Admit it, you sided with the Empire because of this guy.
Admit it, you sided with the Empire because of this guy
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Ballin xD
i sided cuz of rikkie tbqh
Yeah Balgruuf is my nigga. Plus the empire wasn't doing anything to prevent my reign of thievery so
dpesnt matter who you sided with, there was no notable outcome either way
I sided with the Stormcloaks because the Empire tried to have me killed and I want those disgusting dirty elves out of my home.
There is literally NO REASON to side with Stromcloaks unless you are Nord or Dunmer.
Why would a Dunmer side with the stormcloaks?
They are jews who try their best to plunge Skyrim in to chaos.
I sided with the empire because Ulfric showed up at the emperors home and used his " voice " magic bullshit to murder him violently. Then with a shit eating grin turned to the onlookers and told them how " he beat them in single combat, which means he's king now " like some kind of fucking 6 year old.
Never mind the fact that you're supposed to be the reincarnation of Tiber Septim and he wouldn't want to see some nigger breaking his empire.
Also the blades are massive fucking faggots too, Tiber septim never killed parthanox and thus the blades should swallow their pride like solid fucking food.
Yeah because the game railed my into become his city's thane
>mfw I thought that was a custom animation and a sign that this particular leader was aloof and out of touch with the reality of things but in true bethesda style it was the standard animation for everyone and this character in particular's personality doesn't even fit someone who would sit like that
The Emperor has to be the reincarnation of Tiber Septim, not the High King of Skyrim. Ulfric killed the former High King, a puppet of the Empire, in combat which makes him High King as per the customs of Skyrim. Did you even play the game
>but he used the Thu'um how unfair
Ulfric could've beaten his ass regardless, he also didn't shout him to pieces as Ulfric was still an apprentice to the Greybeards. He merely diaarmed the High King.
i didn't.
>instead of letting Skyrim seceed under the condition of military cooperation against elves and a peace treaty the Empire rather fought a lenghty war despite knowing it would only benefit the Thalmor
>despite knowing they wouldn't stand a chance against the Thalmor alone the Stormcloaks chose to go to war with the only allies they still had
Both retarded, I can't believe there isn't a third option.
Exactly what I thought as well. Skyrim razzle dazzled me for the first few hours until I realized that the things I took as unique quirks were actually completely standard.
What's going on in that pic?
>powership in every hold changes
>quests are marked incompletable or change drastically
>guards everywhere change
>NPCs acquire new dialogue
>>"nothin changis guiz XDDDD"
Literally kys my man
i decided not to take part in the civil war or start the mq so i kidnapped both of them via some sexlab mod and left them sitting in my basement until i decide what to do with them.
>Dragonsreach throne room was meant to look like this
Fucking Bethesda.
And Balmora was supposed to look like this.
Ulfric is fedora tier edgelord in both mannerism and voice acting.
I sided with the Dominion actually
>Siding with anyone
>Not just killing any Thalmor you see on sight
I care. The series is garbage.
The excuse making is real
This is fan art, not concept art, you complete dolt.
He's saying the Dragonborn is, which has a little backing, as a ghost of a guy who knew Talos/Tiber Septim mistakes you for him.
I sided with the Empire because I don't want humanity to get annihilated.
Yeah he's seemed like a crypto-imperialist to me, trying to advance the Thalmor scheme's for a globalist utopia
like the other dude said, it's not real concept art, but even so when it's a series we're talking about I'm always expecting them to do better the next time and I'm always disappointed when they don't since it's not like we've reached peak in vidya, there are so many things to improve, especially in a series like this one.
this. Did it all for the nookie.
Balgruuf is the only leader worth working with.
And he had Wizard Tommy Wiseau on his side. So yeah, if he sided with the empire, then I'm siding with the fucking empire. Deal with it.
This guy filters his water
but if you think about it, was it grand (Balmora) back when Morrowind came out?
>Tfw didn't side with either faction and continued on with my business
yes I found it pretty incredible, but I hadn't seen anything like it before so I had nothing to compare to. Then oblivion and Skyrim comes out and I suddenly DO have something to compare them to and then it's different.
yeah but it was a different era, also last time I remember they had a lack of people working on Morrowind to begin with (like no more than 10-20 people), this was their leap to fame in the gaming industry so of course they wanted to make something grander afterwards
I sided with the Empire because
>Empire gets its shit back together
>Proceed to remove elf
>Dragonborn crowned new Emperor
If you go with Ulfric
>Elves launch full scale invasion of Skyrim
>Ulfric backstabs you because he's a double agent
Does doing the DB questline and assassinating the emperor have any impact on the Civil War questline if you're still in the middle of the war?
>believing in Thalmor propaganda
Literally not at all, assassinating the fucking emperor has no effect on the game world at all
gg Todd you fucking hack
They don't even have a kingsmoot afterwards. What's the freaking point?
Nope but the current Emperor is a dud anyway, a mere puppet held up by both sides.
Something tells me that Skyrim came oit when you were 7
Instead of swearing fealty to Titus Mede, you swear fealty to a generic emperor. Nothing else changes. Which means that Bethesda both realized the potential ramifications such a massive action would have and did not care whatsoever.
Why would they? The Empire would've rounded up all Jarls who supported Ulfric.
No one would have supported him at the moot then. Are you aoways this dumb? There still needs to be a moot. There still needs to be a high king/queen of Skyrim. Otherwise there is no resolution to the story.
Why would they? Elisif is rightful High Queen.
Most houses would be locked and/or have generic interior for some poor family anyways. Big town would feel immersive at first but in the end, you would just end up running through it towards your next quest objective and not giving much shit about dead and static town, this happened in Witcher 3. It's nice but you can pack much more detail and features in small village sized town.
>sided with the Empire on my first play through because I didnt know what I was doing.
>I figured it out on my second playthrough and chose Stormcloaks because it doesn't feel right to not play for the race that all the promo material is about
Literally one of the worst quest lines in the game and Windhelm is one of the ugliest, un-atmospheric cities in the game and I regret having spent even a minute there. If you like Nords too bad because you should either avoid the civil war quest line or betray the stormcucks and side with the empire instead if you want to have a good experience. Why did Bethesda do this to the Nords?
Why would she be? The position of High King isn't inherited, it's decided by a Landsmeet of Jarls.
ฺBig towns could mean Carriages. I would rather have that.
I sided with the empire because Ulfric is a Thalmor cuck that would destroy the only hope man has against those damn dirty Mer