order:1886
>Infamous First Light
>Fat Princess Adventures

for such a small library of games, you would think all of them would be good.

You have to own a PS4 for Bloodborne if you're Sup Forumscore. Might as well forget the Vita since all it has is weeb and much of it is getting ported elsewhere. SoSC getting an eng pc release sealed the uselessness of the vita for me.

Its on Vita too

Do you honestly believe "basically a PS4 exclusive" makes it an exclusive? Obviously I have a fucking Vita if I can spot Vita games on a PS4 "exclusive" list

>Using Titanfall 2 as an example
>Ever playing a fps on console

When will you learn

>World of FF
>Nendoroids: The Game
>not weeb

>Klaus, The Witness, Alienation etc
Ok Weeb and Indieshit

He's not wrong doe

FF is not weeb, it's dudebro

top kek. even without indie games and emulators, pc has more games than every major platform ever combined. go ahead and check for yourself, i did once. excluding this gen of consoles, it was like 25k for all major consoles vs 30k for pc. and i can still play all my old games without rebuying them.

For those of us who can't justify the purchase of a vita, vita/ps4 games are ps4 exclusives. By themselves these games would not be able to sell a PS4, but combined with stuff like BB and triple A slop like Dishonored 2, it helps a bit.

Gravity Rush - played it on my vita (it was given to all PSN member for months)
SFV - can be played on PC
Odin Sphere - was a PS2 or PS3 game
KOF14 - as a kof fan it was a weak entry and online is still shittty)
God Eater - Vita

dunno about Nintendo but AAA titles on Xbox were OK, but also on PC

>You have to own a PS4 for Bloodborne if you're Sup Forumscore

I own an Xbone and am completely content desu. Im happy you sonybros are enjoying your exclusives.

>King of Fighter 14 didnt flop

Literally none of those are good.
The only good R&C games are 2 and 3.

>Odin Sphere - was a PS2 or PS3 game

Klaus Atlier Sophie Alienation Shadow of Beast Bound Exist Archive. I dont know any of these games

For those of us that can't Justify the cost of a PS4, they are still games I can get on a Vita.

Someone who owns a Vita and Not a PS4 is still able to play these games, aka me. Do you not see how that makes these not exclusives? its a Vita TV, ya know the $20 console that just werks with the PS3 controller you're already supposed to own

That is why games on PS3 and Vita, a PS4 exclusive, does not make.

In my case, I'm only interested in two of the games you listed, and a few you didn't. I'll probably get one with Dragon Quest XI comes out.

God Eater 2 and Resurection (its a Bundle) are on steam since October

>b-but we have thousands of mobas and grindfest mmos
You guys really must be desperate for games to play if you list those as a positive

Why can't MS's army of pajeets get Sup Forums to buy an Xbone?

I never played Kingdom Hearts I might as well check out 1.5 on PS4 next year and the franchise is basically exclusive to Sony

Who the fuck is gonna play FFXV and KH3 on Xbone?

>Yet Sup Forums still says PS4 has one game.

welcome to nintengaf. Enjoy your stay.

Mods used to ban people who praised sony. One time they didn't even sticky a sony e3 conference thread until it was over but they were quick to sticky a nintendo youtube video.

>2016 unanimously declared the year of no games
>"2016 was the year of the ps4"



>this big release doesn't count because of how you control it
Can't even deny that he's a second class citizens and doesnt contribute to the devs in anyway
It's alright little buddy, we'll keep funding games so you can pretend your a gamer too

>Meanwhile nearly every triple A, nintendo, xbox, and pc exclusive game flopped this year.

Yeah user the console lists which get counted are full of only good, top rated A++ tier stuff.

More like this is the shit that gets counted. Put some effort into it.

But isn't 1.8 with the psp remasters PS4 exclusive? Why not play the whole series on 1 console

I own both consoles

Not everyone has a ps4 and is willing to buy one to play ps2 games again on 1 disc

It's easy to justify the cost of a PS4 though with games like Bloodborne, Nioh, and FF15. Not so much the Vita.

And Vita TV, the lowest I ever saw it was 35 bucks or so and I couldn't justify that for about 5 games, most of them strange ones I wouldn't be absolutely sure to like. If it was 20 I probably would've gotten it.

