Does this game live up to the hype of being "the Greatest Game Ever Made"? Why or why not?

Does this game live up to the hype of being "the Greatest Game Ever Made"? Why or why not?

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Both this and the Uncharted series have the most run of the mill third person shooter gameplay. Like the stories are entertaining, so I can see why some people like them. But they just play like garbage

Best game ever? no

Best game of 2013? yes

Best game of the last generation? maybe

Nah, but it was good.

It has been objectively proven to be the best game of all time. It won two hundred GotY awards. Two. Hundred.

It's a pretty good story, really well told, but in a movie way not a game way

Name any 3rd person shooter that plays better.

It's a pretty good game.

But it's not the greatest game ever made.

Uncharted 4

it's such a fun game

Besides the Uncharted series as that was mentioned in the post already as playing like garbage too

Max Payne 3
Resident Evil 4

i think the GOAT label this game got was because it worked the same way a great movie works

if you get in to it, you can have the emotional rollercoaster movies tend to provide and the gameplay is very nice, the story as a whole i thought it was just ok, the characters are attachable and the MP is actually really good

I just find it odd to say is "the greatest" because it doesn't really provide what i would expect of a game but at the same time is a good mix of gameplay and narrative

The bad thing a lot of companies want to copy this and i think games moving towards movies is a wrong move, i rather have narrative in games the way dark souls does (which is the old school way, having lore and story that is there but is not necessary all over your face)
When I play a game Im more interested in challenge and achievements, story just needs to be a good excuse
Which this is why the MP is really good, theres no "story mode" for MP you know there's a story that gives you context, and the MP is challenging

TL;DR: Is a great game just not the greatest gaming experience you can have

No, but that's because it bored me to tears and while the melee combat looked brutal, the fact that all you did was mash one button ruined it.

They're good. And aesthetically superior, but they don't play better.

Yeah ok

it's $10 at gamestop so nothing to lose if you try it


when a F2P game plays thousands of ways better than a AAA console exclusive


thanks for the lol

Good gameplay is part of the GOAT rubric.
TLOU doesn't have very good gameplay.

Depends on what you want out of your game. If you like stories and shit then you'll really like it. If like me you're a gameplay guy then you'd rather replay any given decent action game than play a naughty dog game.

>I haven't played TLOU


The Last of Us is better than all four Uncharteds combined

>No Argument as of why its bad


It's pretty good.

I've got two copies of the game (one for ps3, other is the remastered)
the gameplay is very sluggish and dull, don't lie to yourself.

>one for ps3

Worthless because it doesn't have Grounded.

Grounded is pretty much the only way to play the game, if you aren't playing on that setting, you aren't even playing the game as far as I'm concerned.

is it worth buying a PS 4 for this and Uncharted 4?

push left stick forward
press triangle when prompted


Naught Dog fags are so lame


Do you like fun gameplay? No. do you like entertaining stories and setpieces? Yes.

youtube is free

Only me and you played that game dude, no one else knows anything about it.

We're not talking about sticking our sticks into your mom and cumming when prompted, sorry.

How is it not fun compaired to other tps games? It's certainly better than mindless garbage like gears of snore.

Its a shame, its cover system was so cool too. Its like a third person Time Crisis.

Have you ever seen the road? Its a way better movie than Tlou was. Infact, it did literally everything better. Go watch it instead of "playing" the last of us.

They're honestly on the same level. I hope you're joking because I can't imagine people thinking any of those series are that far apart in quality (gameplay wise) from each other.

normal difficulty is already Dark Souls tier


It's actually a solid game but way overrated by critics.

If watching

Melee combat
Range combat
Character upgrades
Weapon upgrades

On youtube is equivolent to playing the game, then every game in existence is worthless.

>Best game of the last generation? maybe
No way
>mfw people call TLoU game of its generation
blow them out with this every time. there's no denying enclosed was its game of its generation, hands down, not even open for discussion

This game has maybe one of the best character driven stories of all time. The ending was nearly perfect.

As a game it is mediocre. Anyone who ever shilled this as a GOTY is an idiot (perhaps the type that things End of Watch is a good movie) or someone who is too scared of the backlash of saying anything other than "This game is perfect".

There is literally no reason for this to be a video game. It could have been a movie or a TV series and been just as good, if not better.

