
>FPS MC gets a generic pipe to use as an emergency cudgel
>actually uses it like a crowbar to apply torque to various objects and frequently stabs people with the sharp end


Anyway, Nazi-slaughtering thread.

inb4 Sup Forums memers come shit up the thread

wolfendoom: blade of agony is pretty good but the performance sucks dick in certain levels, which is kind of expected from gzdoom now

>the 6'5 muscle bound blonde haired blue eyed ubermensch is named Blaskowitz
What did they mean by this

I liked the grammar nazi

BJ is 6'3

>Old Blood is thematically a remake of Return to Castle Wolfenstein with the presence of Agent One, BJ's capture and escape from Castle Wolfenstein, and the supernatural German King plot
>BJ casually references the events of Return during Old Blood

Including the fact that Wolfenstein 3D is still canon and regularly acknowledged as part of his history, Beej has been captured, imprisoned and escaped from a Castle Wolfenstein how many times now?

TNO was pretty bad and didn't even come close to RTCW which is 15 years old at this point

How is RTCW better?

That Poles are superior.

If I were to play either The New Order or The Old Blood, which would you recommend?

New Order.

Does anyone else find the tone a bit muddled, like how they're trying to show the horrors of war and the dirtiness of the human condition WHILE the MC unapologetically wants to murder every single Nazi as if they were the devil themselves?

Yes, the Nazi's were largely evil in nature, does that mean we can enjoy killing them? Or are we massive hypocrites because we're enjoying all the killing, as if all the murder we're doing is COMPLETELY FINE and totally justified, provided they wear the swastika on their uniform?

I would be totally fine with this, provided the game wasn't trying to make a subtle statement about the horrors of war, how fucked up killing actually is.

New Order by far

Both? Although New Order generally has the better story and more variety in levels. Old Blood is great, but it's basically just a remake of RTCW.

He's just blinded by nostalgia

I'm not saying TNO is any better, but it's easily a good Wolfenstien game

>MC unapologetically wants to murder

American veterans are fucking sociopaths, so it didnt come off as comical to me. I think it actually fit pretty well.

New Order.

Old Blood is just a stand-a-lone not-expansion for it.

Play both though, they're pretty great shooters.

it's ironic

So which playthrough will be canon in the inevitable sequel?

the game pretty much says "fuck you " if you chose Fergus to die.

>Does anyone else find the tone a bit muddled, like how they're trying to show the horrors of war and the dirtiness of the human condition WHILE the MC unapologetically wants to murder every single Nazi as if they were the devil themselves?
>Yes, the Nazi's were largely evil in nature, does that mean we can enjoy killing them? Or are we massive hypocrites because we're enjoying all the killing, as if all the murder we're doing is COMPLETELY FINE and totally justified, provided they wear the swastika on their uniform?
>I would be totally fine with this, provided the game wasn't trying to make a subtle statement about the horrors of war, how fucked up killing actually is.

But that's the point. By New Order Blazko and pretty much everybody who was active during the war part of WW2 is so exhausted they frequently wonder if it's even worth fighting anymore, and Blazko himself constantly wonders if he's worthy of a normal life.

He's almost ecstatic at the though of carving up Nazis in Old Blood, but by 1960 out of a coma he's just running on fumes and rage.

Why does everyone shit on the Wolfenstein that was made before New Order? It wasn't that bad.

It's generic. It's a product of its time and trends, and it shows. It's not terrible but it's nothing worth remembering.

It's not really shat on. It's just a decent CoD-clone with a few neat gimmicks

People actually chose to save the other guy?

It's got some neat points like guns, but it feels like Call of Duty - which was at it's height in popularity at the time - with some gimmicks thrown in like powers and open world.

I don't hate it, but it's no where near as memorable as the other Wolfenstein games, TNO included.

Gotta get them armor upgrades for future playthroughs.

Such a surprisingly good game.

Never played anything else in the series.

>When I was a kid, we had a monster in our basement. My father said if I done wrong, it'd creep out at night, and come for me. I tried to do no wrong. The monster came all the same.

My dude, that was my favorite line from the main game and DLC

>figured it was supposed to be about how the simple morality of childhood gives way to the nuances of adulthood, and how despite the efforts of good men, evil can still triumph
>final boss is literally a monster in a basement
