>Achievement Unlocked: "Slow and Steady..."
Achievement Unlocked: "Slow and Steady..."
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>Achievement Unlocked: "Master Mason"
>Achievement unlocked: "The bigger they are..."
a-are they still counting Michigan?
cmon Jeb!
he's gonna make it
>Achievement unlocked
Please Clap...
>achievement unlocked
God I loved the early Jeb Bush and republican rivalries. It was so low stakes and chill before the Bernie reveal
>loses to a black man who came out of left field
>loses to a man who got stunnered by Steve Austin on Wrestlemania
Is she the biggest loser in the history of US politics?
>Achievement Unlocked: "What Comes Around..."
2024, it's her time
>Achievement Unlocked : The Enemy Of My Enemy...
In the words of Colin Powell, "Everything Hillary touches, she screws up with hubris"
Didn't she try again in 2012? I remember one of the leaked emails was her badmouthing Obama and was only pretending to be nice around him because he whooped her ass.
>achievement unlocked
>Principled Republican
H-He's fast!
Here it is, Dahnald... My very last delegate.
You take care of him, and make America great again!
Considering in 2012 Obama was President, no.
to be fair almost every politician in the world has to do that with other politicians they hate
Kids are going to do their history class reports on presidents. And one of them is going to put up picture and papers glued onto a cardboard stand, with a picture of youtube.com
>Achievement Unlocked: "A round of applause"
She's Dick Dastardly.
She has it in her to run a legitemate campaign, but she's so compelled to cheat it ends up blowing up in her face everytime.