Nope, not at all. This is coming from someone who loves it. Was definitely my favorite thing to come out of 2013, but I don't really give a shit about videogames anymore. Every once in a while something comes along that snags my attention and really ropes me in. This was one of those things.

I think it was mostly the soundtrack. Gustavo Santaolalla is my nigga. The game hooked me not during Sarah's death, but during the opening credits directly after, playing the title track.

I basically played this game repeatedly simply because I love the music and how and where it's utilized in the game. Whole thing is just a treat for the ears.

Also the multiplayer gave me hundreds of hours of enjoyment. Would buy again.

Have you ever read The Road? It's a way better book than the movie was. In fact, it did literally everything better. Go read it instead of "watching" The Road.

More like the game that ruined its generation, and the future generation.

clickers were a retarded concept

>not MW2

Ya blew it.

What a coincidence, I have the exact opposite opinion.

CoD 4 was pretty fucking great, even if you're baiting. I loved that game so much.

Oh really? The gameplay isn't far apart? Where in gears can you stealth, craft, scavenge, upgrade weapons and character, melee combat (beyond qte chainsaw)?

Witcher 3 won more

>Resident Evil 4
right here.

I started the last of us knowing that it was going to be a bad game

and what did I get? I get the most wasted potential out of any intro to any video game

I could've been playing as some lil ass girl and her dumb dad trying to survive an active zambo apocalypse

what'd I get? uncharted: it's even worse edition with extra "R U FEEL SAD YET" moments that, in fact, do not make anybody but the biggest bitches sad

the characters aside from joel and sarah at the beginning of the game are all completely unlikable, the combat sucks dick, the gameplay is atrocious, and they waste every single good thing they have by not making it about anybody interesting

and everybody is SO GODDAMN DUMB

the last of us is probably one of the worst games I've ever played but at least it's fucking easy

freako's art sucks too

No, because it's a movie game.

The playable character is heavily characterized, enough to where you cannot project yourself onto him. The gameplay is straightforward and linear. The vast majority of the time, the game presents you with a problem that has only one solution.

So where does the player supposed to fit into this formula? What makes video games video games is the ability to assert yourself within the game world. In the TLoU, there's obviously no roleplaying involved, since Joel is an independent character. Which in itself is not a dealbreaker, but the gameplay does not let the player assert himself either. The player is nothing else besides trigger finger/ladder placer, and he is a passive observer of someone else's story.

The whole cinematic action/adventure genre has too many flaws to produce a great game. I also don't think anyone really holds this as their GOTYAY. It just has that oscar bait smack to it that a lot of people have latched onto in an attempt to get others to see games as serious art.

>implying the gameplay is actually worth it
The gameplay is just your generic cover shooter. It even has "LOL XRAY" which makes it super fucking easy. Also, there is no "exploration" as every location has invisible walls preventing you from moving 2 inches off the rail, cause TLOU might as well be an on rails shooter.
Crafting was ok.

THIS. We /lit/ now? Cormac is my favorite author.

I feel like it was a perfect game.

But in terms of "greatness" I would say a game needs to include a great deal of influence.

This is why Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are often regarded as the greatest. They are still fun as fuck, but their innovation was the key.

TLOS was a perfect game from a narrative standpoint. Even though the gameplay wasn't anything incredibly innovative, it served the story perfectly.

I would say "The Last of Us" is "The Godfather" of video games while Super Mario 64/TLOZ:OOT would be, say, "Citizen Kane".

Don't be so fucking dense.

Have you ever seen a road? its a way better experience than the book or movie.
Go look at a road instead of "reading" the road.

>Resident Evil 4
>cant even walk and shoot at the same time

I hope you're not implying that any of this is mandatory in playing the game

most overrated game ever made maybe

I'm reading All The Pretty Horses right now, I've read the road, no country, and blood meridian. Any other suggestions?

Adaptations are almost always worse with like a .0001% margin of error. Note that you being too stupid to read is not the same as the book being worse.

The ONLY good things to come out of this game are the Sarah and Ellie SFM porn

imitation is the greatest form of flattery
MW was the first to do it
Ain't baiting. How is anyone going to argue TLoU was a greater influence or had more of an impact on the industry than CoD4?

not even the most red-pilled of Naughty Dog drones would even try to argue.


Someone has never played the pc version.
it makes it way fucking worse

The entire game is designed around not being able to walk and shoot.

