Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

I'll buy a couple people games a random.

Post a game request of ~$5, and a SteamID.

Then if you get a gift, post a screenshot so others can be jealous.

Other urls found in this thread:


No one?

I'll take torchlight II please and thank you.


What about for Xbox one.

such a based movie.

I forget what I even want, so I must not really want it.

Killing floor 1 would be great

F.E.A.R would be slick as fuuuu

I would really appreciate Fallout Tactics

ID: HeavyHanded1

These threads are sickening and should be a bannable offense.

Csgo pls

OP, is it possible to ask for Mind Zero? It's $7.99

user could I ask for NEKOPARA Vol. 2? 6.99 currently


Ftl dive154 please please


Happy Thanksgiving to you too, OP.

May I please have Mind Zero? If it's too expensive, please ignore my post and continue spreading the love!

sent ;)

OP can I please request for Ray Gigant I know it's $8.99, but it's the one I really want... Sorry if it is too expensive & thanks for this giveaway.



Based OP is GOD, delivered like a champ! Happy thanksgiving and have a nice day

Higurashi When They Cry - Ch. 4 Himatsubushi
Or Life is Strange Complete?


Momodora III would be nice

Crypt of The Necrodancer
thanks for giving away games kind user

OP, did you forget about me...?


I would love Metro 2033 based OP

BASED OP truly delivered

OP, I still haven't received anything even though I posted earlier. Please bless me with your kindness

Op bless these souls

OP is a really nice guy.

Happy Thanksgiving & hope you have a really blessed day :)

OP is the fucking greatest
happy thanksgiving anons


Starwars Knights of the Old Republic. either one (or both of youre feeling extra generous ;) )

damn would love song of the deep but honestly i already have alot of games
Happy thanksgiving op and thanks for doing this

Bumping again. Hope generous OP will notice me

Hate bumping but i want to play with my friends :( based op come through

Reflex for my buddy?

this is the first time somebody actaully followed thru a gift. this op is the realest nigga i know. thanks you bastard. santa is real

Higurashi When They Cry - Ch. 4 Himatsubushi
Or Life is Strange Complete?
Both are about 5$. Thanks for considering OP

OP you still here

I don't need anything, but you are a nice man, OP.


op is a god
happy thanksgiving!

Is it still possible to consider my request? Sorry for trouble...

In case OP is still alive - steamcommunity.com/id/nwne

Would love GTA san andreas


Can I get Stalker: Call of Pipriyat? Absolutely based if you follow through.

If you're still doing this, I'd like Castle Crashes, please, to play with friends. Maybe Psychonauts.


You're nice. Thanks for this.

just postin this. thanks again op

Desperate, aren't we

A little... I am happy that everyone else is getting their games despite that


Downwell would be a great gift, OP. Thank you!

What did he mean by this?

I'll bite


Super 3D Noah's Ark

Can I please have Mind Zero? I really want to play it, but I was worried it was too expensive, so I added an after thought.

Op is bretty cool

I'd really appreciate batman asylum GOTY edition

OP you still alive?


>Vertical bar
>On the right


>OP you still alive?
Yes, but it stopped letting me make purchases.

>It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again.

I dunno when it will work again

Why did you ignore me?

Twinkle Star Sprites would be nice. If not that's fine too. Have a good thanksgiving either way.


I dont want anything, I just want to say thank you for being nice user. Hope you had a wonderful day.

You're a pretty cool guy, OP

>unironically asking for singleplayer games instead of just pirating them
can you be more of a poorfag?


Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

thanks based OP



But you delivered to everyone else, so I'll forgive you

Not OP btw
But still hilarious

Happy Thanksgiving user. People tend to tease me, so I'm okay with it

Just pirate Mind Zero user it's a small game so it won't take very long

Yes, but I love getting 100% achievements. Thanks for the kind gesture, user

Anyone want monaco?

No worries mate better luck time

pretty please. This game is 50% off right now, and it would soothe my autism


It's so nice seeing a thread like that. You don't have to buy anything, but still thank you in advance, kind OP

You too user. Hope you enjoy your holidays.

I would, but I don't post my Steam ID on Sup Forums.

You're a cool guy anyway, OP.

it's for $5 with a bunch of other great games in the current humble bundle

>It looks like you've been attempting a lot of purchases in the last few hours. Please wait a while before trying again.
Anyone have experience with this? Curious how long it lasts...

lasted half an hour for me once, two hours another time

no idea what it depends on

You can only make like 8~10 purchases per hour iirc
so an hour probably

Gabe doesn't want you to give him any more money.

I think it takes like an hour or so before you can make another purchase

It's to stop hackers from making too many purchases. Usually a log in/out resets it.


Unreal tournament 2004 happy national turkey day

I would love to own Half Life 2. I've been playing the first one all day. I refunded Postal Redux earlier, so maybe I'll get someone a hella cheap game.

Anyone want these games on Steam?

Legend of Grimrock 2
The Secret World
Dungeons 2

Will you still be giving or are you done for the night?

Can i get Grimrock?



gage spec ops dlc payday 2

I'll take the secret world if you're offering


just get dlc unlocker senpai or just stop playing that shitty game

>Will you still be giving or are you done for the night?
I'm getting drunker by the minute and might fall asleep

I will be gifting these HUmbleBUndle games and possible a couple more from steam store if it lets me

That's odd I thought Gaben loves money?

TIS-100 please kind user

I'm curious, but why did you ignore my request for Mind Zero, user?

It's too late for this...

If you wanna give someone a fucking cheap game, how about Psychonauts, please? It's one buck.


Volume still up?
[email protected]

user is ignoring all requests and everyone else is just pretending to piss you off

More like tease. People do this to me sometimes just to see my reaction

Do you really think this is all about you?

Well I don't know about everyone else but OP actually did gift me Metro 2033 + Last Light

How's heroes V?