Just played and finished this, no other fps even come close.
Just played and finished this, no other fps even come close
would have been icing on the cake if they had couch co-op
I dunno man, Demonsteele and Doom (4) for Doom are pretty cool too.
It's good, but OG Doom is better.
it gets pretty boring towards the end
It's shit anyone that says otherwise has been eating shit for so long that it started tasting good to them
It really needed more enemies in between the arena battles. It shouldn't haven't been "find your way to the next arena battle"
It just makes me wish i was playing Serious sam instead.
i fucking hate the level design on this game.
True that was probably the only downside for me, you open a door "oh another battle arena".
literally the same exact shit
at least doom has some verticality and not the most primitive movement mechanics
Wolfenstein The New Order does though, OP
I beat this game this week and enjoyed it less the more I played it.
Just going between arena battles was kinda repetitive, and it always felt like enemies took too much ammo to kill.
Weapons were great, enemies were cool (but not enough varieties), and the maps were great looking.
It was a decent game, a pretty solid 8-8.5/10.
It's good if you compare it to other "modern" FPS that was released around the same time.
If you compare it to the type of FPS it's trying to be, it comes up short, because it seems like they fuckin chickened out while developing it and started putting modern bullshit in it.
it's fun, but the ending is so shit. The boss is even extra dissapointing
>literally the same exact shit
Serious Sam is a way harder and a million times faster than doom
Atleast serious sam has shitloads of enemies and wide open areas.
Doom is driving me insade with those shitty corridors and yellow piss filter everywhere.
it feels like doom 3 with OG doom movement slapped in.
on ps4?
That and all the encounters feel the same after awhile with the only thing being different is they get longer and add more enemies in. Got up to the first Cyberdemon so far and most of the enemies appear in the same combinations too until they gradually start throwing everything at you. The arena design is ok sometimes but it's kind of shit for the most part.
>make a big box
>spawn shitton of enemies
>force player to circlestrafe and walk backwards to win
>good level design
Man, you SS faggots never cease to amaze me.
Could easily generalise the new DOOM like that too faggot. Do you have any self-awareness?
Yeah i should have wrote in recent years, it apparently was in development hell for a while around when ID bought Bethesda.
And tell me how d44m level design is any good?
>make a claustrophonic corridor
>add piss filter
>spawn 5 enemies to fight you
>shotgun meatshot > F for EBIB glory kill.
No... im refunding this shit.
Man I love SS but you are retarded if you think that SS level design is better than Doom. Some levels are great, but there are too many levels that look like big squares with large amount of enemies. which I love, Grand Cathedral best level
You didn't even play it and I doubt you ever played any Doom game.
Got cancelled around 2010, apparently because it was crap, and they wanted to make another Quake like Quake 1 if I remember correctly. I don't think this new DOOM is the same one that was canned, would've had to change and update far too much shit.
yeah i do. at least DOOM doesn't spawn a hundred kleers in your face so you can actually let go of that strafe button
i don't even think it's good, but at least arenas never overstay their welcome like in SS, there are levels where you actually stay inside a box for like 10 fucking minutes and the game won't open the door for you to move on.
i swear like 99% of the people who say this either
>never played Doom
>Played doom when they were younger and have nostalgia
>are actually thinking of Brutal Doom
>your opinion is shit
>meanwhile mine is true and fact
mine is true and fact
Doom was amazing for its time, no doubt about that, but the reboot is a direct modern upgrade to the OG Doom and everything about it is better in every way.
Was interested in it after the fags on RedLetterMedia praised it as being the best action game ever made, but ended up disappointed. Repetitive fast-paced arena shooters with QTE fatalities are just not my cup of tea. Really liked the visuals though, would love an RPG based in a similar world.
>direct modern upgrade
>instead of mazelike level, is arena shooting similar to serious sam
>instead of a lot of colour, is more like a lot of red, brown and orange and shit
>tries to put in a story further than just text on a screen after a boss, no amount of LOL ITS IRONIC OR PURPOSELY SHIT changes this
>pandering to "classic" fps fan while also somehow trying to appeal to a wider audience
>shitty multiplayer that was outsourced
>weapon upgrades
>enemies pinata health and ammo and shit, instead of having to ration resources in a level
>cutscene kills, chainsaw is also nothing but cutscene kills
All they had to do is make corridors of enemies. Not make it so I have to search for them.
faggots like you are why fps level design is so shit these days
>>instead of mazelike level, is arena shooting similar to serious sam
Dooms levels were dogshit
>kill all like 6 monsters or whatever
>wander the first section of the map for 10 minutes without fighting any shit trying to find the fucking key to the door
>your opinion is dumb and wrong
>meanwhile my opinion is true and fact
>Cutscene kills.
This, this fucking pisses me off so much.
>get the chainsaw
>it forces you into a curscene.
piece of shit...
yeah god forbid an fps have exploration so your adhd addled brain doesn't get bored
Compelling arguement.
Maybe you should listen in your forensics classes.
(By the way I don't mean CSI boy.)