The Ubisoft release or the Capcom release?

Suttree! Also track down the original draft of The Counselor's script.

Imitating a shitty game to make as much money as possible is what ruined last generation and this generation. "we want the COD audience" is where it all went horribly wrong.

Its multiplayer could have been absolute GOAT but Naughty Jews had to absolutely fucking ruin it with pay to win bullshit. Fuck them. Never buying that shit on principle. It's a shame really. I would still be playing its MP every day if they didn't buttfuck it like that. Too bad people are retarded enough to actually spend money on that shit which is why the video game industry is in the state it is today.

Literally none.

dunno if it's the greatest game ever made but i really enjoyed it. very emotional, engaging and well written story with gameplay that isn't too special but works well. never tried the multiplayer, wish i did, i've seen people on here say it's a lot of fun

>implying the gameplay is worth it
>its jist cover based shooting huurrrrr
>even though i literally listed all the other gameplay

Stopped reading there. I gave you objective facts and you give me shit opinions. Not interested in your garbage taste. I can also disregard every games gameplay in existence too to invalidate them the same way you're trying to invalidate tlou. Get fukt retardo.

Any game from the original ratchet and clank trilogy.

None of those elements are incorporated well in the game. You don't need to do half that shit ever.


>make a shit argument
>someone wrecks you for it

Fuck off retard, you have nothing.

if we're just talking third person shooter/horror hybrids, then Dead Space 1 and 2 play way better.

The only movie adaptation that I can say is objectively better is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

I'm not moving goalposts though? You're basically admitting the majority of those mechanics aren't even necessary in this 100% cover shooter.

No I played the original on gamecube like an adult who could afford to at the time.

TLoU disappointed the instant it was downgraded from the E3 2012 trailer

The sales numbers speak for themselves

You telling me CoD has not influenced the industry?

No. It's definitely overrated. But at the same time, it's not a bad game. Just overrated.

>Does this game live up to the hype of being "the Greatest Game Ever Made"? W
No. Not even close.
I never understood where the "It's the best!" thing came from. I played it and thought it was good, but not enough to blow my load over and I didn't have any urge to play it again.
Seriously, explain this to me.

No, not really. I thought it was pretty damn good, in all honesty, just not worthy of being GOAT-tier. I thought it was a cut above most other Western AAA action games that gen, but it wasn't particularly innovative and only seemed to improve areas where a lot of typical Western AAA games faltered.

Resident Evil 4
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Dead Space 1 and 2

>more hot opinions

Nope. I diagree. So all we're left with is the game objectively has multiple gameplay elements that validate it as a game. Whether you like them or not has ZERO relevance. This isn't your blog and I give zero shits about your shit opinions.

>casual can't grasp the idea that a game might be designed in such a way that there is a skill ceiling

The sales numbers say that a bunch of mouth breathing normalfags invaded even more than after Halo and now everybody wants that tard money.

It's a game with average gameplay;the reason why critics fellate it is because it has a movie-like plot and atmosphere.And you know that those people can't get enough "Cinematic experiences" and "mature games for mature gamers such as myself".

>It even has "LOL XRAY" which makes it super fucking easy.

Not him but they disable that on the hardest two difficulties.

I admitted nothing. I jist rekt you with facts and then you shat yourself.

>tlou and gears arw the same
>no they aren't, here are FACTS

yeah no kill yourself.

I enjoyed my time with the last of us but I don't think it's one of the greatest games ever made. I barely used any of those elements and I played it through twice.

>The sales numbers say that a bunch of mouth breathing normalfags invaded even more than after Halo and now everybody wants that tard money.
Spouting insults does not make a persuasive argument.

Never said they were similar in terms of mechanics. We were talking about games having fun gameplay. I just said the gameplay is about the same in terms of being fun.

How is what I said not true? Because it hurt your feelings? Cry about it faggot, COD4 single handedly ruined video games.

It is a good movie, but in terms of gameplay, it don't get even close to what is possible to do with gameplay, in part because it is limited by its own realism.
You quickly see how far from optimally using the interactivity this game is when playing an action game like let's say a Megaman X game.

>muh hardcore! U kashul!
Thanks for outing yourself as a retard. I can stop giving (you) replies now. Enjoy your badly designed jap garbage for the sake of imaginary cool points on the internet.

Shitty generic story and shitty gameplay