Why not play the whole series on 1 console?
You know Xbone runs muliplats inferior anyway

By this logic, Xbone still has exclusives

>Bloodborne, Nioh, and FF15
>Souls III.5, Soulsclone and also on Xbone
>2 games

Why do you care? Xboxe games have inferior resolution but better framerate

They should reconsider because it's the best version of the PS2 games with content never released in north america such as FFX with dark aeons, FFXII Zodiac and Kingdom Hearts Final Mix with the 3DS and portable games

Bloodborne yes
Nioh yes
FF15, I do not care for

thats 2, when it gets 5 then i'll consider it, but seeing as I still have to pay to use the internet i'm already paying for just to play Bloodborne that is still kind a sour taste

Unlike the PS3 which had Demon's Souls, and is still getting P5, Xrd, and some of the games I mentioned above.

I see, well Sup Forums is often seen saying they saw it go on sale for $20, I haven't seen it that low either. but its besides the point.

The point is the PS4 isn't as appealing to someone with a PS3, Vita, and PC.

All the Vita games I bought and currently intend to buy are on PC now so it in and of itself is a hard sell but I already own it.

Kingdom hearts final mix and 2 final mix are already playable in English with emulation

>Second class citizen
>Witcher 3, Doom, Battlefield 1, and Titanfall 2 all run better on PC despite selling the most on console

Are console players still crying for 64 player servers?

It does. For example, Windows 10 is not an option due to massive data collection and forced updates (and yes you can decline the updates that do these on 7-8.1) so any UWP game that started on Xbone but was ported to W10 only is still Xbone exclusive.

Also on Xbone doesn't matter though since the Xbone does not have Bloodborne or Nioh but PS4 has all 3, which is how one narrows down one's console choice. If as a reversed counterexample, my most wanted games were Halo 5, FF15 and Dishonored 2, I wouldn't even be considering PS4 since I can get those 3 on Xbone but only 2 of them on PS4

Yeah but the new game isn't, Kingdom Hearts Final chapter 2.8 prologue

The PSN flash sale today is awful. If you have games on "sale" for 44 bucks you're not doing it right

The only new content in it is a cut scene and a small epilogue for birth by sleep

Most people are burned out with all the Souls games being pumped out.

A PS4 isn't really necessary yet.

That's probably because they went full retard and replayed DeS and DaS1 like 4 times trying different builds and shit rather than just playing them once like a normal human.

What will you do if KH3 gets cancelled on Xbone due to low FFXV sales?

It's a little late for that assuming they're making it for both at the same time and not porting it towards the end. And if it does I just won't play it.

He will write a strongly worded letter to SE like I did when FFvs13 was canceled

>Only 4 times
>Replay value is bad

It's just buttmad Xbone kiddies and shills. Everyone sane knows the PS4 is great.

Replay value isn't bad since it gives you a choice--but you have to choose whether you want to replay this game to death and get burned out on the style or whether you'd rather be able to play many new games of this type and not be as burnt out for them. The second option allows you to have much more original content in your play sessions.

I don't think it will be cancelled but nothing surprises me with SE anymore

Unless you do it right before the launch of a new one I doubt you'll stay burnt out for 2 years or so

Is SE the most inept company that makes triple A titles?

>uninteresting sequels
>and remakes

hopefully AC7 comes out next year so this paperweight can get some use

Don't look at me for one of the ones burned out as I have only played each Souls game once, is the one saying a ton of people are burned out. I assume they're the majority who replay these games like it's nothing and treat the game more like a lifestyle than a single product.

A lot is riding on FFXV, if it sucks I think people will lose faith in FF7remake

They don't need to, they're not desperate like Sony is

They're desperate to push Windows 10, that much is clear

seeing the action combat in 7 remake should have made everyone lose hope anyways

Fresh install of W10 is a insane data collector but after some fiddling is okay. I turned off all the data collection features and blocked outgoing traffic for those that couldn't be turned off. I've been monitoring my router logs and I'm sure of it. Updates aren't forced either if you know what you're doing.

For a common user W10 is a no go but if you know what you're doing it's not that bad.

oh shit it was revealed already? I live under a rock, thanks.

yeah, it looks like almost the same shit that's in XV, so it's fucking terrible

Original FF7 combat is fucking trash. The combat system is dated. FF7 at modern standards is a bad game with a good story. FF7R will fix everything, fuck you.

XV does look like shit, but I also said the same thing about XCX, and once I got the right Weapon and Overdrive I fell in love with its combat system. I never knew I had a thing for micro managing rotations before

It's just so retarded that I have to do this type of shit just to keep my own OS from spying on me.

Plus I'm always paranoid there'd be something I'm missing and they'd still be getting data that way or they'd be able to stealth update through some kind of firewall bypass for one of their "special" updates that they really "know" everyone "needs" to have

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the combat in 7, fuck off retard.
This Kingdom Hearts style lite-action shit is just the worst.