I like Doom 1/2 better but i don't see the hate for D44M. Its a great shooter with barely any modern cancer. Its multiplayer is also hated despite being faster Halo with some gimmicks and Sup Forums sucks Halo 2/3 dicks.
DOOM levels weren't even complicated mazes m8, come on. Weren't you earlier harping on people who didn't play OG DOOM here? Sounds like you didn't play it either.
it was definitly like the original doom, without the esoteric level design.
Now to fuck off with the Serious sam VS Doom shit.
>Pic related is the best fps game ever made.
>10/10 weapons
>10/10 gore
>10/10 atmosphere
>10/10 exploration
>10/10 level design
>10/10 soundtrack
>aged like fucking wine for some reason.
It's pretty fucking good m8 not gonna lie but
>no other fps even comes close
you sound like you're 18 and started vidya with a 7th gen console
If the single player was longer, and the rune system wasn't in the game, it would be great. The rune system really breaks the game though, specifically the ammo one.
>enemies can drop bfg ammo
>can just clear rooms repeatedly with the bfg without running out.
Fixed it
Full disclosure. I absolutely fucking love Unreal to pieces, the only game I can play over and over without getting burned out.
But still, the weapons are potatoes that mostly don't feel like they hit hard enough, the only really satisfying weapon is the Flak Cannon, and don't nearly get enough ammo for that. Some of the levels, especially the Skaarj Mothership fall short too, like they ran out of time and needed to start rushing (and I think they did if I remember correctly). The expansion wasn't that good but we don't talk about that.
Otherwise yeah, it's fuckin great, hard to compare really to other FPS though since Unreal at the time put so much care into things like atmosphere and level/story design or whatever.
>Dooms levels were dogshit
Shittiest opinion i've ran across in awhile. DOOM's level design is top tier.
>People shit talk nuDoom level design when it's fucking amazing
Take a look at Foundry, this is probably the best designed FPS in years
>No other NEW fps comes close
ftfy OP
this doesn't even make sense
>aimlessly wandering around a shitty, ugly 2d game that's supposed to be a fun shooter is a good thing
This was acceptable maybe like 100 years ago when gaming was a technical marvel and sprites were considered good graphics but its 2016, we have higher standards now grandpa
>sounds like you didn't play it either
I used to play it a lot in highschool via a flash drive.
I was more so harping on the people who played Brutal Doom and remembered OG Doom as a super fast FPS that could actually be released in modern times and not be considered shit
also, yeah they weren't complicated but if you missed something you'd have to traverse the entire maze 20x over
>Pirate the game back when it was first cracked
>Worked fine, crashed occasionally and eventually corrupted the save file an hour in
>Deleted it because I didn't want to bother again
>Buy it during the sale
>Doesn't run at all
Fuck you too Denuvo.
4's lack of modability drags it down to the lowest rung. 3 may be less fun out of the box, but it has so much more potential. You can make an amazing game out of it. D44m's gameplay is something that cannot be fixed because we have not the tools to fix it.
Ill admit, some of the hidden levels to unlock classic Doom maps are cleverly hidden. There was one I had to restart the entire level to get because its completely missable and you cant backtrack to it after 30sec into the map
I pirated the game and runs like complete fucking ass, with mouse lag even in menus.
Don't know if that's just a problem with the pirated version or not, so IDK whether to get it now that it's on sale.
Unreal was so mind-blowing for the time. The absolute hugeness of some of the levels, and the way the most complex maps were designed has always impressed me. Every couple years I have to go back and play the game again.
And the music, absolutely legendary.
what does graphics have to do with level design you complete fucking retard
Serious sam also has a far superior soundtrack
Way better than the piece of shit dubmetal that plays in d44m.
i do agree that OG doom soundtrack was kickass though.
>3 may be less fun out of the box, but it has so much more potential
great argument right there famalam
is that the reason nobody bothered to fix that shit game over 12 years?
>aimlessly wandering
So you admit you suck at exploring?
Also, vanilla is better than brutal
man every fucking time some posts a picture of Unreal i immediately fall into the urge to boot it up and play it again
>muh nostalgia
What a joke
Jokes on you nigga, unreal is a game i never uninstall and i always boot it up from time to time to play atleast a level or two.
Me and my wife's son think the same thing.
Why did VEGA have "many regrets"? Which were his regrets?
I would probably regret not being alive anymore.
>No option to increase the weapon fov
>only option you have is to center it
This is gay as fuck, why the hell is the weapon fov shoved inside your screen?
>implying that good mods don't exist
Even if they didn't, the potential would still be there, making my arghment sound.
Glad I got purchased my copy today. The demo was decent. Can't wait to see what the pistol upgrades are like in the full game.
For some reason this reminded me of Serious Sam..... minus the wackiness.
what are these mods? list them. and i don't mean stuff like the dark mod, the mods that actually unfuck the vanilla game, making it a good shooter game instead of a poor jumpscare simulator where you can't see shit
>Can't wait to see what the pistol upgrades are like
Nu-doom is casual trash. Anyone who likes it has never played a decent fps.
who was talking in the intro for nudoom
viewmodel is seperate so it can stay HUEG
bravo modern videogames
Fuck, that screenshot looks great