This'll be the last one for a while. Get your requests in so you can have Christmas cheer early. Happy Thanksgiving lads.
Santa Hat Templates:
This'll be the last one for a while. Get your requests in so you can have Christmas cheer early. Happy Thanksgiving lads.
Santa Hat Templates:
Other urls found in this thread:
New thread.
Fuck catgirls.
please!!! 2 hats, thanks!
hat pls
hat please, thank you in advance
Do all requests get filled or there's a chanceyou missed a couple?
theres always a chance,but theres usually more than one person doing them so most get done
I try, but I can't get all of them. Luckily enough, we've got anons who care
feelin festive
hat requesting
bless your soul
pls make glorious pls
hat pls
please santa god
I maek post
Please thanks
I appreciate it
Just 1 frame por favor
Please and thank you
right in the feels fuck
Ah, I just happened to be looking for a thread like this.
I've got these images I edited last year. First a red.
Alright we need more people giving hats.
Too much demand too little hatters.
And finally a white.
I encourage you to edit these yourselves - they're .pngs with block colours, so it takes all of three minutes to paintbucket them into a shade you want (just make sure to make the shading gradual so that it looks good, and don't forget the trim).
Mechazawa looks kind of funny
S>feels 50k each@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Satisfied customer from a couple months back here, just wanted to drop in and say thanks, santa hat user B^)
J>KPQ DEXless SINDIT @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
please dont do this to me
no problem my dude, we all do it for the memez
Need something festive to take back the holy city
You got a 1920x1080 version?
that's the only one I've got sorry m8
You're my hero man
Holy shit I love you
Fucking animal ears are the worst.
much love from my loins
Requesting the hat that has COCK written on it for peaCOCK
m8 help
Holy fuck this is great!
It's so cuute!
Thank you so much user, you have made me very happy this day my friend
i appreciate you more than you will ever know friend
what program are you guys using? looking to make some for myself later
Hey anons, hat me if you can
shit that's dope, thanks dude
Not the original requester but that's some fine ass work user, nice job
Mozu please?
Would be much appreciated
here you go bud
If someone could work their magic on this I'd greatly appreciate it.
I used paint.NET since I completely forgot how to do anything with transparency in mspaint
Does anyone have that imgur album with all the hats?
Thanks man, I appreciate it very much
here you go
are you fucking retarded
Made a quick pixel styled hat for you guys, feel free to use it if you want
Check the OP, maybe they're there. If you find any new ones, let me know, I'll add a new album.
>It's in the fucking OP
I might be actually
I would really appreciate it.
printscreen image
add layer
paste hat
shape hat
crop image + hat into new file
save file
type 'here you go' and post
2 minutes a hat
I am a machine
Is this a joke?
Hat plz
I do hundreds of hats a year. It's my schtick.
If you got time, my dude.
I haven't been paying attention and don't want to miss out on my hat this year
My fucking nigga. Thanks dude!